Arizona Election Case Headed to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal Panel and Maybe U.S Supreme Court

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In a recent interview on Lindell TV, TV host Brannon Howse sat down with Attorney Kurt Olsen to discuss the ongoing battle for election integrity in Arizona. The interview shed light on crucial legal developments and the persistent efforts to ensure transparent and secure elections in the state. Attorney Olsen provided valuable insights into the legal challenges and victories that are shaping the future of Arizona's electoral process.

The Ninth Circuit Showdown

The interview began with a focus on a pivotal legal battle set to take place on September 12, 2023, before a panel of three judges at the Ninth Circuit. This battle revolves around the use of electronic voting machines in Arizona elections. Olsen detailed how he had filed an injunction against Maricopa and Pima Counties, seeking to prohibit the use of these machines due to concerns about their security and the violation of constitutional rights. Kari Lake and Mark Finchem, both candidates at the time (Lake for governor and Finchem for secretary of state), served as plaintiffs in the case.

Olsen emphasized that they had presented compelling evidence during a hearing in July, featuring testimony from five experts who outlined the insecurity of electronic voting machines and their inability to ensure trustworthy and accurate voting results. However, the district court dismissed the case primarily on the grounds of a purported lack of standing, a common argument in election-related cases.

Olsen and his team appealed this decision, and it is now headed to the Ninth Circuit. He expressed confidence in their strong grounds for a reversal of the dismissal. If successful, this appeal could open the door for comprehensive discovery in Maricopa and Pima Counties, enabling them to put individuals under oath and uncover potential wrongdoing, including issues with the electronic voting machines.

Malware and Election Chaos

One of the key issues discussed in the interview was the presence of malware in election equipment. Olson revealed evidence of malware being placed on the printers used in vote centers, which led to Election Day chaos. The malware resulted in the printing of defective ballots and thousands of ballots with a 19-inch image on 20-inch paper, causing tabulators to reject them.

On Election Day, more than 200,000 ballot rejections occurred, despite only 248,000 votes being cast. This chaotic situation disenfranchised many voters and led to significant problems at the polls.

Olsen pointed to the seriousness of the situation, highlighting that malware could have been planted without anyone's knowledge. An independent investigation commissioned by Maricopa County after the election discovered an anomaly during testing when printers randomly produced misaligned fit-to-page ballots. Technical experts could not explain how or why this occurred, suggesting malware as the most likely explanation.

The Importance of Legal Rulings

The interview also touched on recent legal victories related to election integrity in Arizona. Olsen praised a ruling that found Arizona's ballot signature verification guidance to be in violation of state law. The court emphasized the importance of following the plain meaning of material terms in statutes, reinforcing the need for adherence to election laws.

Funding the Fight for Election Integrity

Olsen acknowledged the role of the Lindell Legal Defense Fund in supporting many of these election integrity cases. He highlighted the importance of financial support from concerned citizens who want to ensure transparency and compliance with the law in the electoral process. The fund has played a crucial role in enabling legal challenges to move forward.


The interview with Attorney Kurt Olsen shed light on the ongoing battle for election integrity in Arizona and the upcoming Ninth Circuit showdown. It underscored the importance of transparency, adherence to the law, and the tireless efforts of individuals and organizations dedicated to safeguarding the democratic process. As these legal battles continue, the nation will closely watch the outcomes, which have far-reaching implications for the future of American elections.


Click here to watch this program now:

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