Is the Bible really from God? (conclusion

Is the Bible really from God? (conclusion)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Jesus' view of Scripture:

The truth of Christianity hinges on the person, life and work of Jesus Christ. For deeper clarity regarding the identity of Jesus, see:
Once the identity of Jesus is established, his view and use of Scripture becomes the primary consideration for the believer.   
III. Jesus Christ's view of Scripture: 
An important issue relating to the reliability of the Scripture has to do with what Jesus taught about it both by example and precept.  The following information further verifies a completely reliable Bible:    
A. What Jesus taught about the Old Testament   
Authority: Matthew 22:43
Reliability: Matthew 26:54
Finality: Matthew 4:4,7,10
Sufficiency: Luke 16:31
Indestructibility: Matthew 5:17-18; Luke 16:16-17
Unity: Luke 24:27,44
Historicity: Matthew 12:40
Inerrancy: Matthew 22:29; John 3:12; 17:17
Infallibility: John 10:35See also: Luke 16:16, 17; Matthew 24:25; Luke 17:27; Mark 7:10; Mark 12:36; Luke 10:12. 
B. Jesus promised the New Testament John 14:25-26; 16:13; Matt. 16:19; Acts 1:1; Heb. 2:3. 
"The disciples are to declare openly in their proclamation what has been revealed to them and what Jesus has said to them (Matt. 10:26f). Thus in the preaching of the disciples the event of revelation is continued: he who hears the disciples hears Jesus Himself (Lk. 10:16); cf. Matt. 10:40; Jn. 12:44; 13:20)." 
"In John's gospel Jesus promises his disciples the Spirit of Truth who will bear witness to Him. He will teach them everything and lead them into the full truth (Jn. 14:26; 15:26; 16:13). The even of revelation is not terminated in the earthly existence of Jesus…The N.T. does not draw a distinction here: the apostolic message is called the 'Word of God' just as much as the word of Jesus (cf. Lk. 5:1; 8:21; with I Cor. 14:26; Col. 1:25). The consequence of this understanding was that early Christianity accepted both the words of Jesus transmitted in the Gospels and the apostolic writings into the Canon, and gave them recognition as the authoritative records of the divine revelation" (N.I.D.N.T.T., Vol. 3, pp. 314-315, Colin Brown).  (See also: Rom. 15:18; II Cor. 12:1ff; 13:3; Gal. 2:2). 
C. Jesus confirmed Scriptures critics reject   
The creation account: Lk. 11:51; Mt. 19:4,5
Noah and the flood: Mt. 24:37-39
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Sodom and Gomorrah: Lk. 10:12
Jonah and the great fish: Mt. 12:39-41
Mosaic authorship: Mk. 7:10; Jn. 7:19
Unity of Isaiah: Jn. 12:38-41;
Prophecy: Lk. 4:16-21
Moses at the burning bush: Mt. 22:32
Feeding of Manna to the Israelites: Jn. 6:49
The repentance of Nineveh: Mt. 12:41
Daniel's prophecy: Mt. 24:15 
D. Concluding thoughts 
Jesus did not confirm these truths in an effort to accommodate popular views of the day (Mt. 5:21-22, 27-28, 31-32: 15:1-9; 22:29; 23:1ff; Jn. 2:13; 3:10). 
"Nothing could be clearer than that our Divine Savior believed in the literal truthfulness of the entire Old Testament record, whether those accounts dealt with doctrinal matters, matters of science, or history.  He who refuses to go along with the Lord in this judgment stands guilty of asserting that God can err (since Jesus is God as well as man) and that the sovereign Creator (John 1:1-3) stands in need of instruction and correction by the finite wisdom of man" (Gleason Archer, p. 25, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties).    
"The role of Scripture in the life of Jesus is really remarkable. Although Jesus was and is the Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, during his earthly ministry he subjected himself completely to the Old Testament Scripture.  Over and over again, he performed various actions so that the Scripture might be fulfilled. The whole point of his life and his sacrificial death and resurrection was determined beforehand by Scripture. Jesus' testimony to Scripture, then, is not occasional, but pervasive.  His whole life was a witness to biblical authority!" (John M. Frame, p.188, God's Inerrant Word). 
Consider: Mt. 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35; 21:4; 26:54-56; Lk. 21:22; 24:44; Jn. 19:28.
Steve Cornell  


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