• George Soros is about to take control of the nation’s second-largest group of radio stations, and the Biden-Harris regime is doing its best to get the deal done before the election. 
  • We have part two of this week’s gripping testimony from FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen. And he publicly warns Americans to prepare for what’s coming under the lawless Biden-Harris regime.
  • Joe Biden authorizes another $8 billion in taxpayer dollars to Ukraine’s war effort.
  • A college professor who was appointed by Governor Tim Walz to help write the statewide curriculum for Minnesota’s new ethnic studies standards has called for the overthrow of the United States of America.
  • And a doctor says she may have discovered the secret to why so many young people are contracting colon cancer.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Leading off tonight, earlier in the year George Soros initiated his acquisition of a 40% stake in Audacy, which is America’s second-largest radio network totaling over 220 stations nationwide. The Federal Communications Commission has approved the deal and is in collusion with Soros to help him fast-track the acquisition right before the presidential election.

This is no coincidence, reports economist Martin Armstrong. He writes:

“The three voting Democrats on the FCC board overpowered the two dissenting Republicans. Law dictates that foreign companies may not own more than 25% of U.S. radio stations. They are not only making an exception for George Soros but helping him to bypass the law.”

It typically takes a year for the FCC to conduct a national security review. This is the first time that the commission is blindly ignoring this regulation and permitting Soros to control the majority of U.S. radio airways, Armstrong reports.

Some claim the FCC was permitted to act in this manner due to Audacy falling into bankruptcy. 

Commissioner Nathan Simington explained to Fox News why this is untrue: “Commission leadership tried to approve the item at the staff level, with nothing but a 48-hour notice to Commissioners. There is almost no factual record on the item because there was almost no attempt to do a real public interest analysis. Not a single Commissioner outside of the Chairwoman was invited to even think about the issue until staff was directed to handle it on our behalf without our votes. That’s the true ‘fast-track.’”

Armstrong goes on to explain that this will permit Harris and Walz to carry out their mass censorship goals seamlessly. 

He writes:

“The radio stations are a mere fraction of the media that Soros owns, but the FCC-backing shows that corruption comes from the top. Harris has repeatedly questioned the validity of the First Amendment by demanding that all dissenters be silenced. We saw Walz drunk with power during COVID lockdowns when he set up a hotline to ask neighbors to report one another.”

Armstrong concludes that:

“There has never been a stronger big government, pro-censorship duo on the U.S. ballots. They both believe ‘misinformation’ is a larger threat to the public than the failing economy, energy crisis, war — the list goes on. They need utter submission from the public, which will begin by removing our access to information or varying opinions.”


We brought you some of the emotional testimony last night from FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen.

Tonight, we have part two of that testimony.

Allen told lawmakers during a hearing Wednesday on the Biden-Harris administration’s weaponization of government:

“This is a warning to the American people. I say I personally have no confidence that the FBI will rein in its own conduct. I have been persecuted… along with countless other whistleblowers. It is my opinion that the Bureau used reprisal and fear to control the workforce. It has been a seemingly effective tactic.”

He added that:

“I personally believe there are no current effective checks and balances against them conducting lawless actions with any type of correction in a legitimate timeframe. I welcome the work of the IG (inspector general) but I think any type of lawless action, there’s no legitimate timeframe to rein them back in.”

The FBI whistleblower continued to claim the Bureau intentionally overclassifies documents in order to stonewall investigations.

What he said after that was a stunningly honest assessment and a bold one given the forum at which he was speaking. Marcus Allen strongly advised Americans to “arm yourself and know how to defend yourselves and make three to four friends in your neighborhood and promise to come to each other’s mutual aid in times of hardship.”

WATCH VIDEO (clip first2:32)



The Biden-Harris regime has awarded Ukraine another $8 billion in U.S. weapons, including long-range munitions, something Biden previously promised he absolutely would not do. 

Ukrainian President Zelensky was in the U.S. this week, visiting a munitions factory with Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, which many said was akin to stumping for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign.



Now the administration is coming under pressure from NATO allies to allow Ukraine to use the U.S. long-range missiles not just in defensive mode but to strike offensively at targets inside of Russia. That’s a highly provocative move that Russian President Putin has clearly stated will meet with a resolute response, up to and including the use of Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

In a statement, the Biden-Harris White House announced that they have “directed the Department of Defense to allocate all of its remaining security assistance funding that has been appropriated for Ukraine” by the end of the Biden-Harris administration's term in office.


Brian Lozenski, a professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota, was appointed by Governor Tim Walz’s state education department to help write the statewide curriculum for Minnesota’s new ethnic studies standards. 

We now learn that Lozenski has called for the overthrow of the United States of America.

According to National Review, Lozenski is no outlier. On the contrary, he has been the leading voice advocating the addition of a radical version of so-called ethnic studies to Minnesota’s social-studies standards, which characterize white people as oppressive and a danger to society.

Lozenski is also the key organizer for the radical leftist advocacy groups that Governor Walz has effectively put in charge of rewriting Minnesota’s K-12 social-studies standards. 

While Lozenski’s call for the overthrow of the United States is the clearest expression of his radical stance to date, it’s hardly the first radical position he’s taken. 

For years, conservative voices in Minnesota have sounded the alarm over the extremism of Lozenski and his allies. 

The National Review notes that, maybe now, Walz will have to answer for putting Lozenski and his friends in charge of Minnesota’s education system. 

According to National Review, there is good reason to believe that the implementation framework for Minnesota’s radical racist curriculum is being withheld from the public to prevent it from becoming an issue in the presidential election.


The latest update to the JL Partners/Daily Mail election model has shown that in recent weeks, Donald Trump has gained a 10-point lead over Democrat challenger Kamala Harris in the chances of winning the election come November.

The model is based on the latest polling data as well as decades of election results and indicators. The latest update showed that Kamala Harris has the best chance of winning the popular vote, with 50.8 percent of the vote currently and a projected 65 percent chance of finishing with more votes in the election.

But Donald Trump is given a 55.2 percent chance of winning through the all-important Electoral College, where Harris is projected to have only a 44.6 percent chance of winning. 

The model found a slim chance of a tie between the two candidates. 

Trump’s current standing is an increase of 4 points since Monday and 9 points since the low he saw right after his debate with Harris.

Callum Hunter, data scientist at J.L. Partners, summed up the results, stating:

“Things are continuing to move against Harris. While September saw her gain ground as a result of the debate and changes in ballot access, things have started to settle back to where they were at the start of September.”


Some 127 Pizza Hut restaurants across five states in the South and Midwest are at risk of closing for good.

The franchisee who runs them has put them up for sale after filing for bankruptcy in July due to mounting debts. 

It is all linked to a major financial bust-up between Pizza Hut's parent company and franchisee EYM Group.

Some 15 Pizza Hut locations that EYM ran in Indiana and Ohio were abruptly shuttered at the end of June as a result of the dispute. They remain closed. 

EYM has now asked advisory firm National Franchise Sales to help find a buyer for a further 127 across Illinois, Georgia, South Carolina and Wisconsin which are on the brink of shutting as part of the dispute. 

EYM, founded by former McDonald’s Mexico president Eduardo Diaz, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in July. 

It owes Pizza Hut $2.25 million, and another $21 million to Manufacturers Bank. 

EYM is being sued by the chain in relation to millions of dollars of unpaid bills. 

In turn, EYM has blamed Pizza Hut for its financial problems.

It says its sales have been badly hit by the pizza chain not modernizing its menus or app to keep up with rivals like Domino's and Little Caesar's.


The Daily Mail reports that Dr. Maria Abreu is on the cutting edge of one of the biggest health tragedies in a generation.

Over the past decade, the Miami gastroenterologist has diagnosed an increasing number of young people with colon cancer, a disease once associated with older people.

Obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and ultra-processed foods have long been blamed for the rise, and all of those might be contributing factors.

But Dr. Abreu said she's seeing people in their 20s and 30s who eat healthy and stay fit who are also developing colon cancer. 

She's convinced there's more to the story.  

Dr. Abreu, who is also the president of the American Gastroenterological Association, told the Daily Mail she believes two additives that became common in the 1970s and are seldom talked about in relation to the colon cancer crisis could be behind the tragic increase in cases.

The first is high-fructose corn syrup, a liquid sweetener uniquely common to the United States and not used in other countries.

It's usually associated with junk food, things like sodas and desserts, but it has also sneaked into more healthy foods such as salad dressings, oatmeal, fruit juices, cereals and even bread.

High fructose corn syrup was introduced in the 1970s as a bid to stabilize food prices. At the time, President Richard Nixon authorized subsidizing corn crops to get farmers to grow more of them.

That excess led to the development of high-fructose corn syrup, which became cheaper to produce than sugar. Thus, it ended up everywhere.  

The doctor believes the other killer ingredient is emulsifiers. These are used to give foods a creamy texture and found in foods thought to be healthy, things like low-fat yogurts, cottage cheese, and peanut butter.

Dr. Abreu said these ingredients wreak havoc on the microbiotic network of healthy bacteria in our guts.

When this delicate ecosystem becomes damaged, it reduces our ability to protect the digestive tract from pathogens that irritate our cells and create inflammation. 

Over time, that inflammation can cause the formation of premalignant cells and lead them to multiply quickly. The perfect breeding ground for cancer.


A story that remains beneath the radar of the mass media is the ill-timed impending labor strike by East Coast port workers.

Tens of thousands of dockworkers could go on strike on October 1 in a move that experts say could wreak havoc on American supply chains and turbocharge the rapid inflation we’ve seen under the Biden-Harris administration.

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) represents more than 85,000 workers at three dozen U.S. ports along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico and whose members collectively handle about half of the U.S.’ maritime imports.

The Longshoremen’s union has threatened to go on strike for the first time since 1977 if their wages aren’t increased and they don’t get protection from looming automation.

They are employed by the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), a coalition representing shipping employers. The move could cost the U.S. economy roughly $5 billion a day in trade, and would massively disrupt supply chains in a way not seen since the COVID-19 pandemic, causing rapid inflation and hiking the cost of living for everyday Americans, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Besides a sharp rise in shipping costs, Peter Earle, senior economist at the American Institute for Economic research, said that delays in shipping will disrupt the system.

 “While estimates vary, the Cleveland branch of the Federal Reserve alleges that 40 to 60 percent of the increase in prices in the post-pandemic period, particularly in the energy, food, and shipping sectors, were driven by gummed-up supply chains.”


Time now for our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

The Daily Mail reports that another fit and healthy teenage boy suddenly died, this time during wrestling practice after suffering a “medical emergency.”



Freddy Espinal, a 17-year-old aspiring police officer, tragically died on Sunday, September 22, prompting an outpouring of grief from his tightknit Massachusetts community.

More than 100 friends and students from Peabody gathered Tuesday night, September 24, to say goodbye to the popular, charismatic student.

District Attorney Paul Tucker worked with Espinal over the summer after meeting with the teenager and his dad to talk about his interest in becoming a police officer someday.

At the time, he described the young man as a “respectful, polite and personable young man who will follow his dream and succeed.”

On Tuesday, he issued a moving tribute, noting “life sometimes presents unimaginable tragedies, and this being one hurts so many to the core. Freddy’s life was cut short by a medical emergency while at wrestling practice. His close-knit family, friends and classmates are left in grief wondering why.”

And, yet, nobody addresses the elephant in the room. Was Freddy vaxxed? Shame on the Daily Mail for not asking. They say they’re wondering why. Why did Freddy die at such a young age when he showed no symptoms of being sick? 

But when it comes down to it, those are meaningless words. They really don’t want to know how or why Freddy died. If they did, they would look into his vaccination status, do a full and honest autopsy, and make the results public. 

Or, they would announce, if it’s the case, that Freddy did not receive any of the Covid shots. Maybe there was some other unknown health issue.

It's time for the media to stop playing this game. Announcing tragic deaths of healthy young athletes and entertainers, but never questioning why. 

America needs honest journalism. 

It’s time they return to the basics: Who, what, when, where and WHY.  

No matter how many big-money advertisers tell you otherwise, you can’t forget the WHY.

Why are healthy children and young adults dying?

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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