Can American evangelism die because evangelicals voted for Donald Trump? This seems to be the thinking that Beth Moore, Christian evangelist and bestselling author, is following nowadays.
In a tweet responding to a Christian Post editorial, Moore, the 62-year-old founder of Living Proof Ministries, identified 2016 as the year the movement “passed away.”
The Christian Post editorial was responding to Christianity Today’s support for President Donald Trump’s impeachment and removal from office; The Christian Post piece blasted “Christian elitism” and the spirit of the Christianity Today editorial.
“CT’s op-ed does not represent evangelical Christianity today, yesterday or in the future,” the piece read. “After all, a majority of Trump’s evangelical support has been triggered by his opponents’ advocating policies that make him appear to be, at the very least, the lesser of two evils in a binary contest.
“CT’s disdainful, dismissive, elitist posture toward their fellow Christians may well do far more long-term damage to American Christianity and its witness than any current prudential support for President Trump will ever cause.”
Tyler Huckabee, the senior editor of Christian magazine Relevant, had compared this to an editorial that The Christian Post had published back in February 2016 titled “Donald Trump Is a Scam. Evangelical Voters Should Back Away.”
This was, of course, long before Trump had even sewn up the Republican nomination, much less been one of two serious choices in the presidential election.
Moore responded with her strange epitaph for evangelical Christianity.
“Evangelicalism as we knew it, as imperfect as it was because we are imperfect, passed away in 2016,” she tweeted Thursday.
“History will plant its grave marker there. A disclaimer is always necessary these days so I’ll add this: This, of course, is not to say conservative Christianity passed away.”
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