Big Announcement: We Are Not Going Away & We Will Not Be Silenced

Please read and re-post. The events of this past 12 months and this past week have only made us more resolute! We are NOT going away. The Marxists, Islamists, Antifa, social justice warriors, globalists, & their political, social, and religious useful idiots are about to be exposed. With 250,000 on our alert lists, a national radio program, television program and mailing list of over 100,000 we are just getting started into our 26th year.

They may have shut down our conferences that would have reached a few thousand this week, but now they have emboldened us to reach millions with this new movie to be released in the fall of 2018. Americans will not surrender! We will expose their agenda to bring about a revolution in America and their useful idiots. Please read the description of the coming movie. Thank you for your tax deductible support at

Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
Collierville, TN 38027


    We had six hours worth of phone conversations on our drive back to Memphis last night and this morning with key players including pastors, authors, experts, and former national security officials. We are hearing from well-known Christian leaders, broadcasters, national political figures and elected officials who are greatly disturbed by how our freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of public assembly were trampled on by a group of Marxists, Islamists, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR–a front group for Muslim Brotherhood), and Antifa groups. The end result of all these six hours of phone calls in the last twelve hours is the following announcement: 


    This month, WVW-TV will begin producing a documentary on all that has happened to us and others like us in the last twelve months. The documentary already has a name we will announce soon. It will feature over twelve nationally and internationally recognized experts in the area of the Constitution, national security, Islam, Marxism, Neo-Calvinism, Neo-Evangelicalism, public policy, history, religion, free speech, Communism, and information operations. The topics will include: 


1. The Islamic extremist from Saudi Arabia who came into our conference in Sioux Falls with two guns and then made a video in the parking lot flashing five guns that included two semi-automatic rifles and 1,200 rounds of ammunition. The documentary will explore the failure of the police departments in Sioux Falls and other cities that are not taking the threat of Islam seriously. 

2. How CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood), Antifa, Southern Poverty Law Center and the Marxists threatened and intimidated the hotels we had contracts with for our Worldview Weekend rallies that led to them breaching our contracts and cancelling our conferences in Green Bay and Milwaukee. The numerous threats made to the other hotels and venues led to the cancellation of our other cities. A state police officer warned the hotel in Bloomington, MN of a large group of Muslims who were going to show up and disrupt the rally, and that the organizer should have plenty of hired police officers on hand.

3. How well-known evangelicals are being used as useful idiots for Islam by taking part in and defending the Muslim Brotherhood strategy of Interfaith Dialogue. This section will include video clips of James White, Yasir Qhadi and those neo-evangelicals and Neo-Calvinists who defended White on video and on Twitter. 

4. The information operation that the Marxists and Muslims have used to brainwash Americans through education and media. 

5. The great purge within our national security agencies that prevented our patriotic intelligence officers from doing their jobs and tracking down and neutralizing the Islamic threat to our nation. 

6. The religious trojan horse of the evangelical deep state that involves Neo-Marxist front groups posing as Christian organizations such as The Gospel Coalition, founded by Neo-Marxist Tim Keller. 

7. The religious useful idiots for Black Lives Matter, White Privilege, social justice, disarming Americans, and communitarianism. 

8. How Christians, Jews, and conservatives are being set up to be persecuted by a group consensus that has come about through a synthesis of Islam, neo-Marxism, liberation theology, ecumenicalism, neo-Calvinism, and neo-evangelicalism. 

9. The five stages of persecution that are already underway. 

10. What role does the theology and eschatology of these various groups play in what is driving this coalition of the enemies of God and country? And much more.


Thank you for your tax deductible support at or by sending a check to:


Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
Collierville, TN 38027


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