Bringing Judgment: How to increase your time before the Judgment Throne

Bringing Judgment:  How to increase your time before the Judgment Throne<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Dr. Randy White
Believers today often forget that they will be judged for their works.  Many have simplified life into "saved" and "unsaved," and forgotten that God has more than two categories!  There certainly is a judgment for eternity that only has two destinations-heaven or hell.  However, every individual, regardless of destination, is also judged for their works in life.  2 Corinthians 5:10 reminds us that "we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad."
James 3:1 speaks of a "stricter judgment."  In Greek, it literally means a "mega-judgment."  Interestingly, Scripture gives us at least five ways we can place ourselves, or be placed into, a position of "mega-judgment."
Become a teacher
Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment. James 3:1 
God reserves a mega-judgment for teachers because of their great influence.  If the teacher performs his duty well, this judgment will result in positive rewards.  On the other hand, if the teacher begins to tickle the ears, ignore the hard realities of truth, and teach for the acclaim of his audience, he will lose rewards and receive punishment. 
I believe that James' focus here is on the pastor/teacher.  There are two ways in which a man can become a pastor/teacher:  he can place himself there, or he can answer a call from God.  The one called must answer (to ignore the call would likely bring a mega-judgment as well, though the scripture does not specifically mention it).  He must carry out his call with integrity, keeping his mind on the possibility of judgment for incorrect teaching.  There are also those who place themselves in a ministry position without a call.  This is foolishness on many fronts.  In light of the mega-judgment, those who are called as Biblical teachers should accept the call, and those who are not called should fear the coming judgment.  It is always important to remember that with great responsibility comes great consequences when abuse happens.  There is the reality of mega-judgment for those who are teachers.
Place yourself into prominence
"…and for appearance's sake offer long prayers; these will receive greater condemnation" Mark 12:40.
Some people live well in the spotlight.  This is not a bad thing for the world truly does need leaders!  Those in the position of prominence, however, often grow increasingly comfortable as the "go to" person or the "E.F. Hutton" voice.  In many ways, the one who has placed himself/herself into prominence has the same judgment as the Teacher.  Perhaps this is why Paul teaches us to "work in a quiet fashion" as we do our good works (2 Thessalonians 3:12-13).  If you are the "go to guy/gal" in your church, take extra care in your personal walk and worship so that you do not lose sight of the One you serve, and before whom you will stand.
Remove yourself from authority
"Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves"  Romans 13:2. 
Paul was specifically speaking of governmental authority, but plenty of scriptural teaching and implication would justify using this verse in a wider context.  Whether it is the authority of the home, church, or state, it is a weighty matter to ignore such authority.
We live in a nation drunk on independence.  The "me generation" grew up and had kids, and now we have the "me society."  There are some healthy sides to this independent spirit.  For instance, it has saved us from the excessive dependence on government that has plagued so many other nations of the world.  But, as with almost all freedoms, there is a point at which it becomes out-of-sync with God's plan of authority.  God never intended human beings to live as an island unto themselves.
When you remove yourself from authority, you often justify it with some savvy argument.  Beware of this justification.  I see this from a church perspective all the time:  a parishioner is unhappy with a leadership decision or direction so he or she moves to another church, becomes unfaithful in attendance and giving, or becomes cantankerous in word and deed.  When a church-member does this, they bring the condemnation of the leader upon themselves. 
In most cases, an errant leader is to be followed.  God places the principle of authority over the principle of perfection in leadership.  If the leader is clearly unbiblical, Scripture gives the means of addressing the matter.
Hinder the Gospel of grace
"I have confidence in you in the Lord that you will adopt no other view; but the one who is disturbing you will bear his judgment, whoever he is" Galatians 5:10.
Paul's context in Galatians 5 is the legalistic influence of those who wanted to bring the Old Testament Law into the New Testament church.  He makes it clear that these "Judaizers" will face judgment for leading others astray from the Gospel of grace.
To be a stumbling block is serious business.  To burden believers with the untruth of legalism is serious business.  In fact, the first Christian council was convened to address this very issue (see Acts 15).  The grace of God through Jesus Christ is so glorious that it is worthy of mega-judgment when we say, do, or teach something that is dishonoring to the Gospel of grace.  So remember, proclaim grace and live a grace-influenced life.
Be harsh in your judgment of others
"For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you" Matthew 7:2.
The Apostle James taught us that "mercy triumphs over judgment" (James 2:13).  Judgment, however, comes much more naturally than mercy!  From the beginning mankind has been more judgmental than merciful.
The warning of Jesus in Matthew 7 is powerful: when we heap judgment on others, God's judgment will be heaped upon us.  Really, this is a classic case of "what goes around, comes around."  In light of your time before the Judgment throne, seek to show mercy to others.
It's not about heaven
Do not mistake any of these mega-judgment causing actions with eternal life.  That kind of judgment is completely and totally determined based upon the saving work of Jesus Christ.  If you are a recipient of this grace, live a grace-filled life that honors the work of Christ on the cross.  If you have never received Jesus Christ as your Savior, honor His grace today by responding with faith.


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