Are The Three Leading Presidential Candidates All Radicals? Brannon Howse Featured in Exclusive

Also 'no doubt' Gingrich influenced by radicals Heidi and Alvin Toffler

by Michael Carl
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has frequently brought up President Obama's fondness for the politics and methods of activist Saul Alinsky.
However, there is evidence presumptive Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney may have been influenced by the late 20th century, Chicago-based radical.
Political commentator Dan Riehl wrote on that the "toxic-to-conservatives" Alinsky effect has its roots in the former Massachusetts governor's father, George Romney.
"The progressive Alinsky is infamous and actually toxic on the right," Riehl wrote. "George Romney's endorsement of him, coupled with his acknowledged strong influence on son Mitt, will do little to assure suspicious conservatives concerned about Mitt Romney's record as a progressive, including his introduction of Romneycare in Massachusetts."
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