The Futility of

The Futility of "Practicing God's Presence"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I was listening to a speaker last night on contemplative prayer, and she closed one of her sessions encouraging everyone to spend 30 minutes or so in silence practicing the reality of God's presence.What is wrong with this? Why is this impossible?God is perfect, and "the reality of His presence" needs no practicing!Though it sounds intellectually and mystically impressive, it actually does not mean anything, because there is no way to practice something perfect. God's presence is perfect. How about practicing staying away from sin or practicing one day of turning the TV off and reading a book for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Christian growth or the Bible, or how about practicing one day of staying away from some addiction and turning to God instead and His Word to fill us up? That makes sense, but it is not praying according to the truth to ask God to help us "practice the reality of Your presence with us."He must laugh. For me, it has come naturally to spend time without background noise when I am thinking about something or when I am working or reading...these things should come naturally as the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives. When I feel His presence, there is still nothing for me to practice. The Holy Spirit is a gift, and He cannot be "practiced" into existence in our lives. The Bible says He gives the Spirit without measure. (John 3:34)It takes no practice. He is who He is and does not need our practice.
Dwayna Litz


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