Democrats: "Stimulate Economy by Eliminating Children"

Democrats: "Stimulate Economy by Eliminating Children"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward." Ps 127:3
"These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him... Hands that shed innocent blood" (Prov 6:16, 17c)
"So you shall not pollute the land where you are; for blood defiles the land" (Num 35:33)
Folks, we knew America was going to be polluted, defiled and cursed by God as the Liberal/Socialist/Pagan agenda took hold (see my previous Alerts of Jan 9th  & Jan 19th).
Little did we know that this agenda would start with such immediate intensity during the first five days of the Obama administration by:

  1. Reversing the "Mexico City Policy", thereby encouraging the use of your tax dollars to promote ABORTION overseas (see Relevant article below).  Thus, you and I become involved in exporting the "shedding of innocent blood" worldwide.


  1. Sending money to the states (and Planned Parenthood) to promote "contraception" (and anything else like abortion) which will reduce the births of children and the medical, educational, recreational, etc. costs which accompany the presence of children.  They contend this will "stimulate the economy."

Here are a variety of excerpts which explain and comment on this demonic plan:
"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic 'stimulus' package, claiming 'contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.'" "Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once said, 'Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom,' seemed to imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury." (see: Pelosi says birth control will help economy)
"We have reached a new low when high-ranking public office holders in the federal government cast children as the enemy. But at least it explains their enthusiasm for abortion-on-demand."
(see: Pelosi on Kids: They're an Economic Drain)
"Christian Defense Coalition calls Speaker Pelosi's decision to add contraceptives to the economic stimulus package bigoted, racist, elitist and anti-child."
"It is now becoming clear that the Democratic leadership intends to use the economic crisis to push forward a radical anti-family social agenda."
"It is hard to believe that this kind of legislation is coming out of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America.  One would expect it more from China or other oppressive governments."
(see: Christian Defense Coalition to Launch a Major National Campaign to Remove Contraception from Stimulus Package)
"'At a time of financial crisis, Nancy Pelosi's solution is to kill future taxpayers,' said the American Life League.'"
"'In other words, children are a burden to the economy, and Pelosi believes it's the government's responsibility to eliminate them,' said the Family Research Council."
"Pelosi has described herself as 'an ardent, practicing Catholic,' the American Life League said in its news release." "'But ardent, practicing Catholics do not treat destruction of human beings and human dignity as an economic stimulus plan. They do not see the death of countless preborn Americans through the use of abortifacient birth control as an opportunity to 'reduce state costs.'"
(see Conservatives Blast Pelosi's Defense of Contraception Spending in Stimulus Bill
note: all emphases mine
[At this writing the Obama administration is trying to seem "bipartisan" by asking Congressional pagans like Speaker Pelosi to drop this part of the so-called Economic Stimulus Plan.]
Brethren, for the Liberal/Socialist/Elites, abortion is the cornerstone of their demonic secular "religion" – HUMANISM!  Spiritually, it has been diagnosed as a "blood lust", from the pit of Hell. Unknowingly, most of them are being driven by their demonic master who loves death.  Thus, the fewer children the better (unless it's theirs, however – see Nancy Pelosi about that!)
It's spiritually not very complicated for those who know God and love His Ways as laid out in the Bible:
1.      God wants us to have a good number of children;
2.      He outlaws murder;
3.      The sacrifice of babies and infants is called an "abomination"; many forms of contraception actually kill a live embryo;
4.      Nations which facilitate polices and activities like these will be JUDGED by God (Rev 19:2);
5.      The U.S.A is currently UNDERGOING GOD'S JUDGMENT, which will only intensify as Obama, Pelosi, Democrats, the media, etc. continue their assault on God's Ways (Rev 6:10; 15:41);
6.      If you doubt Point #5 just above, look around at what's happening in our country.

  1. REPENT!  You and I may not approve of the policies above, but as citizens of this country where this is happening, we are guilty, too (see Daniel's Prayer in Chapter 9);
  2. PRAY!  for President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and their coconspirators; they truly need to be SAVED and turn from their very wicked ways (Jer 8:5-6);
  3. CRY OUT!  for prophets to be raised up;
  4. For a MORAL OUTCRY to begin in the Church;
  5. For God to release FIRE from Heaven; a Spiritual FIRE which will engulf the Church and all the land, which is so defiled;
  6. Ask God to confuse and nullify these wicked plans and legislative agendas (Ps 33:10-11);

Thanks so much for joining together in this battle which is truly for the Soul of America (Judges 5:2).
In Jesus' Name,  
Harry Valentine, Capitol Hill Prayer Alert (CHPA), Founder/Publisher
Relevant articles:
Obama signs order reversing Mexico City policy
Pelosi: Fewer babies = stronger economy
Speaker Nancy Malthus   
Sarah Palin Unveils National 'SarahPAC' Organization
Under Pressure, Birth Control Bailout Dropped from Stimulus Package

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