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As I previously pointed out, Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock filmed himself during the rampage. He set up a camera inside his hotel room to capture his deadly shooting rampage. Jihadis do that and then post it online. It’s a recruiting tool – imagine the kind of ideology that is seduced by that.

Secondly, the Islamic State does not take credit for events that are not theirs. Not only have they taken credit for it, but they have double and tripled-down on this claim.

Paddock may have scouted locations, including Fenway Park in Boston, Lollapalooza in Chicago and the Life is Beautiful music festival in Las Vegas, before the attack from Mandalay Bay on a  massive gathering of country music fans.

Even the New York Times ISIS expert correspondent is having second thought, thinks Vegas slaughter might be ISIS after all


And now this. A former Trump campaign official has leaked information from within the White House that Las Vegas massacre gunman Stephen Paddock made an ISIS propaganda tape. State Assistant Director for Trump:

Paul Watson wrote:

A former Trump campaign official is making extraordinary claims he was leaked information from within the White House that Las Vegas massacre gunman Stephen Paddock made an ISIS propaganda tape and that authorities are refusing to reveal that the mass shooting was a terror attack.

Former Massachusetts Trump campaign official James Brower posted a series of tweets last night claiming he was leaked information about Paddock being inspired by ISIS to carry out the mass shooting.

“There is a video, this video will prove the motive. He had a secret digital profile that was uncovered over the last 24 hrs,” claims Brower.

“Motive will be pretty shocking, I won’t say much but it will definitely change a lot of things going forward,” he added.

“I’m being told the video basically speaks about a network, they wouldn’t tell me directly if it was ISIS but they threw little hints that it was,” Brower told Infowars.

“The reason the video more than likely is never released is because they believe it will trigger the “cells” he speaks of,” according to Brower.

“There should be a statement on motive soon,” he added, “They believe he was inspired by ISIS.”

He also claims that there was a second person who helped Paddock plot the attack that the gunman was seen with three days prior to the massacre. This individual left before the shooting began, according to Brower. Hotel receipts suggest that Paddock was with another person days before the shooting.

Authorities have now acknowledged that Paddock had “help” and originally planned to escape and carry out other atrocities. His car contained fertilizer that could be used to make explosives and 50 pounds of the explosive substance Tannerite, clearly suggesting he was planning a car bombing.

Brower claims the source leaking his the information is an individual within the Trump cabinet. The former Trump campaign official did previously release information about Paul Manafort being wiretapped before it became public.

Brower also claims that Paddock’s digital profile “showed he researched many of the massacres committed by IS lately in Europe.”

However, Fox News reports that after “Analyzing Paddock’s computer, cellphone and other electronic devices, investigators have found no obvious ideological motive, no clear connection to extremists or activist groups or outward display of mental illness.”

It is important to emphasize that Infowars does not endorse the veracity of Brower’s claims and they conflict with what officials investigating the case have revealed.

However, it’s important to add that Sheriff Joe Lombardo did acknowledge that the shooter may have been “radicalized” and that he may have had an accomplice who helped organize the plot.

In addition, after ISIS released the latest issue of their newsletter, which showed a picture of the Mandalay Bay drenched in blood, New York Times correspondent Rukmini Callimachi noted that the terror group’s claim of responsibility may not have been false.

Pamela Geller's shocking new book, "FATWA: HUNTED IN AMERICA" is now available on Amazon. It's Geller's tell all, her story - and it's every story - it's what happens when you stand for freedom today. Buy it. Now. Here.


Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.


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