A Dirty Double Standard

A Dirty Double Standard

When a sixteen year-old girl supposedly called authorities from a religious sect in Texas and said that she had been sexually abused, a small army was sent and over 400 children were taken from the compound. So, it's clear that America feels strongly about the sexual abuse of children. Explain then why Roman Catholic bishops and cardinals, who were accused of covering up sex scandals within the church or abusing children themselves, were not prosecuted. Not a single one of the 19 accused bishops lost his title or was prosecuted. They weren't even given a rap over the knuckles, something it seems that most Catholic kids have felt from nasty nuns. The pope simply paid off the folks with a couple of billion dollars. There is a double tragedy with this double standard. The media loves to call the Roman Catholic church "Christian," when its official doctrines of justification by works flies in the face of the Bible. If the difference between Catholic and Christian isn't made clear, I can understand why so many out rightly reject what they believe is "Christianity." The great lose will be theirs, because they are throwing out the baby of everlasting life with the very dirty bathwater of religious hypocrisy.


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