Catholic Resources on Ecumenical October Baby Movie Website

Catholic Resources on Ecumenical October Baby Movie Website (Notice sponsors at the bottom of the page)"If we sacrifice truth today for short-term influence we cannot guarantee what our conduct will be tomorrow. When the day to fight is postponed the very will to fight may go from us." --Iain H. Murray
If you think this is acceptable for self-professing "evangelicals" then watch this:
Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps us understand the problem with movies and projects like the movie October Baby. Click here to lisetn to Dr. Marty Lloyd-Jones$file/MLJ2057.mp3
Preached on Sunday 5th June 1966, based on Acts 6:1-2... The priority of the Church is not philanthropy.... Benevolence that comes from the changed man.... Priority must always be the Gospel message.... The fundamental need of men.


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