Evaluating Our Tactics

Evaluating Our Tactics
Paul Shelby Lewis

On my way to work each morning during the fall semester, I passed by the city's abortion clinic.  Almost invariably, there was at least one person standing outside in a posture of prayer and protest to the terrible acts that were being sponsored and performed within the walls of that building.   Often, those in prayer were joined by more, shall we say, "outgoing" protestors who brought signs, crosses, mock headstones, and graphic pictures that illustrated the carnage brought to the fragile lives of the pre-born.  
            Now, I am as ardent an objector to abortion as almost anyone.   But when I see such graphic pictures it makes me to wonder whether or not such protesting practices are what God would have in mind as a way to speak for the speechless unborn.  Like many of you, I am working through my thoughts on this matter, and have yet to come to a firm stance one way or the other. 
            That being said, I keep coming back to the following analogies.   For those of you who are parents, and for those of us who hope to be parents some day, consider what type of movies you would allow your children to watch.  Would you take your five-year old to see "Saving Private Ryan," or "The Passion?"   I would speculate that when you watch such movies, it is only after your little ones have gone to bed. 
Now ask yourself why this is the case.  Is it because children should never be made aware of the sacrifice of our soldiers in battle?   Do you want your kids to be ignorant of the suffering of Christ?  Of course not.  I have heard many a person say that the first 30 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan" ought to be required viewing for high school students, and even more Christian men and women argue for the importance of watching "The Passion."   But there is a time in the lives of children when this become appropriate, and five or six or seven years old is not that time. 
Another analogy, I believe, gives greater illustration.  How many three year olds have asked, "Mommy, where do babies come from?"   And when such questions are asked, how many of you have responded with a point-by-point presentation of the impregnating and birthing process?  But, do we think that children should never learn about how children are conceived and birthed?
In the same way, I believe that the graphic images that we often see on the street corners near abortion clinics are misplaced.   Certainly, they have their place, as people should know about the heinous crimes being enacted against children in the name of "choice;" but must we subject little children to the horrors of seeing dismembered bodies?   In most cases, abortion clinics are on public streets, so we ought to consider not just the adults we are trying to persuade, or the mother-in-potential we are trying to convert, but also the children who will be subjected to our protests in the process.  
What we can do at abortion clinics, however, is pray, pray, pray, pray.  Bring the power of the Holy Spirit directly upon these places, and ask that He might intervene in the lives of the women who are entering those buildings.   Almost all women considering an abortion do so under great turmoil within, because "that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them" (Rom. 1:19 ).  I have heard story after story of the power of prayer in these cases, as women will walk up to the door of clinics, turn away, and thank those standing near who have done nothing but pray aloud as she prepared to make a truly fatal error.  
We need also to learn to argue without emotion, as this tends to lead only to yelling amongst those in disagreement.   Instead, keep the discussion on the issue of life.  Never let anyone accuse you of not having the facts on your side.  Take the issue back to the life of the fetus; is it a human being or not?   If a fetus is not a human being, what is it?  Point out that from the point of conception, the child has its own DNA, eye color, hair color, fingerprints, blood type, and chromosomal makeup.   The goal is not necessarily to convince the person that you are right, but to show them that they have no rational reason to deny the fact that the fetus is a human being.   And if the fetus is a human being and innocent, then taking its life is murder.  Here, your pro-abortion friend or acquaintance will usually resort to some manner of, "Well, I still don't believe that abortion is wrong."   Then, the power of prayer truly must take hold.
My friends, there are spiritual battles going on all around, and we have no power of our own, but we have a great source of power within.   Study to strengthen your mind so that your arguments will not be found wanting by those with questions.  And pray, and pray, and pray, and pray, asking that the God of Creation will continue to work on the hearts and minds of those who know the truth, but have up to this point failed to acknowledge it as such.

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