Equipping, Encouraging, & Edifying Believers

Worldview Weekend Foundation
1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228
Collierville, TN 38017

Dear Friends,

We have just returned from being on the road for 10 Worldview Weekend rallies in 10 cities. In 9 out of 10 cities, we had to pull out more chairs over and over to provide for more seating. Most of all we rejoice in the testimonies that are too numerous to report. We had many teenagers in many cities, and in one city, teens were eager to ask questions during the Q&A time.

One gentleman came up to me at the Rockford, IL rally and told me of how he would listen to our radio program when he was a Catholic. The man smiled as he told me how much he once hated me and the Biblical truth we presented. His smile only got larger as he told me of his conversion, leaving the Church of Rome, and his deep love for us, our ministry, and the truth we present and represent.

Many people told the speakers that their Biblical ministries had forever changed their lives. Of course we know that it was not the personalities that changed their lives but the power of the gospel as well as their growing in spiritual maturity and sanctification.  

One of the most common reports we heard from conference attendees was how they could not find a faithful Bible teaching church.

After more than three and half years off the road building the ministry of worldviewradio.com and wvwtv.com, we decided it was time to host 10, free Worldview Weekend rallies in 10 nights. The April 1-10 conferences were ten days of ministry we believe bore and will continue to bear much Biblical fruit. 

Now more than ever we believe it is time to once again return to a more regular schedule of hosting the free Worldview Weekend Rallies. Why? The answer is simple. As false teaching and abhorrent theologies become mainstream, the need for equipping the saints to contend for the faith is more urgent than ever. Secondly, as more and more churches reject Biblical truth or water down the truth, the saints are in greater need of true Christian fellowship. Actual Christian fellowship is only found around the teaching and sharing in the truths of God’s Word. 

Countless numbers of people told us how edifying and encouraging it was to be with other like-minded Christians for an evening of Bible teaching and fellowship.

Do you agree that we should once again return to a more regular schedule of hosting free Worldview Weekend rallies? 

The problem is that hosting free Worldview Weekend rallies is very expensive in addition to the numerous free radio and television programs we produce and distribute. Thus, if we return to hosting free Worldview Weekend Rallies, we are going to need to raise a considerable amount of funds to cover the costs as many of the offerings at the rallies do not cover the expenses of renting the hotel ballrooms, much less the travel expenses. 

Many of these free rallies attract people of all ages including teenagers, college students, and young families that are not in a position to contribute to the free-will offering. Thus, it is imperative that we raise a considerable portion of the funds necessary to cover the costs of hosting the free Worldview Weekend rallies.

Our television and radio production costs, computer programmers, and bandwidth, among other expenses, keep our budgets very tight and we cannot risk our global television and radio ministry by diverting our broadcast ministry budgets to the free Worldview Weekend Rallies. 

Thus, a commitment to return to free Worldview Weekend Rallies will also require a commitment by many of our listening friends as they partner with us to make future, free Worldview Weekend rallies possible. Over the next few months we hope to announce another round of new cities in which we will be hosting the free Worldview Weekend Rallies.

If you appreciate our radio and television and Worldview Weekend Rally ministries, will you please go to www.wvwfoundation.com right now and make a tax deductible contribution? You can also send a check, if you prefer, to the address at the top of this letter. You can also call our office at 901-853-8792. 

Thank you again for your continued prayer and financial support as we seek to defend and proclaim a Biblical worldview.


Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend Foundation 
Worldview Weekend 

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    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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