Brannon and Dr. Noebel describe Obama's Fabian socialism that is destroying America.

Guest: Dr. David Noebel Description: Brannon and Dr. Nobel describe Obama's Fabian socialism that is destroying America. Fabian socialists are in favor of world government so now we know why certain world leaders are talking about a world currency. Why do Fabian socialists love John Maynard Keynes who founded Keynesian economics? Americans need to understand that this socialist, Keynes, believed the way to implement socialism was to grow debt, print money and inflate the currency in order create inflation in order to steal from the citizens without them knowing their property was being stolen. Many members of the U.S. Congress agree with Keynesian economics which explains the financial mess in which we find ourselves. How many and what members of Congress belong to socialist organizations? What universities in America have Fabian socialist clubs that have graduated many of America's leaders? What world leaders are Fabian socialists? What is the Christian worldview for economics in contrast to Fabian socialism and Keynesian economics and much more.

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