Canada, Communism, Dominion Voting System, George Soros, China and Trudeau

December 19, 2020

Canada today is a shadow of its former self. The country that, after WWII, had the third largest navy in the world, that developed the most advanced jet interceptor on the planet - the Avro Arrow, and whose scientists and engineers helped put men on the moon is now a Third World backwater country with no identifiable culture or democracy. 

●  How did this happen? In large part due to a failed revolution and the Laurentian Elite. 

● The Laurentian Elite: When France first colonized what is now Canada, it instituted the Seigneurial system. Seigneurs, were the Canadian equivalent of a Lord. Seigneurs were men or women who agreed to live in New France, were loyal to the king of France, and were granted large tracts of land - Tribal land. They were expected to colonize this land with Habitants - immigrants from France. These Habitants paid extremely low taxes to the Seigneurs and were there to make more Habitants and to defend New France. The Seigneurs did not make their money from taxes, they did not need to - they made it from the fur trade, and later, timber and minerals. 

● Over the years these Seigneurs became entrenched as a social, political, and economic elite, known as the Chateau Clique. They joined forces with wealthy British businessmen further up the St. Lawrence, the “Family Compact” and became known as the Laurentian Elite. They are a hereditary Canadian aristocracy that rules Canada to this day. 

● In 1837-38 Lower and Upper Canada had an armed revolution. The goal was to institute a more representative form of government and oust the Chateau Clique. At that time Britain ruled Canada and appointed the Governors. A few months later Upper Canada (Ontario) followed - attempting to oust the Family Compact. 

● The revolution failed. The leaders were hanged or exiled. British businessmen and the Seigneurial families held sway. 

● This failed revolution had a lasting effect on Canada’s political culture. Rather than “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” Canada has “Peace, Order, and Good Government” - a great motto for an ant colony. 

 ● A defining moment shaping modern Canada was the election of Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1968. Charming and suave; a playboy with a Mercedes roadster, Trudeau was ushered in with a wave of “Trudeaumania”. Not part of the seigneurial class, Trudeau’s father was the son of a semi-literate farmer. He

developed a chain of gas stations in the Montreal area which he sold in 1934 for 1           million dollars. This allowed Pierre to attend the best schools. 

 ● Pierre Trudeau was an avowed Communist and Globalist. He greatly increased the size of Canada’s government bureaucracy and did everything he could to destroy Canada’s Armed Forces. 

  ● In 1970 he invoked Martial Law - on the fake premise of fighting terrorism. ● By the time he left in 1984 Canada had been fundamentally transformed - and not in a good way. 

 ● Cashing in on the family name, Justin Trudeau was elected Prime Minister in 2015. Charming, suave, good-looking, and driving his father’s Mercedes with 666 on the license plate; Trudeau is an empty suit, at the beck and call of the Liberal establishment. 

 ● Justin Trudeau has an extremely dark past. Trained at an elite Jesuit school - Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, which his father also attended. The school has a long history of indoctrinating Quebec’s elites. Trudeau had never held down a job until he became Prime Minister. Snowboard instructor and part-time drama teacher were the only entries in his resume. 

 ● While Trudeau was a part-time drama teacher at an elite school in Vancouver, British Columbia, his apartment was known as “Party Central”. He liked to don costumes at these parties and wear “blackface”.… udeaus-blackface.html 

  ● Trudeau’s roommate at the time is now a convicted pedophile.  Until two years ago the Trudeau Foundation Handbook sported a known pedophile symbol on its flyleaf.… ation-annual-report-with-pedophile-symbol.jpg 

● Jaques Bougie is a good friend of Trudeau. He sat on the Trudeau Foundation’s Board of Directors and is currently on the Board of SNC-Lavalin - more on that later. Bougie also sat on the Trilateral Commission with Jeffrey Epstein, the notorious pederast.

● SNC-Lavalin was at the center of a massive Trudeau scandal. The Attorney General of Canada was fired by Trudeau when she attempted to lay criminal charges against SNC for, among other things, bribery, and human trafficking. 

● Dominion Voting Systems - the company largely responsible for the attempted coup in the American 2020 “election” is a Canadian company with a long history of fraud around the world. 

● Dominion is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario and shares the same office floor as George Soros’ Tides Foundation. 

● The CEO of Dominion Voting Systems, John Poulos, is a longtime donor to Canada’s Liberal party and Justin Trudeau. 

● Trudeau Jr. is a socialist and a globalist, he once stated that he “admires China’s basic dictatorship”. He is no friend to America. 

● It was quoted by the Epoch Times that Trudeau Sr. was the first Western leader to acknowledge the CCP’s legitimacy, Mao threw back his head and laughed saying “it would seem we have a friend in America’s backyard”. 

Justin Trudeau may be the Prime Minister of Canada; but he is not its leader. That de facto position is held by Deputy Prime Minister Christia Freeland - an ex-journalist whose father and grandfather were Ukrainian Nazis and has close connections to the still operational Nazi party there. Freeland “wears the pants” in Trudeau’s government. But wait, there is more! The real leader of Canada is, once again, the Governor General who is the direct representative of the British Monarch - who also has close ties to the Nazis. 

Canada today is a shadow of its former self. The country that, after WWII, had the third largest navy in the world, that developed the most advanced jet interceptor on the planet - the Avro Arrow, and whose scientists and engineers helped put men on the moon is now a Third World backwater with no identifiable culture or democracy. 

● How did this happen? In large part due to a failed revolution and the Laurentian Elite. 

● The Laurentian Elite: When France first colonized what is now Canada, it instituted the Seigneurial system. Seigneurs, were the Canadian equivalent of a Lord. Seigneurs were men or women who agreed to live in New France, were loyal to the king of France, and were granted large tracts of land - Tribal land. They were expected to colonize this land with Habitants - immigrants from France. These Habitants paid exceptionally low taxes to the Seigneurs and were there to make more Habitants and to defend New France. The Seigneurs did not make their money from taxes, they did not need to - they made it from the fur trade, and later, timber and minerals. 

● Over the years these Seigneurs became entrenched as a social, political, and 

 ● In 1837-38 Lower and Upper Canada had an armed revolution.  

● The revolution failed. The leaders were hanged or exiled. British businessmen and the Seigneurial families held sway. 

● This failed revolution had a lasting effect on Canada’s political culture. Rather than “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” Canada has “Peace, Order, and Good Government” - a great motto for an ant colony. 

● A defining moment shaping modern Canada was the election of Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1968. Charming and suave; a playboy with a Mercedes roadster, Trudeau was ushered in with a wave of “Trudeaumania”. Not part of the seigneurial class, Trudeau’s father was the son of a semi-literate farmer. He developed a chain of gas stations in the Montreal area which he sold in 1934 for 1 million dollars. This allowed Pierre to attend the best schools. 

● Pierre Trudeau was an avowed Communist and Globalist. He greatly increased the size of Canada’s government bureaucracy and did everything he could to destroy Canada’s Armed Forces. 

In 1970 he invoked Martial Law - on the fake premise of fighting terrorism. By           the time he left in 1984 Canada had been fundamentally transformed - and not in a good way. 

● Cashing in on the family name, Justin Trudeau was elected Prime Minister in 2015. Charming, suave, good-looking, and driving his father’s Mercedes with 666 on the license plate; Trudeau is an empty suit, at the beck and call of the Liberal establishment. 

 ● Justin Trudeau has an extremely dark past. Trained at an elite Jesuit school - Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, which his father also attended. The school has a long history of indoctrinating Quebec’s elites. Trudeau had never held down a job until he became Prime Minister. Snowboard instructor and part-time drama teacher were the only entries in his resume. 

● While Trudeau was a part-time drama teacher at an elite school in Vancouver, British Columbia, his apartment was known as “Party Central”. He liked to wear costumes at these parties and wear “blackface”.… udeaus-blackface.html 

 ● Trudeau’s roommate at the time is now a convicted pedophile. ● Until two years ago the Trudeau Foundation Handbook sported a known pedophile symbol on its flyleaf.… ation-annual-report-with-pedophile-symbol.jpg 

● Jaques Bougie is a good friend of Trudeau. He sat on the Trudeau Foundation’s Board of Directors and is currently on the Board of SNC-Lavalin - more on that later. Bougie also sat on the Trilateral Commission with Jeffrey Epstein, the notorious pederast. 

● SNC-Lavalin was at the center of a massive Trudeau scandal. The Attorney General of Canada was fired by Trudeau when she attempted to lay criminal charges against SNC for, among other things, bribery, and human trafficking. 

● Dominion Voting Systems - the company largely responsible for the attempted coup in the American 2020 “election” is a Canadian company with a long history of fraud around the world. 

● Dominion is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario and shares the same office floor as George Soros’ Tides Foundation. 

● The CEO of Dominion Voting Systems, John Poulos, is a longtime donor to Canada’s Liberal party and Justin Trudeau. 

● Trudeau Jr. is a socialist and a globalist, he once stated that he “admires China’s basic dictatorship”. He is no friend to America. 

● It was quoted by the Epoch Times that Trudeau Sr. was the first Western leader to acknowledge the CCP’s legitimacy, Mao threw back his head and laughed saying “it would seem we have a friend in America’s backyard”.


Justin Trudeau may be the Prime Minister of Canada; but he is not its leader. That position is held by Deputy Prime Minister Christia Freeland - an ex-journalist whose father and grandfather were Ukrainian Nazis and has close connections to the still operational Nazi party there. Freeland “wears the pants” in Trudeau’s government. 

But wait, there is more! The real leader of Canada is the Governor General, who is the direct, appointed, representative of the British monarch - who all Prime Ministers swear fealty to - Queen Elizabeth. She also has close ties to the Nazis. Her uncle, Edward VIII was an ardent supporter of Hitler, met with him, and gave him the “salute”. He passed this on to his niece - now Queen Elizabeth. 

What prominent American politician also has awfully close ties to Ukraine, and its Nazis, and has a Class 1 Felony Indictment there? More on this in the next installment. 

What prominent American politicians also has remarkably close ties to Ukraine, and has a Class 1 Felony Indictment there? More on this in the next installment.


Released and Distributed by the Stand Up America US Foundation

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