Glenn Beck, the Jewish Mormon Out to Change the World With His Mormon Centered Truths
Glenn Beck, the Jewish Mormon Out to Change the World With His Mormon Centered Truths<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Ed Decker
September 2011
Ever since Glenn Beck stepped out from the daily limelight on FOX TV and stopped stunning the world with his amazing insights regarding often hidden secrets of our national history and the underside of our political process; as well as his constant and ever-increasing call to challenge the hidden spiritual depths of the American Christian mindset, I have been waiting for the proverbial "other shoe" to drop. It dropped when he turned his attention to Israel. His trip there was not a casually planned event. It had a purpose that will shock you.
First, understand that I have written and described the Glenn Beck/ Mitt Romney/ Every Mormon Priesthood holder's belief that the Constitution is as sacred as scripture and that the USA is the place where the Garden of Eden was, where Christ visited after his resurrection and where He will return.
This return of Christ will take place after the Constitution and government "hangs by a thread" and is saved by the elders of the Mormon Church. Then, the country will become a theocracy and after His temple is built in Missouri, Christ will return to reign for a thousand years. However, He will let the LDS Prophet and Brethren officiate over his earthly Kingdom of God.
For the details, send for your free copy of the report, The Mormon Plan for America and the Rise of Mitt Romney at [email protected]
As an aside, Mormon leaders taught in the past that upon Christ's coming to His temple, the Ten Lost tribes will then march from their isolation behind the North Pole and come to the new temple and begin their own temple work. That theory died quietly when Airplanes began flying over the north pole and found no hidden paradise teeming with Jews.
Now, having said all that, I need to share "the rest of the story." Hidden away from the general public, is a secret that Glenn Beck has not dared share with his vast audiences.
It is a secret that reveals the reason Beck feels even more obligated to usher in his new spiritual world view to the Jews than he has been to bring the light of his new spiritual awakening to post-Christian America. The secret is that Glenn Beck is a Jew. Not just any Jew.
You see, Glenn Beck not only became a new Mormon when he was water baptized and had hands laid on his head for the "Gift of the Holy (Mormon) Ghost." His 'gentile' blood was supernaturally and wholly changed during that process to pure and unadulterated Jewish blood.
That's right. In an actual, holy, metaphysical miracle, without a single IV present, his blood and lineage was forever changed. He would later find out, during a prophetic blessing, that he was a Jew of the house of Ephriam.
In one of the most hidden, bizarre and rarely discussed Mormon doctrines, Mormons believe that they are the true Israel, not the Jews in Israel; that their blood is changed from gentile to Jewish blood at baptismal immersion. Beck was just visiting what he considers his 'birthright.' The Jews are interlopers as far as he and the LDS Church believes. In Utah, called Zion by the faithful in word and in hymns of the church, non-Mormons are openly called "Gentiles."
In my own case, after I was converted to the church at age 20 and when I went into the waters of baptism and immediately after, as I had priesthood hands laid upon me to "Receive the Holy Ghost", my "gentile" blood was literally and supernaturally changed to pure Jewish blood. I learned that later in my new church, I would be told during another once-in-a-lifetime blessing, the tribe in which I was now a blood member.
When I became a 'worthy' member, I personally received my "patriarchal blessing" was told that I was of the Israel house of Ephriam. Strange, I thought at the time, since I already was a Jew was born in the Levitical line. I was further perplexed that somehow, God changed my Jewish blood of the Levitical line to that of a lesser bloodline; that of a pompous slacker, Ephriam. When I tried to get an explanation from my Bishop, I was sharply rebuked and warned against looking into "the Mysteries."
Now, understanding the Hand of the Mormon god upon his true Chosen people, the Mormons, the real Jews, you can see the profound importance of Beck's trip to Israel, to set in place the spiritual foundation for the Mormons to take possession of their prophesied, self-ordained birthright, the Holy land of God.
Using his LDS Priesthood powers of authority, with Christ's own Melchizedek priesthood and the "Powers and Principalities" sealed on him the Mormon Temple Ritual, he was there to pray in the demons of Mormonism to begin to pry open the spiritual doors for the Mormon take-over.
The saddest part of this fool's errand was that supposedly godly Christian leaders like Dr. Mike Evans and John Hagee stood at his side, not having a clue that they were praying to a demonic spirit. God have mercy in them. The blind leading the blind into a ditch.
Beck wasn't there by accident. He was there to begin the spiritual preparation for the return of Christ to, first, the LDS Temple prepared for His coming, in Missouri and then to the LDS Temple, actually the Jewish 3rd temple, in Jerusalem.
Wikipedia notes that:
Latter Day Saints believe that the Jews will build the Third Temple and after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Jews will accept Jesus as the Messiah and most Jews will convert to Mormonism. T
Then, it is believed, the Third Temple will become an LDS Temple and will be one of the two most important LDS Temples along with the New Jerusalem Temple that it is believed will be constructed on the Temple Lot in Independence, Missouri, United States.
One of our friends, Mick, emailed me today and asked, "Does this not sound like a connection to the second half of the Tribulation Period when the Temple is taken over by the Anti-Christ and all are forced to worship him and saying that he is God or possibly Jesus Christ."
If you need to study this further and check things out in Mormon documents, I include a quick few of them for you. Want to look even deeper? Google Mormon Jewish Blood and count the pages of references.
The late LDS Apostle and doctrinal teacher, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Bruce R. McConkie explained:
But if someone whose blood was wholly of Gentile lineage were converted, he would be adopted into the lineage of Abraham and Jacob and become the house of Israel. (Abraham 2:9-11.) That this action involves a literal change in the convert's blood was plainly taught by the Prophet [Joseph Smith] . . . "while the effect of the Holy Ghost upon a Gentile, is to purge out the old blood, and make him actually of the seed of Abraham. . . ." (Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, 149-150) (Mormon Doctrine, 390), (Journal of Discourses, 2:268)
"[A]s the Holy Ghost falls upon one of the literal seed of Abraham, it is calm and serene
while the effect of the Holy Ghost upon a Gentile, is to purge out the old blood, and make him actually of the seed of Abraham. That man that has none of the blood of Abraham (naturally) must have a new creation by the Holy Ghost. In such a case, there may be more of a powerful effect upon the body, and visible to the eye, than upon an Israelite." - Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., History of the Church, v. 3, p. 380 "[Joseph taught] that the Gentile blood was actually cleansed out of their veins, and the blood of Jacob made to circulate in them; and the revolution and change in the system were so great that it caused the beholder to think they were going into fits." - Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 2, p. 269.
"This first Comforter
has no other effect than pure intelligence. It is more powerful in expanding the mind
of a man who is of the literal seed of Abraham, than one that is a Gentile
as the Holy Ghost falls upon one of the literal seed of Abraham, it is calm and serene
while the effect of the Holy Ghost upon a Gentile, is to purge out the old blood..." Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg. 149-50
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