ELECTION TIME: May God Save America!

ELECTION TIME: May God Save <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Hey, folks, it is time to start praying for Elections 2006.
There are two types of terrorists: (1.) From abroad, people who openly lust for the destruction of our Judeo-Christian culture, civilization and nation. They will do anything to fulfill their goal: the Islamification of the World and the terrorizing and eventual subjugation of the United States of America. You are aware of these terrorists.
However, can you identify the other group of terrorists who equally lust for the power effectively to destroy this nation-as-it-was-formed? (2.) The American ELITES! Yes, the ELITES (you know who they are) are committed to winning Election 2006 and implementing their very radical and very leftist/pagan ideology.
For example, if the voters place them in power, these Godless people will seek to:

  1. Impeach President Bush;
  2. Retreat from Iraq in disgrace;
  3. Appease the Islamofascists, North Korean, Red China by "diplomacy";
  4. Appease the "International Community";
  5. Utilize the U.N. as our primary "peacemaking" organization;
  6. Raise taxes and increase spending;
  7. Open the borders more;
  8. Block any decent judges;
  9. Block any efforts to curtail abortion;
  10. Block all "pro-family" legislation and encourage homosexuality;
  11. Harass (and shut down) conservative/Christian organizations, churches, spokesmen, etc;
  12. Hamstring the Missile Defense program;
  13. Establish evil as good, and good as evil, etc., etc., etc.

So, those who care about and cherish our nation must rise to the occasion (Ezek 37:10-14; Eph 5:14). Yes, I understand many are disillusioned with the President, and a bunch of the Republican leaders in the Congress. So am I! However, the dark specter of a Congress led by the most wicked and Godless politicians in our land is horrifying and compelling me to pray (and act) and beg you to join me.
Do you understand? Do you care? If so, please circulate this Warning and Exhortation and PRAY with all your heart and strength for Elections 2006. Encourage others to PRAY also.
From your very concerned Watchman in D.C.,
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher
Join Me in Ernest Prayer:
·           Lord, we do not deserve your MERCY. But, as part of Your Remnant we beg You to stir Your people to PRAY and ACT for the upcoming Elections (1 Chr 12:8, 18, 22; 2 Chr 36:22; Ps 138:3);
·           Will You SAVE us again? Please cause righteous and courageous people to be elected and the wicked to be defeated (Ps 106:47; Pr 6:14-15). In the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN!

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