Did China Steal Coronavirus from Canada and Turn it Into a Bioweapon?

Guest: Jeffery R. Nyquist & Usama Dakdok. Topic: Did China Steal The Coronavirus from Canada and turn it into a Bioweapon? Hear the audio of a news report from Canada that leads us to believe that indeed the Coronavirus was stolen by China from a Canadian lab. Topic: What are the odds that this virus was stolen from Canada months before the outbreak, and the outbreak occurs twenty miles from China’s top virology lab where the stolen virus was taken? A seafood market? Improbable! Topic: How contagious is the Coronavirus? Topic: We pray that the Coronavirus does not become a pandemic and if it does not, this current situation should reveal to us that bioweapons are a serious threat and one of the major tools of the new way of warfare. Topic: On January 25th, 2020 we received an email from YouTube that stated: “Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our hate speech policy. We have removed the following content from YouTube: Video: Some Evangelicals Are Helping the Marxists and Muslims Sabotage America.” Telling the truth with TONS of documented facts and video clips is now hate speech? These were older videos and so apparently YouTube is stepping up its crack down on conservatives as the fall of 2020 elections approach. Yet, YouTube is FILLED with hateful rants by Islamists and Marxists about Christians, conservatives and Jews. Some of these videos feature individuals like Linda Sarsour, Yasir Qadhi, Dalia Mogahed, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Siraj Wahhaj who was on a list of co-conspirators in the trial of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. This is the second video in one week that YouTube has removed. Listen as we play real hate speech for YouTube in Arabic and Egyptian Usama Dakdok translates. Topic: We take your calls. Click here to listen now:


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