Chris Gaubatz infiltrated CAIR undercover & found interfaith dialogue is tactic for stopping critical look at Islam

Chris will be a keynote speaker at the WVW National Security Conference November 3 & 4, 2017. Details Here:

After feigning conversion to Islam at Northern Virginia’s Dar Al-Hijrah mosque and spending several weeks learning how to live as a “Sharia-compliant Muslim,” Chris Gaubatz spent six months working undercover as an intern with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

During an interview on “The Alex Nitzberg Show,” he explained that CAIR holds seminars that train Muslims to cultivate relationships with the media so that they will turn to these Muslims for comment “…after a terrorist attack or after something happens that negatively affects Islam…” They teach attendees “to respond to these attacks” in a way that portrays Islam in “a positive light.”

Gaubatz refers to this as CAIR’s “information campaign” and explains that following terror attacks CAIR utilizes its media contacts to propagate the narrative “that this has nothing to do with Islam.”

“The real narrative is that this has everything to do with Islam,” he asserted.

According to Gaubatz, CAIR uses “interfaith dialogue” to propagate their narrative and “CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood groups” purposely “get closer to the law enforcement” after terror attacks by offering “sensitivity training” and volunteering to serve as a “liaison” between police and Muslim communities.

“Their whole purpose with this narrative war is to shut the discussion down because if you can shut the discussion down…and distance Islam from any part of the problem, then the people that are charged with protecting citizens are always looking elsewhere for the problem…and the problem is, and always has, been rooted right in Islam and right in the Sharia, they’re intertwined.”

The media’s reporting on CAIR borders on “material support of terrorism,” according to Gaubatz, because reporters regurgitate CAIR’s description of itself as a Muslim civil rights organization without noting CAIR’s connection with Hamas as demonstrated in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

“They don’t even do two seconds of basic research on their own which would show that CAIR is a Hamas organization and has the agenda of Hamas, never giving any kind of balance to any of their stories with very few exceptions,” Gaubatz stated.

While he partially attributes this to reporters’ laziness, Gaubatz also believes the issue is related to the “red-green axis,” the paradoxical alliance between “hard-left Marxist, socialist groups,” (red) and “jihadis” (green) “working together” despite their significant differences because of their shared revolutionary ambitions to radically reshape America. Gaubatz said that some of the staunchest socialist/Marxist radicals are the administrators, teachers and students within university journalism departments.

Gaubatz says the United States should enact a Muslim immigration ban because even if the U.S. could check potential immigrants’ criminal records in a database, “…it still wouldn’t tell us whether their agenda was to advance the Sharia and the jihad here in America, that doesn’t show up on a database.” While he believes some Muslims are “good people,” he said that Sharia-adherence is the “delineating factor.”

He also believes the government should immediately indict the unindicted coconspirators named in the Holy Land Foundation Trial and classify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. However, he noted the latter is not currently being considered for this status since the State Department issued a letter recommending against designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.


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