"Economic Stimulus" Designed to Aid Anti-gun Radicals

For Immediate ReleaseContact: John Velleco(703) 321-8585January 29, 2009"Economic Stimulus" Designed to Aid Anti-gun RadicalsGun Owners of America Opposes Funding Provisions of Bailout Bill(Springfield, VA) -- Gun Owners of America today blasted theHouse-passed bailout bill as a crass funding measure of anti-SecondAmendment groups."The only thing the bailout bill will 'stimulate' is moreanti-gun activity from groups like ACORN," said Larry Pratt,GOA's Executive Director."ACORN, already under federal investigation for massive voterfraud, could stand to gain millions, if not billions, of dollarsthrough a section of the bill called 'Neighborhood StabilizationPrograms.'"The group, which has very close ties to the Obama presidency, alsohas engaged in anti-gun activity. For instance, an ACORN chapter inNew Jersey backed a gun rationing ordinance in Jersey City, a lawthat was struck down by an appeals court last year because itviolated the State's preemption law."MoveOn.org is another anti-gun group that could benefit fromseparate provisions of the bill."In addition to blatant anti-gun activities, both ACORN andMoveOn.org are also closely allied with Minnesota Secretary of StateMark Ritchie, who controlled the recount in the Norm Coleman/AlFranken race. On election night, Sen. Coleman held a slight lead. Butduring the recount, many precincts reported voter turnout in excess ofvoter registration. They all just happened to be strongly Democratleaning precincts, giving Franken a slight edge."If the recount holds up in court, anti-gun groups will gainanother vote in favor of measures like banning semi-automaticfirearms."It seems as though Democrats are using the so-called stimulus billas payback to its friends on the left who helped elect Barack Obamaand his congressional allies."Tax payers should not be funding the political activities ofradical anti-gun groups. Gun Owners of America is calling on theSenate to strip out all such funding provisions, or to completelyreject the measure," Pratt said.Gun Owners of America is a national gun rights lobbying organizationwith over 300,000 members. Larry Pratt or another GOA spokesman isavailable for interviews. --If you do not want to receive any more OP-ED emails from Gun Owners ofAmerica click here: http://gunowners.net/lists/?p=unsubscribe&uid=67679e52f97d4b9f0c458e57bd2619d4To update your preferences and to unsubscribe visithttp://gunowners.net/lists/?p=preferences&uid=67679e52f97d4b9f0c458e57bd2619d4Forward a Message to Someonehttp://gunowners.net/lists/?p=forward&uid=67679e52f97d4b9f0c458e57bd2619d4&mid=43


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