Daily Mail blames “Islamophobic” Pamela Geller for jihad plot to behead her over “offensive” free speech event

This is why I call the Daily Mail the worst paper in the Western world: it reports with unusual accuracy about jihad plots and attacks, but then it turns around and vilifies anyone and everyone who actually opposes jihad terror. Geert Wilders and I have been its targets in the past, and now it’s Pamela Geller.

Look at all the qualifiers in the Daily Mail headline: yes, an ISIS recruit plotted to behead Pamela Geller, but she is “Islamophobic,” and her “Prophet” Muhammad cartoon contest was “offensive.” So you can see how she had it coming, eh, Daily Mail?

The Daily Mail follows the universal establishment media practice of referring to Muhammad as “Prophet Muhammad,” as if he were everyone’s prophet now. Well, he isn’t, and the actual name of the event was the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest. Its purpose was not to be “offensive,” but to take a stand against violent intimidation, and to show that at least some people in the West will not be silenced by bullying.

We were standing for the freedom of speech, and the Daily Mail calls that “offensive.”

“Rovinski, of Warwick, Rhode Island, testified against Wright, telling jurors that Wright said Geller ‘deserved to be beheaded’ because she insulted Mohammad.”

Apparently the Daily Mail agrees with them.

The Daily Mail is a key indication of why we are in such a fix in the West today.

“ISIS recruit is convicted of plotting to behead ‘Islamophobic’ conservative blogger Pamela Geller for sponsoring offensive Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in 2015,” by Megan Sheets, Dailymail.com, October 18, 2017:

An ISIS recruit was convicted of plotting to behead a conservative American blogger for organizing a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest on Wednesday.

Jurors found David Wright, 28, from Massachusetts, guilty of all charges, including conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries.

The 28-year-old who authorities say fell under the influence of ISIS faces up to life in prison for plotting to behead Pamela Geller.

In a statement to DailyMail.com, Geller said: ‘I am deeply grateful to the jury. The evidence against Wright was quite clear. What is astonishing is that there isn’t more general indignation in the mainstream media against someone who tried to kill me for exercising my freedom of speech.

‘Instead, most Western media outlets have internalized the idea that the response to violent intimidation from Muslims is to do what they want, and conform our behavior to their sensibilities. That is the path of submission and subjugation. I refuse to take it.’

Prosecutors said Wright, his uncle and a third man conspired to kill Geller because they were upset she organized a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in Dallas, Texas, in 2015.

In May of that year, Wright met with his uncle Ussamah Rahim and Nicholas Rovinski, of Warwick, Rhode Island, for more than two hours on a secluded Rhode Island beach and discussed plans to kill Geller, according to the indictment.

Days later, Rahim told Wright he couldn’t wait to attack Geller and decided instead to go after ‘those boys in blue,’ referring to police, Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephanie Siegmann told jurors Wednesday.

Wright encouraged his uncle to attack police and die a ‘martyr,’ instructing him to destroy his cellphone and wipe all the data from his computer….

Rovinski, of Warwick, Rhode Island, testified against Wright, telling jurors that Wright said Geller ‘deserved to be beheaded’ because she insulted Mohammad.

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