Free Sarah Palin – Or Else! Pray with Desperation

Free Sarah Palin – Or Else!  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Pray with Desperation
Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority.
Let no one despise you. Titus 2:15

Answer: "Because, unless Sarah Palin is allowed to 'get her mojo back', I believe all is lost."  
Question: "What would be 'lost'?"
Answer: "The answer is severalfold, please bear with me: If Barack Obama becomes President and brings his 'associates' with him, a short list of what will be lost includes:
1.      Our capitalistic – free market system, replaced by Socialism;
2.      Freedom of Speech, replaced by intimidation of dissent, political correctness deluxe, multiculturalism, and the new media Elites' vicious control of information;
3.      Our Christian – based culture, which has been shaky but will be toothless or driven underground (which <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />China proves may not be a bad thing) to be replaced by pagan government and Elite-driven secular-humanism;
4.      Our National Defense which Obama has said he will dismantle (don't believe his hawkish lies of the first debate); As we become weaker, those who hate us will be emboldened to increase their attacks;
5.      Our National Sovereignty, to be replaced by meekly blending in with the one-worldism of the UN, EU, etc.
6.      Accommodation with Islamic Jihadism, including sympathy for allowing Sharia law to adjudicate in Muslim areas (as has happened in England).
Question: "What does Sarah Palin's performance in her debate have to do with this?"
Answer:  "Serious analysts believe Sen. McCain's message of 'reform' has not resonated; that people see the corruption and malfeasance in Washington and recognize that John McCain understands who is at fault (the Democrats and some Republicans) but lacks the courage to take over and 'call them out by name'.
"The American people are angry and fed up with the corrupt political cesspool in Washington."
So, enter Gov. Palin's debate with feckless and incompetent Sen. Biden.  She has to be set free to confront the messes Washington has created.  McCain does not seem to have it in him to single out his corrupt congressional colleagues. 
Gov. Palin has that history in Alaska.  In the past, she has had the courage and convictions.  But McCain's "handlers" have tied her up.
Here are some excerpts:
"This sets up an opportunity, maybe the last good one, for John McCain to start burning barns. Who better to start it than Sarah Palin, the stubborn mom with true grit who so terrifies the Democratic left…"
(See entire column by Wesley Pruden: A Job for the Right Woman )
"'Let Reagan be Reagan,' they would urge, confident the man would fare well if left to his own talents and judgment. Time and time again that proved to be the case as his common-man qualities, native intelligence and utter decency allowed him to connect with and secure the support of the American people."
"This lesson is worth recalling now, on the eve of a possibly make-or-break vice presidential debate between Republican Sarah Palin and her Democratic rival, Sen. Joseph Biden. The outcome - and the fate of the Republican ticket - may turn on whether her handlers 'Let Palin be Palin.'"
"From here on out, and most especially Thursday night, Mrs. Palin should be herself. She doesn't have to know everything and shouldn't pretend she does. What she needs to communicate is that - like Ronald Reagan and, for that matter, like Harry Truman - she will bring to the job her native American common sense instead of some establishment pedigree and lousy judgment."
"Mrs. Palin, use your platform on Thursday to embrace American exceptionalism, defend our sovereignty and promise to build our national power and to employ it wisely in defense of both. The public - if not the policy establishment and the media elite - will embrace you, as they did the Gipper. Just let Palin be Palin."
(See entire column by Frank Gaffney: Let Palin be Palin)
"I've gotten a sense that she can take a fight. That she has some good instincts. That she clings to her Bible and her Second Amendment and the Obamas wouldn't get her. I like all that about her."
"Sarah Palin just needs some freedom."
"People love Sarah Palin when they see her. When she's firing at full force, she comes off as authentic, self-possessed, and ready for a fight. If that is Sarah Palin, that's the Sarah Palin who should be talking to everyone she can."
"Conservatives are inclined to love Palin. Hard-working, all-American family men and women who don't have their head full of left-wing theories about Republicans are frequently warm to her - if not outright excited. Even the Left knows the attraction or they wouldn't be going so insane over her."
"[I]f the Palin we know and love and have projected our hopes for sanity in American politics is the real Sarah Palin - then come out from the shadows, woman. You're the one who is going to win this election. Be yourself. Otherwise, what's the point?"
(See entire column by Kathryn Jean Lopez: Free Sarah Palin! )
"Campaign advisors need to cool their jets and give her breathing room. Voters identify with Mrs. Palin because of who she is - not what the campaign wants her to be. She cannot be all things to all people. Americans don't want or expect a robotic Barbie doll. They want the call-it-as-I-see-it hockey mom who also exhibits the keen judgment to make important policy decisions as executive leader of a prosperous state."
"Mrs. Palin should stop letting her advisors boss her around and take a stand."
(See entire column by Tara Wall: Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!)
These columnists are right.  Let Palin "fire at full force"… exert "keen judgment" and "call it as she sees it", as it is – a corrupt political cesspool in Washington; this cesspool can only be drained by mavericks who will take it to the Democrats who caused the current financial mess and could never preside over a government with integrity, honesty and good conservative principles. 
Right now only Sarah Palin has the ability to do this.  Her "handlers" must back off and "let Sarah be Sarah!" Or else we are probably doomed and we can kiss our country goodbye.  I know this is extreme, but 20 years of observation have led me to these conclusions. 
How to Pray:
1.     That God will Anoint Sarah Palin with enormous Authority, Wisdom and Power in the debate;
2.     That Sarah will boldly rebuke corruption and malfeasance, and that her Christian spirit will increase with hatred of evil;
3.     That Sen. Biden will be confused and look, sound and behave as foolishly as usual;
4.     That God will have Mercy once again and relent from increasing judgment in the form of an Obama presidency.
In Jesus' Name, I cry out – "Save us Lord!"

P.S. I am traveling to St. Louis to participate in rallies and prayer meetings prior to the debate; Please PRAY!
Relevant Articles:
Can Congress Fix A Problem It Caused? (highly recommended)
Media Mum on Barney Frank's Fannie Mae Love Connection (speaking of corruption)
How A Clinton-Era Rule Rewrite Made Subprime Crisis Inevitable
The Left's Crooked Umpires (also highly recommended)
Secret, Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign
YouTube - Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama and the Dems the "Family" and "Conscience" of Fannie Mae
Don't Meet The Press
Savaging Sarah Palin

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