Are The Massive Electricity Needs of AI About to Overwhelm The Power Grid?



  • Antifa militants are allowed to attack Christians attending a worship event in Portland, Oregon.
  • A former top Vatican diplomat who was recently excommunicated by Rome has issued a statement of support for former President Donald Trump after the failed attempt on Trump’s life. Trump has one thing in common with other political leaders who have been targeted recently for assassination, says the former Archbishop.
  • The massive electricity needs of AI is about to overwhelm the power grid, experts say. We’ll explain why you might want to invest in a backup generator and some extra batteries.
  • A Canadian province has introduced a policy REQUIRING doctors to assist patients in killing themselves.
  • And will the GOP move leftward on the Second Amendment after their leader, Donald Trump, came within an inch or two of being assassinated by a man with an AR-15? We’ll explore the issue.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

On the same day that all eyes were focused on a would-be assassin’s attempt to kill former President Donald Trump, Antifa militants attacked a group of people peacefully attending a Christian worship event in downtown Portland, Oregon. Children were among those in the crowd.

The Post Millennial reports that, “Far-left extremists, including members of Rose City Antifa, were captured on video deploying mace, throwing punches, and violently beating Christians. Some of the attackers wore militant black bloc uniforms, while others hid their identity behind Islamic keffiyeh scarves. The people being attacked were part of the United Revival Jesus March, the same event that Antifa extremists attacked last year.

WATCH VIDEO (warning, there is some cussing)

Video footage captured by a photojournalist from The Publica and independent videographer Kevin Dahlgren shows far-left extremists physically assaulting event security guards and attendees. Punches were thrown and mace was deployed by the militants, including on children.



The Post Millennial reported that the far-left radicals posted a call to action on X a few days prior to the event and encouraged people to disrupt it. The group created a flier urging people to bring noisemakers, music, and pride flags. The flier read, “No Fash in Our City. Show up and remind United Revival that n*zi fascist scum aren't welcome in our city.”

To our knowledge, none of these Antifa thugs were arrested or jailed.


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, for former top Vatican diplomat to the United States, tweeted his support for former President Donald Trump after the failed attempt on Trump’s life Saturday.

Vigano noted there is one common denominator shared by all of the politicians who have come under attack in recent years.

They have all been leaders who lean toward “anti-globalist” policies, and if they could not be defeated at the ballot box then they were targeted for assassination.

Vigano himself was recently targeted on a spiritual level, having been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Francis, who is a Marxist and the first Jesuit pope.


Vigano’s statement, posted to X, said:

“Adding to the previous criminal attacks against avowedly anti-globalist political leaders, is now this terrible attempt to eliminate President Donald J. Trump, the leading opponent of the radical globalist Left. We are deeply grateful to Our Lord who saved this brave warrior, who did not lack the strength to stand up and invite his supporters to fight.”

Vigano then noted that, “Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán have escaped similar criminal attacks. Their staunch opposition to the New World Order and their defense of national sovereignty unite them with President Trump.  The subversive diabolical power of the international deep state is evident, is there for all to see. Its crimes against God and humanity can no longer be hidden.”

He concluded by urging “all Catholics, American patriots and people of good will to pray to Our Lord in this time of great threat looming over the world.”


The science website reports that the massive electricity needs of AI are about to overwhelm the power grid.

The rapid rise of artificial intelligence has had such a profound effect on big tech companies that their energy consumption has surged.

The spectacular success of ChatGPT has helped fuel this growth in energy demand. At 2.9 watt-hours per ChatGPT request, AI queries require about 10 times the electricity of traditional Google queries, according to the nonprofit Electric Power Research Institute. 

Emerging AI capabilities such as audio and video generation are likely to add to this energy demand.

Energy companies are now exploring previously untenable options, such as restarting old nuclear power plants. Even the Three Mile Island plant that has been dormant since the infamous disaster in 1979 is now under consideration for a restart.

Thanks to AI, the electrical grid – in many places already near its capacity or prone to stability challenges – is experiencing more pressure than before. There is also a substantial lag between computing growth and grid growth. Data centers take one to two years to build, while adding new power to the grid requires over four years.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:03)

One data center in Iowa uses as much energy as 7 million laptops running 8 hours a day. 

As a recent report from the Electric Power Research Institute lays out, just 15 states contain 80% of the data centers in the U.S.. Some states – such as Virginia, home to Data Center Alley – astonishingly have over 25% of their electricity consumed by data centers.


Zero Hedge reports that Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) was convicted on all 16 counts in a sweeping pay-for-play scheme to sell his office to foreign powers and shady businessmen in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, solid gold bars, and a Mercedes Benz.

A jury of 12 convicted him on charges including wire fraud, bribery and extortion - making Menendez the seventh sitting U.S. senator to be convicted of a federal crime, placing pressure on him to resign before his term expires at year-end.

Menendez and his wife Nadine were accused by prosecutors of orchestrating a bribery scheme while he was head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where he acted as an agent of Egypt, and intervened to quash a separate criminal prosecution in New Jersey in exchange for payoffs - and then tried to cover it up.

Federal prosecutor Paul Monteleoni stated in his closing argument:

“It wasn’t enough for him to be one of the most powerful people in Washington. He also wanted to use it to pile up riches for himself and his wife.”

Menendez's attorney, Adam Fee, suggested that the senator's actions had been “100 percent appropriate,” and accused the government of using half-truths to misrepresent the case. Fee also argued that the cash and gold weren't bribes, but instead generous gifts to Ms. Menendez during “lean times.”

The senator’s wife, Nadine Menendez, was also charged. But her trial was postponed indefinitely while she undergoes treatment for cancer and she did not show up in court.  

Menendez is set for sentencing on October 29. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has demanded Menendez’s resignation.


The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, streamed on various social media platforms and national television, once again exposed the biased coverage of corporate-media outlets for the world to see. 

Some of the headlines from legacy media like the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN and USA Today were downright laughable as the fake-news media delved into the theater of the absurd.

Here are a few examples of the outrageous headlines:

  • CNN: “Secret Service Rushes Trump Off Stage After He Falls at Rally”
  • The Associated Press: “Donald Trump Has Been Escorted Off The Stage During A Rally After Loud Noises Ring Out In The Crowd”
  • The Washington Post: “Trump escorted away after loud noises at Pa. rally”
  • The Denver Post banner headline across front page: “Gunman dies in attack”

Facebook was also a dung heap of censored and garbled messaging.

The one major platform to shine in terms of quickly getting out the truth was X, owned by Elon Musk.

On X, users were fed raw, unfiltered footage and commentary from reporters and citizen journalists who revealed details about the assassination attempt. At the same time, it took legacy media hours to catch up. 


Musk posted to X a comment saying, “I tried using both 𝕏 and legacy media this weekend, but legacy media was so far behind and wrong that it was pointless. When something is wrong on 𝕏, it is corrected very fast, but it stays wrong for hours to days on legacy media.”


American Military News reports that Japan and the United States plan to conduct joint research into the use of high-power microwaves in defense equipment. The Acquisition, Technology and Logistic Agency of the Defense Ministry and other relevant agencies in both countries will soon reach an agreement, with both seeking to acquire the capability of neutralizing drones that enter their territories.

A microwave is a type of electromagnetic wave. If a drone is irradiated by microwaves, its internal electronic components can malfunction.

Microwaves can cover a wider area than ammunition and missiles at a lower cost and are therefore expected to be effective against attacks using large numbers of small drones. Microwaves can also be used on autonomous drones that do not require radio control.

The Defense Department expects weapons using microwaves to be a game changer that could transform the balance of military capabilities in the modern age of drone warfare. 

The joint research between the U.S. and Japan is expected to continue for about three years.


It’s already extremely difficult to obtain a firearms license in Germany but if you are politically conservative it’s about to become impossible.

The Publica reports that a German court recently ruled that members of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party can be banned from owning firearms, citing the party’s right-wing “extremist” views.

In its July 1 judgment, the 22nd Chamber of the Düsseldorf Administrative Court explained that AfD party members and affiliates engage in “anti-constitutional activities” and are presumed ineligible to own weapons under the country’s strict gun control laws.

The decision, which can be appealed, comes after a married couple, both of whom are AfD members, filed a precedent-setting lawsuit against the revocation of their firearms licenses. The court ruled that the couple fulfilled the criteria of ineligibility and must surrender or destroy all 224 of their firearms. They were also ordered to destroy any other weapons they have, and surrender all of their ammunition.

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, has formally placed the AfD under suspicion of working to undermine the country’s democracy. That classification was upheld in May by an administrative court, which rejected an AfD lawsuit over the designation.

An English translation of the Düsseldorf Administrative Court’s decision reads:

“Merely membership in a party suspected of anti-constitutional activities regularly leads to the presumption of ineligibility under the strict standards of gun law, even if the party has not been banned by the Federal Constitutional Court on the grounds of unconstitutionality.”


A Canadian province has introduced a policy REQUIRING doctors to assist patients in killing themselves, or refer them to another provider for assistance.

A policy introduced by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia is facing backlash from medical professionals for requiring those with conscientious objections to euthanasia to refer patients seeking Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) to other doctors.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons guidelines, which all medical professionals must adhere to, were published on May 24 to provide directions on how physicians should care for patients when personal conflicts arise.

“This document applies to all situations in which physicians are caring for patients, including, but not limited to, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), immunization, reproductive care and gender-affirming care.”

In addition to ordering doctors to relay all treatment options to patients “even if providing such information conflicts with the physician’s conscience,” the guidelines also require that any physician who has a conscientious objection to certain treatments for personal or religious reasons must refer their patient to a new doctor.

As reported by CTV News, the policy sparked backlash from medical practitioners across the province, who expressed their concerns that it may lead to further family doctor shortages if physicians who fail to comply are suspended or fired. More than 40 doctors, risking discipline, also signed a letter stating they would not comply with the policy.

At a news conference organized by the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada, several doctors warned that the new policy also inhibits doctors from creating the right treatment plan for patients.

Dr. Jeanne Ferguson, a geriatric psychiatrist in North Sydney, explained that many of the patients she has had who requested MAID due to mental or physical illness “no longer wanted to kill themselves” after getting proper treatment.


The Wall Street Journal reports that drivers are no longer simply accepting the fact that they have to pay more for car insurance.

Half of U.S. auto-insurance customers have actively shopped for a new policy in the past year, up from 41% in 2021, according to research firm J.D. Power. 

Not only are they more apt to call around and potentially switch insurers, more drivers are also changing the policies themselves.

Motorists are increasing their deductibles to lower their premium payments. They are also examining pay-per-mile insurance plans, where drivers pay based in part on how many miles they drive. 

More insurance companies are offering these types of plans now than before the pandemic, Bankrate analyst Shannon Martin told the Journal.

The national rethink over car insurance is being driven by soaring prices. In the past year, the average annual cost of full-coverage car insurance was up 12% to $2,278, according to Bankrate. This was in addition to a 7% increase the year before.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The Republican National Committee removed almost every reference to the right to keep and bear arms from the 2024 party platform, but that doesn't mean the party’s rank and file members are moving toward gun control. 

The website Bearing Arms reports that a pair of Reuters reporters covering the RNC in Milwaukee found out that delegates are still as firm as they've ever been when it comes to support of the Second Amendment.

Bearing Arms writes:

“Tim Reid and Helen Coster are supposed to be straight news reporters, but they couldn't help but inject a note of incredulity in their filing; how on earth could these delegates still oppose a ban on so-called assault weapons after their party leader was nearly killed by an assassin with an AR-15 last weekend? Yet in interviews with 12 Donald Trump delegates at his Republican Party nominating convention in Milwaukee, none advocated for limits or bans on assault rifles, raising the legal age to buy a gun, or even more robust background checks.”

The delegates interviewed were dead set against any laws imposing new restrictions on firearms.

Which is exactly the right response.  

The website asks, rightly so, what kind of reforms would have stopped this attack from taking place? 

The gun that was used in the assassination attempt was legally purchased more than a decade ago, so universal background checks and raising the age to purchase a gun from 18 to 21 wouldn't have made a difference. 

What about banning the AR-15 gun itself? 

The killer could have just as easily used a bolt-action rifle, which in fact is the rifle of choice for many snipers. They’re slower to reload but extremely accurate. 

The problem isn't the hardware or the tool. The problem is the heart of the murderer.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast.

Until next time…



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