The Brewing Storm: Concerns About a Draft and the State of Law Enforcement

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In a recent interview between TV host Brannon Howse and journalist Alex Newman, concerning topics of national security and law enforcement were discussed. The conversation centered around the alarming possibility of a draft being implemented in the United States and the declining state of law enforcement in the country. As tensions escalate around the world, concerns are mounting regarding the potential implications of these issues.

The Looming Draft Controversy

The conversation began with Brannon expressing deep concerns about the potential reintroduction of a military draft, particularly one that includes drafting America's daughters. He cited the committee's report from 2020, recommending drafting women during a future draft. The idea of conscripting daughters and sons was met with strong resistance from both Brannon and Alex, who believed that such an action would be a gross violation of principles and a sign of a society on the brink of crisis.

Brannon read from a new article from written by a retired marine officer that is calling for a limited draft. 

Alex pointed out that there has been an ongoing push to engineer a global war as a means to advance the agenda of the globalist elite. He mentioned that historical precedents show how world wars have led to the establishment of international organizations and alliances, paving the way for global governance. The interview highlighted the urgent need to resist such a destructive course and hold those responsible accountable.

A Troubling State of Law Enforcement

Brannon read from three articles in which police were behaving badly, including one officer that beat up his 72 year old neighbor for hitting his paddle board by mistake with his car. 

The interview also delved into the state of law enforcement in the United States. Alex shared his insights into the deliberate efforts to discredit and destroy local police departments, a strategy dating back to the 1950s. The aim of these efforts is to weaken the structure of local law enforcement, as it poses an obstacle to imposing totalitarian rule.

Alex pointed to several issues within law enforcement, including lower morale, the purging of patriotic officers, and declining mental stability among some officers. He highlighted the impact of factors such as the psychological toll of the media's negative portrayal of law enforcement and drug abuse, including the misuse of steroids, leading to increased aggression.


The interview between Brannon Howse and Alex Newman sheds light on critical issues facing the United States. The potential implementation of a draft and the state of law enforcement are both deeply concerning and warrant national attention. Addressing these problems requires vigilance, a commitment to constitutional principles, and a united effort to safeguard the nation's freedom and security. As citizens, it is crucial to stay informed, engaged, and proactive in shaping the future of the country.

Click here to watch this program now:

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