Biden Navy Launches Ship Named After Child Rapist

The Biden administration launched the first U.S. Navy ship named after a known child rapist, the late San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, in San Diego on November 6. At least one of Milk’s minor victims committed suicide after the rapes.

Milk, a notorious homosexual backed by mass-murdering Marxist cult leader Jim Jones, is often celebrated today by the LGBT movement for being the first open homosexual to serve in public office. He was shot and killed by a fellow Democrat.

Among other horrors, Milk was known to prey on boys–especially vulnerable children caught up in drugs or addiction. As his friend and biographer Randy Shilts put it, “Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems.”

One of those “young waifs” victimized by Milk was 16-year-old Jack Galen McKinley, who had run away from his home in Maryland and was desperate for a “father figure.” Instead, he found a child predator in Milk. McKinley went on to kill himself.

Navy Ship to be Named After Pederastic Rapist Harvey Milk
Harvey Milk raped kids.

The age of consent in California was 18, making Milk a child rapist by definition. Other children were also reportedly raped by Milk, who was known for and defended having multiple relationships with men and children at the same time.

Milk was also an ardent defender Jim Jones, the notorious cult leader of “Jonestown” fame who murdered almost 300 children and their parents in the jungles of Guyana.

“Rev. Jones is widely known in the minority communities here and elsewhere as a man of the highest character, who has undertaken constructive remedies for social problems which have been amazing in their scope and effectiveness,” Milk wrote to President Jimmy Carter just months before Jones ordered his followers to drink poison Kool-Aid. 

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Navy Secretary Del Toro celebrated the child rapist.

The new Navy ship, replenishment oiler USNS Harvey Milk, was initially commissioned under the Obama administration by then-Navy Secretary Ray Mabus. The move was celebrated by Mabus and the LGBT movement as a historic victory for homosexuals because Milk was expelled from the Navy for sodomy.

Biden Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro, who was appointed this summer, gushed over the bizarre “ceremony” when the ship was launched. He claimed Milk faced “injustice” because he had to “mask” his promiscuous homosexual lifestyle and often predatory obsession with youngsters, which Del Toro called “that very important part of his life.”

“The secretary of the Navy needed to be here today, not just to amend the wrongs of the past, but to give inspiration to all of our LGBTQ community leaders who served in the Navy, in uniform today and in the civilian workforce as well too, and to tell them that we’re committed to them in the future,” Del Toro said.

“Ship names are important because they express what we value as a Navy and as a nation and communicate those values around the globe in every port of call,” added the current Navy Secretary, who reportedly congratulated Obama Navy Secretary Mabus for his “courageous” decision during the ceremony.

Milk, who was elected with help from Jones’ Marxist cult, also received a posthumous “Medal of Freedom” from Obama. His picture was even put on a postage stamp, sparking outrage and disgust by Christians and child advocates.

California and other states, meanwhile, now routinely teach children in government schools that Milk was a hero and a martyr for the LGBT cause, without mentioning his proclivity for raping children or the fact that his murder by a fellow Democrat had nothing to do with his perversion.

As Selwyn Duke wrote at The New American magazine when the ship was first commissioned, “when we’re naming Navy vessels after pederastic rapists, we have to wonder for how much longer the good ship America can stay afloat.”

The Obama and Biden administrations have disgraced their nation and its armed forces by honoring a vile criminal in this way. Unfortunately, that may have been the point. 

Alex Newman

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist with a global reputation for hard-hitting reporting & the founder of Liberty Sentinel.…


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