THE COMMUNICATION OF THY FAITHPersonal Evangelism Explosion
"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." Philemon 1:6
Is God concerned how much we sweat or hurt ourselves in order to communicate His truth? I think not. I believe that He is simply desirous that we communicate His Word, no matter what available legitimate method(s) we might choose. The key in the LORD's economy is "the communication of thy faith."
With this truth in mind does it not behoove each and every believer to find ways to confess Christ to others who need Him?
OSWALD J. SMITH stated:  "For more than thirty years I have prayerfully considered the problem: How can we evangelise the world in the space of one generation? I do not believe we ever can send out enough missionaries; but there must be a way. After travel and study in fifty-three countries, I have come to the conclusion, the only way we are going to be able to carry out the Great Commission - 'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature' (Mark 16:15) - will be by means of the printed page."
The end is near. What seed have you sown to reach the lost? What will you tell the Master in the end about how you spent your life on this earth (the life He gave you)?
"I believe our Gospel literature is having a greater impact for Christ on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Africa than the coming of five thousand new missionaries." Dr. Guy Playfield - Sudan Interior Mission
For nearly 500 years now, Gospel tracts have been used to reach the lost with the message of the Good News. No doubt that salvation tracts, also referred to as Gospel or silent messengers, are ordained by God as one of the primary methods/tools to evangelize the world.
"Unquestionably the most economical and effective method of world evangelism is the printed page. Ninety percent of the reported conversions to Christianity in Latin America are the result of sound Gospel literature. One good Gospel tract or Bible study booklet given careful, prayerful, wide distribution may easily reach more people than all the sermons one could preach in a lifetime. And after we are gone, they remain, like Longfellow's 'Footprints on the Sands of Time' streams of blessing that will flow on forever." J.E. McKEE
By divine inspiration, the modern printing press was invented about the time of the great reformation in order to communicate the grace of Jesus Christ to the world. As a result, in the 16th century, the Gospel message blazed across Europe, evangelizing those who were previously locked up by the devil in the dark ages of false religion. The great reformer stated:
"Printing is God's latest and best work to spread true religion throughout the whole world." Martin Luther
Today, more Word tracts are printed and distributed in the world than any previous time in human history. Could this be as a result of the orchestrating of the Holy Spirit due to Christ's soon return?
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30
Are you a soul winner? Do you have a systematic program to distribute God's Word via the printed page? Do you have a willing heart? Need Gospel literature?
The message of salvation through Christ, printed in a brief format and easy to distribute, makes it more than feasible for every true Christian to "confess" Christ (Lk. 12:8-9) while communicating His message. With this in mind, will there be any excuse on Judgment Day for having ignored the Great Commission command and the precious lost souls for whom Christ died?
Good News for the disciple: Gospel tracts, which contain the salvation message of holy Scripture, make it possible for every believer to "Do the work of an evangelist." (2 Timothy 4:5) Good tracts are available to those who desire to be about their Father's business in winning the lost. Beware of tracts without the direct life or death message Jesus and His original apostles presented (Lk 13:3,5; Mk 16:16, 2 Cor. 2:16, etc.).
You can order Gospel tracts at which present the most important elements of Scripture to the lost; Holiness of God, sinfulness of men in breaking His holy law, the necessity of repentance and being born again into the body of Christ through Jesus Christ alone. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
PRAYER: God, we beg You now to grant this world more Gospel workers (Matt. 9:37-38). Cause each of us to be obedient in this matter LORD. Forgive our coldness and selfishness in disobeying your Great Commission command and for not being considerate to those who don't yet know you by hiding You from them in not sharing Your message with them. Forgive us for the excuses we have made up and how we have been ashamed of You towards those who need Your love so desperately. I am Yours LORD, please use me.
God Is Love & Jesus Is Coming,Todd Tomasella Pass It On
NEVER doubt the power of God's Word.


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