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  • A congressional hearing on the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump gets heated as both Republicans and Democrats call for the Secret Service director to resign. We’ve got video of the exchange.
  • Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas appoints a Trump-hating Democrat to an independent review panel tasked with investigating the July 13 assassination attempt.
  • Ukraine sends swarms of drones to attack a major Russian oil refinery.
  • A federal Health and Human Services whistleblower says she faced retaliation from the department after she reported concerns that unaccompanied migrant children were being placed in the hands of MS-13 gang members.
  • The U.S. Postal Service is selling your personal information.
  • And several major NATO countries are ramping up preparations for a World War III confrontation with Russia and China as they consider reinstating the military draft.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Hill reports that House Oversight Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) joined calls demanding the resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle at the close of Monday’s hearing of the House Oversight committee.

“I don’t want to add to the director’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, but I will be joining the chairman in calling for the resignation of the director just because I think that this relationship is irretrievable at this point,” Raskin said.

“And I think the director has lost the confidence of Congress at a very urgent and tender moment in the history of the country. And we need to very quickly move beyond this.” 

Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace of South Carolina also tore into Cheatle, calling her dishonest after Cheatle gave vague and evasive answers to simple questions.

WATCH VIDEO (May want to bleep out one Mace swear word)

Congressmen Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) and Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) also called for Cheatle’s resignation, joining Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), who was the first Democrat to make that demand over the weekend.

Khanna said:

“I just don’t think this is partisan. If you have an assassination attempt on a president, a former president, or a candidate, you need to resign. You cannot go leading a secret service agency when there is an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate.”

Raskin added that he blamed Congress in addition to the Secret Service, faulting lawmakers for failing to ban AR-style rifles, as if that would have stopped the Pennsylvania shooter, who used a rifle purchased 10 years ago by his father.


The Gateway Pundit reports that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced the appointment of a Trump-hating Democrat to an independent review panel tasked with investigating the July 13 assassination attempt on former President Trump.

The review was ordered by Joe Biden last week. Mayorkas named four members to the panel. Two were officials in Republican George W. Bush’s administration. One was a former police chief in Democrat-run Prince George’s County, Maryland, and the fourth is former Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, who served as Barack Obama’s first Homeland Security secretary.

Last April, Napolitano ripped Trump on MSNBC, reported The Hill. She told network anchor Jen Psaki:

“So, first of all, for former President Trump to run as a so-called law and order candidate, it would be like me saying I play in the NBA. I mean, it just… just doesn’t hold true.”

Napolitano, then the president of the University of California, also sued the Trump administration in 2017 over immigration.

So much for an impartial investigation. I expect they will take a year or two and then come out with a report that totally whitewashes the entire event.


Early on Monday, Ukraine had its first successful drone attack on a major Russian oil refinery since mid-May. Dozens of drones were launched from Ukraine with the objective of crippling Russia's energy infrastructure. 

Bloomberg reports Rosneft PJSC's major refinery in southern Russia was damaged in a drone attack overnight, which sparked a fire, Russian officials said. 

In a post to their Telegram account, Russian authorities wrote that the refinery was hit and the fire has since been put out, adding:

“Infrastructure of the oil refinery in Tuapse was damaged as a result of falling drone debris.”

Some of the clearest, most dramatic video so far of this conflict shows one of the Ukrainian drones striking the refinery in broad daylight.



More Democrats came out over the weekend and Monday to endorse Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee in the wake of Joe Biden’s withdrawal due to his extreme cognitive impairment.

Nancy Pelosi, George and Alex Soros, and Bill and Hillary Clinton all announced they’re throwing their support behind Harris.

Notable holdouts were Barack and Michelle Obama and Joe Manchin, who announced they’d like to see an open convention where delegates vote to choose the best candidate to take on Trump.

Breitbart reports that another notable exception to the stampede of Democrats endorsing Harris is the New York Times.

The Times’ editorial board writes that it wants Vice President Harris off the 2024 ticket because of “profound concerns” about her electability.

The push to dump the nation’s first black vice president was posted just after Joe Biden announced he would not run in the 2024 election — and it could threaten Democratic turnout in November.

The Times editorial board first provided some praise for Biden, then it dropped the hammer:

“Choosing Ms. Harris would be a reasonable path for Democrats to take; she has been Mr. Biden’s running mate, and while no votes were cast for her as a presidential candidate in primaries, the president’s voters expected her to be on the ticket in November. Nonetheless, party delegates should have a voice in a decision of this consequence. There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win, and picking a candidate without a real contest is how the party got into a position of anointing a standard-bearer that large majorities of Democrats and independents had profound concerns about. While the hour is late, there is still time to put leading candidates through a process of public scrutiny before the party’s nominating convention begins on August 19, to inform the choice of a nominee and to build public support.”


Just the News reports that Health and Human Services whistleblower Tara Rodas says she faced retaliation from the department after she reported concerns that unaccompanied migrant children were being placed in the hands of sponsors affiliated with the notorious Salvadorian gang, MS-13.

Rodas told Just the News last Wednesday:

“When I discovered that there was MS-13 actually sponsoring the children.... this began when a DHS whistleblower came forward and then alerted us that MS-13 and 18th Street gangs were getting the children, it only took them less than three weeks if you can imagine, to walk me off the site under threat of investigation. That's what happened to me.”

She said it was unbelievable that she was the one targeted for retaliation when HHS's Office of Refugee Resettlement should have changed its unaccompanied children program to protect minors at the border.

On Tuesday, Rodas and fellow whistleblower Deborah White participated in a roundtable discussion about the exploitation of missing migrant children. It was hosted by Senators Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

Rodas said during her testimony that unaccompanied migrant children are funneled through a network of U.S. government agencies, contractors and nongovernmental organizations. She said people working for these agencies and organizations have little or no training on how to protect children from trafficking or abuse. 

The Office of Refugee Resettlement Unaccompanied Children program is falsely advertised as a family reunification program, when less than 40% of the children are going to their parents, Rodas added.

She said as far back as 2021 it was revealed that MS-13 gang members were sponsoring some of these unaccompanied migrant children showing up at the border.

Johnson asked Rodas if Biden’s federal agencies are willingly allowing children to be placed in the hands of MS-13. She responded: “Yes, senator. I wish I could tell you differently.”

Last year it was reported that the Biden administration lost track of 85,000 children who entered the U.S. without an adult.


The EU has been blamed for the IT outage that crippled computers around the world last week and caused travel chaos that continued through Monday.

Microsoft said an agreement with the European Commission in 2009 meant it was unable to make security changes which would have blocked the CrowdStrike update that triggered the disaster.

CrowdStrike’s Falcon system, designed to prevent cyberattacks, has privileged access to a key part of a computer known as the kernel.

This meant that a faulty update last week resulted in millions of Windows computers and servers being unable to load.

As a result, chaos ensued as flights were cancelled and people were unable to book doctor’s appointments.

Microsoft, which offers its own alternative to CrowdStrike known as Windows Defender, agreed in 2009 to allow multiple security providers to install software at the kernel level amid a European competition investigation.

Apple refused to do the same, blocking access to the kernel on its Mac computers in 2020, saying at the time it would improve security.

Microsoft was unable to make a similar change due to its agreement with the EU, a spokesman for the software giant told the Wall Street Journal.

The company said 8.5 million Windows devices were affected by the faulty update, giving them the so-called blue screen of death.


Meanwhile, G. Edward Griffin’s website,, is reporting that the CrowdStrike software glitch may very well have served as a testing ground for a much bigger cyber event that will shut down all or mostly all public transportation, communications, medical and banking operations for most of the world.

The website notes that journalist Max Blumenthal called CrowdStrike “the shady firm hired by the DNC to find Russia responsible for hacking its server.” In 2016, CrowdStrike was hired by the Democratic National Committee to investigate the hacking of DNC computers a year earlier. 

The site also cited Dan Dicks of Press for Truth, who said BlackRock and Vanguard are among the top owners of CrowdStrike. 

And the World Economic Forum predicted in 2023 that geopolitical instability would lead to a catastrophic cyber event within two years and they provided a “solution” that called for a global response and global cooperation. 

He said the current outage was a trial run in preparation to take out global supply chains or it has used implanted code to be utilized for a larger cyberattack to kick off the Great Reset. He warned against central bank digital currency and recommended tangible assets and exiting the globalist system.


Police imposed a strict curfew with a shoot-on-sight order across Bangladesh as military forces patrolled parts of the capital Saturday after scores were killed and hundreds injured in clashes over the allocation of civil service jobs.

Bangladesh is a mostly Muslim country that is devolving into chaos.

As reported by the Los Angeles Times, the police curfew began at midnight and was relaxed from 12 noon to 2 p.m. for people to run essential errands, allowing officers to fire on mobs in extreme cases, according to a statement by the general secretary of the ruling Awami League party.

The demonstrations — called for mainly by student groups — started weeks ago to protest a quota system that reserves up to 30% of government jobs for relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971. Violence erupted last Tuesday, with local media reporting the deaths of at least 103 people.

The U.S. Embassy in Dhaka said Friday that reports indicated “hundreds to possibly thousands” were injured across Bangladesh. It said the situation was “extremely volatile.”


Zero Hedge reports that new data shows Washington, D.C., is the most vulnerable U.S. city to so-called space weather, which includes geomagnetically induced currents from powerful solar storms that can disrupt the digital economy.

The Royal Astronomical Society reports that researchers at the British Geological Survey (BGS) found that Washington, DC, and Milwaukee are some of the most exposed U.S. cities to space weather. This is particularly problematic during a solar maximum period that will last through 2025 because power grids and ground-based communication devices could be disrupted. 

“We have identified certain regions of the U.S. (Washington DC area and Milwaukee) which are repeatedly appearing as ‘highly connected’ in our network, hence are possibly regions particularly vulnerable to the effects of space weather and may benefit from further monitoring,” said Dr. Lauren Orr of BGS.

Dr. Orr said there were many reasons the metro areas might be more at risk of the impact of solar storms, including “electrical conductivity of the ground, the physical construction of the power grid in those areas, or the location of the auroral currents in the sky.”

She added a caveat that further research is needed to reveal more evidence of why these cities are considered “supernodes.”


Ever wonder how sometimes digital ads know what you're discussing in the privacy of your own home? 

An article by Zero Hedge provides part of the answer. An investigation from TechCrunch has revealed that the U.S. Postal Service was sharing the addresses of its online customers with tech giants like Meta and LinkedIn. 

On Wednesday, the USPS announced it had stopped sharing customers’ information through hidden data-collecting code, claiming it was previously unaware of the practice.

TechCrunch discovered that the USPS was using tracking pixels on its website, which tech and advertising companies use to gather user information, such as visited pages.

For USPS, this data included postal addresses of logged-in Informed Delivery customers, who use the service to preview photos of their incoming mail, the report said.

In a statement, the USPS said: “The Postal Service leverages an analytics platform for our own internal purposes, so that we understand the usage of our products and services and which we use on an aggregated basis to market our products.”

It continued: “The Postal Service does not sell or provide any personal information that is collected from this analytics platform to any third party, and we were unaware of any configuration of the platform that collected personal information from the URL and that shared it without our knowledge with social media.” 

TechCrunch found that the USPS website shared logged-in users' postal addresses with Meta, LinkedIn, and Snap. This was revealed by analyzing network traffic. The USPS site scraped and sent customers' addresses and other data, including computer and browser information, to these companies. 


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The British news outlet The Express reports that major NATO countries are considering adopting the Swedish model of forced military conscription, as the West ramps up its efforts to arm itself in preparation for a World War III confrontation with Russia and China.

Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius recently visited a conscription testing center on the edge of Stockholm, Sweden.

Pistorius said: “We need young and well-motivated men and women to defend our countries if they are needed. I heard a lot about the Swedish approach and I appreciate it — your approach includes a strong reserve force and we have seen in Ukraine that this is important.”

Sweden's government implemented the model they have today in 2014.

Under the system, 110,000 teenagers are screened a year, and around a quarter of those will be called for physical and mental exams.

From that select group, a third are drafted to serve between nine and 15 months in the military.

It's a system that is being looked at in the Netherlands, as well as by top German officials.

Sir Alex Younger, a former head of MI6, is also a major British advocate of the system.

My friends, the bottom line is this: As we here in America immerse ourselves in the 24/7 distraction of internal political intrigue surrounding the 2024 presidential race, the world continues to march toward full-on World War III. Whoever the next president is, he or she will be consumed by a world on fire with wars and rumors of wars. 

We must be in prayer for our nation at this most dangerous hour. War is in the winds, but the news of it is being kept on the back burner by our fake-news media, which wants us to be consumed with the political intrigue going on here at home. We must pay attention to what is going on in Israel, in Ukraine, and other hotspots, or we will be caught off guard when war comes to our shores or when our government tries to draft our sons and daughters to go fight Russians in Europe. I don’t know about you, but that’s a non-starter for me and my house. I will not offer up my sons or daughter for the globalists and the military-industrial complex.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting the broadcast.

Until next time…


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