Foundations and A Close Look At Ford (Part One)

In my last article, I described the power elite’s use of crises to achieve their goals. For the ten-year period before the Clinton presidency, surveys showed “a stable 84-88 percent of respondents expressing satisfaction with the quality of care received from doctors” (PUBLIC PERSPECTIVE, May/June 1993). However, once Bill Clinton’s presidency began, suddenly there was talk of a health-care crisis, and Hillary Clinton formed a health-care task force to look at the problem.Interestingly, about half of the task force members were connected to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). This foundation has sought to direct everything from mental health services for youth to death and dying in America. At this article, you can see a timeline regarding RWJF projects (and George Soros’s Project on Death in America) relevant to death and dying.As I’ve written before, the power elite wants a World Socialist Government, and many of the health-care proposals over the past decade would move us closer and closer to socialized medicine. According to a Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) February 14, 2008 press release, a survey showed 70 percent of Democrats believe we would be better off with socialized medicine. And the HSPH reported that “socialized medicine is not the scary bogeyman that it used to be.” In addition to the RWJF, other major foundations have played important roles in shaping our future. In Rene Wormser’s FOUNDATIONS: THEIR POWER AND INFLUENCE (1958), there is a section titled “Foundation-Promoted ‘Globalism’,” in which he refers to the Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Foundation, Rhodes Scholarship Trust, and Ford Foundation.More recently (May 1, 2007), Phil Kent’s FOUNDATIONS OF THE TRAIL: HOW THE LIBERAL SUPER-RICH UNDERMINE AMERICA was published and describes how Rockefeller, Carnegie and other foundations act as an invisible government moving us toward a world government. And globalist foundation activities do not stop at national borders, as powerful European foundations are currently promoting the Yukon to Yellowstone wildlife corridor involving growth-management projects that will mean rules and regulations regarding how people can and cannot use their own property.In past columns I’ve written about Rhodes, Rockefeller and Carnegie, but this article will take a close look at the Ford Foundation, which was founded in 1936. In that same year, Dyke Brown, who would become the Foundation’s first vice-president, became a Rhodes Scholar (named for Cecil Rhodes who formed a secret society ‘to take the government of the whole world”). Brown would help to write “The Gaither Report,” named for Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither, who in 1953 told Norman Dodd (staff director of the Congressional Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations) that at the executive level of the Foundation they were operating under directives from the White House “the substance (of which) was to the effect that we should make every effort to so alter life in the United States as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.” Another Rhodes Scholar, Don Price (who would author AMERICA’S UNWRITTEN CONSTITUTION), would be Foundation vice-president from 1954-1958. Price would then be, from 1961-1971, a trustee of the Rand Corporation, which had H. Rowan Gaither as its chairman from 1948 until 1961 when Gaither died. During this same period, from 1951-1954, Robert Hutchins was associate director of the Ford Foundation, as it gave 15 million dollars to set up the leftist Fund for the Republic (Hutchins would be chief executive of the Fund from 1954-1974 and its president from 1975-1977). Two years before 1951, Hutchins, along with G. A. Borgese and Walter T. Paepcke, founded the Aspen Institute for Humanist Studies (which has received major funding from the Ford Foundation) in 1949. Then, in 1951, the Ford Foundation created the leftist Fund for the Advancement of Education, which assisted Mortimer Adler (who was taught philosophy at Columbia University by John Dewey, and who had supported the concept of a World Socialist Government). In June 1952, Adler announced plans to found the leftist Institute for Philosophical Research, which has received grants from the Ford Foundation. And in 1953, Hutchins (who as president of the University of Chicago had brought Adler there) authored CONFLICT IN EDUCATION IN A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY, in which he stated, “I am in favor of world government.” That Hutchins supported world government had already been apparent from the University of Chicago Press’s 1948 publication of PRELIMINARY DRAFT OF A WORLD CONSTITUTION while Hutchins was chancellor of the University. It was produced by Hutchins, Mortimer Adler, Rexford Tugwell, and others, and advocated regional federation on the way toward the world federation of government. One commentator said the draft “does not contain a single paragraph that would run counter to socialism.” The “constitution’s” preamble contained the words “the governments of the nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties in one government of justice to which they surrender their arms; and to establish, as they do establish, this constitution as the covenant and fundamental law of the Federal Republic of the World.” The “constitution” itself also provided the world government with sweeping powers such as “the appropriation, under the right of eminent domain, of such private or public property as may be necessary for federal use.” The same year as Ford Foundation’s president Gaither’s statement (quoted above) was made to Norman Dodd (1953), the Foundation established the Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (which would receive 6 million dollars from the Foundation in 1969) with Dr. Ralph Tyler as its first director (Tyler has said “the real purpose of education is… to bring about significant changes in the student’s pattern or behavior,” and he served as the Center’s director until 1967, and was also chairman of the Carnegie Corporation’s Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education, which would become the National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP). Also in 1953, John J. McCloy (Council on Foreign Relations Chairman 1953-1970) would become chairman of the Ford Foundation until 1965, and in 1956 said, “In my view we must be ready to consider the most far-reaching proposals, including those for total disarmament, universal, enforceable and complete with international inspection.” In January of 1957, Dennis Healey (who would be Britain’s Labor Minister of Defense 1964-1970) and others decided to set up a strategic think-tank. Healey had met Shepherd Stone, head of the social and political part of the Ford Foundation at a meeting of the Bilderberg group in Fiuggi, Italy, and Stone was interested in the idea. By the end of 1958, the think-tank, the Institute for Strategic Studies, had begun its work with the Ford Foundation contributing $150,000 over three years. By 1958, the Ford Foundation had also initiated grants in its programs in the behavioral sciences and mental health totaling over $21 million. The next year, the Foundation encouraged Mrs. J. Dickerman Hollister to found the syncretistic Temple of Understanding (the original idea for the temple was Mrs. Hollister’s, but the name for the temple was suggested by Mrs. Ellsworth Bunker, wife of the American ambassador to India). In 1960, the Temple was founded with partial funding by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.The next year (1961), Terrell Bell (future U.S. Secretary of Education who would support a proposal that would put Outcome-based Education in all schools) received his doctorate as a Ford Foundation fellow. The Ford Foundation would also support the Institute for Educational Leadership founded in 1964. That same year, the Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education, mentioned earlier, began its work and was funded by the Ford Foundation along with the Carnegie Corporation (they both financed ECAPE, Exploratory Committee on Assessing the Progress of Education, beginning in 1966). Also, in 1964, SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S.), which has supported the use of pornography, began to receive major funding from the Ford Foundation (which would also fund Catholics for a Free Choice and provide major funding for Planned Parenthood).In 1965, the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI) authored A CONSTITUTION FOR THE WORLD. The “constitution” was published by the Fund for the Republic (set up by the Ford Foundation), which had established the CSDI in 1959. And the CSDI also published a “modern” constitution for the U.S. in 1970. McGeorge Bundy (member of Skull & Bones, the CFR, and special assistant for National Security Affairs to J.F.K and L.B.J., 1961-1966) became president of the Ford Foundation in 1966 (remaining in that position until 1979, and becoming Scholar-in-Residence at the Carnegie Corporation in 1992). The next year (1967), Ford Foundation trustee Kermit Gordon (Rhodes Scholar, C.F.R. member and Keynesian economist) would become president of the Brookings Institution. For part two click below.

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