2009. Happy New Year –Ray Comfort

2009. Happy New Year –Ray Comfort
"I would like to hear your quantitative answers as to how big the universe is, what light is, and what life is. Since God has revealed all of these answers to you in the Bible, I'm sure that these answers will be answered with 100% precision, and will be reflected in current observations." Mudley
I have no faith in "current" observations. Every generation thinks that they are current--that they are "modern." In 20 years time they will laugh at current clothes and hair styles. In 100 years what science believes today will be a joke, and they will no doubt believe that their current knowledge is cool. Man's quantitative knowledge is a tiny drop in the ocean of what actually is absolute truth. 
To use the word "big" in describing the universe shows the smallness of our minds. If an elephant is big, what word describes the universe? The best one I can currently come up with is the "infinitude" of the universe. There's not a wall around the edge of space. Traveling at the speed of light, you would go on forever, no matter what direction in which you travel. But one thing I do know, God fills the universe. That's a big brain-strain. 
He is also the source of light and the source of life. Around 800 years BC, the Psalmist maintained this: "For with you is the fountain of life: in your light shall we see light" (Psalm 36:9). In speaking of the Messiah, John said the same thing: "In him was life; and the life was the light of men" (John 1:4). Jesus said the same thing of Himself: "Then spoke Jesus again to them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8:12). 
Then the Apostle Paul confirms this with his: "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" (2 Timothy 1:10). There you are. That's 100% precision, straight from the ever-current Bible. 
SPECIAL NOTE TO MY ATHEIST (FRIENDS): It's been 2009 years since Jesus of Nazareth walked on this earth. May this be the year you come to know Him. In the meanwhile, may God continue to bless you and keep you and your family in health.
Ask an Atheist
Ask most atheists what was in the beginning and they will say "Evolution." Press him on what was before evolution--what was its initial cause, and he will be stumped. He cannot give an answer as to where the material came from for evolution to bring life into being. For the initial cause to make sense, it had to be something that was immaterial (non-material), of which God is. The Bible says that it was the Spirit of God that moved upon the face of the waters (see Genesis 1:2). 
So that brings the atheist to his only defense. He asks "Who then made God?" His real dilemma isn't that he believes that God doesn't exist, but that he doesn't understand how God could exist eternally. If that's the case, then every human being is an atheist. No one can wrap his finite mind around the eternal nature of God.
However, who of us can comprehend the infinitude of space? Imagine sending an incredibly powerful laser beam into space, and it traveling in a particular direction for tens of billions of trillions of miles. It will never reach an end. Now move your beam slightly to the right of that first direction in which you pointed it, and send it tens of billions of trillions of miles, and it will never come to the end of space. Repeat the beam exercise a million times in a million different directions, and never will you come to an end of an infinite space in any direction you point it. 
Such thoughts become too much for the human mind, and thoughts of God and His eternal nature are the same. But there is something that can make the mind ache even more. Go back to the thoughts of the immensity of space. Get a grip on all those different beams of light going for hundreds of billions of trillions of miles in a tens of millions of directions, each beam moving an infinite distance away from the other beams, as it reaches into space. 
Think how "large" space is, then say to yourself that God made it. But more than that, He fills space with His presence. He is omnipresent (everywhere at once). But even more than that. He is as much "God" at a point a billion trillion miles into space as He is in your presence at this moment of time. He is not divided in thought. 
Then add to that, the fact that He holds all knowledge of every thought and deed of every human being in His infinite mind, and you have scratched the tiny surface of the surface of thought, about the greatness of God.
Intellectual Degradation
"Pretty much all the animals we use for food, clothing, and various other purposes (goats, sheep, cows, pigs, chickens) were created by mankind, via the same process of inbreeding. I think goats and sheep are quite nice to look at." David Irish
You are using the word "created" incorrectly, in the context of which we speak. Man cannot create a grain of sand from nothing, let alone a living breathing entity. If you disagree, please give me evidence of any human being creating something material from nothing (I don't mean creating a new breed of bacteria, by messing with bacteria). 
Man may manipulate, engineer, influence, or maneuver, but he cannot create a green pea, sheep, chickens, a pig, a tree, or even a flea, from nothing. 
We know that with all of his genius, man cannot create anything from nothing, so how intellectually preposterous is it to actually believe that in the beginning nothing created everything? Atheism is off the charts of human folly. By contrast, the flat-earther is a real genius. 

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