"Day of Silence" for Kids on April 18th

"Day of Silence" for Kids on April 18th<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
When I was growing up the teachers had to asked the kids to, "Stop talking!" in the public school classrooms. My, how times have changed. That was long before a Day of Silence resonated from the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, ruminating halls of innocence, resulting in a culture of teenage "panic attacks", "attention deficit disorders", and such adult anguish, all the while abusing the Truth about creation, the Bible, and the character of God. Just to call it all "normal".
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Stephen Bennett, former homosexual, has organized a national pro-family organization, Not Our Kids , which is calling on parents to keep their children home from public schools on April 18th to avoid GLSENs homosexual "Day of Silence". The homosexuals have appointed a Day of Silence in honor of homosexual youth, to protest alleged oppression of homosexual teens.
According to GLSEN, last year's national Day of Silence in schools across our country muted over 500,000 "homosexual" youth and allies, as they wore stickers and passed out cards which stated (in part):
"…my deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is caused by harassment, prejudice, and discrimination…Think about the voices you are not hearing today. What are you going to do to end the silence?"
What are we going to do to protect our children against the "abuse" of a psychological tidal wave of "education", existing to re-define sin? How do we teach them to resist a new spirituality, based on a lie, when their only freedom and healing for true personhood is in the biblical truth we are not allowed to share with our children in the public schools today?
For a list of schools participating in the Day of Silence, go to the Mission America web site at:
While the Moms are having their "Day Out", now the kids in the heartland are "coming out" in silence in our public schools. Children are summoned to psych wards in hospitals at earlier ages in this era of "acceptance", but, interestingly, these same kids filled with ridelin can evidently remain "silent" on behalf of homosexuality in our American public schools driven by calloused convictions, mere shells of the children they appear to be.
Dwayna Litz



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