The Gnostic Empire of "Christian Feminism"

The Gnostic Empire of "<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Christian Feminism" <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

When entering the realm of 21st century feminine Gnosticism, there is more than one door from which to choose. You can enter through the pagan teachings of feminism or you can enter through the "Christian" teachings of feminism, but, either way, each door will interestingly lead you to the same teachings about "god", or at least the "Father/Mother god" of "Christian feminism".It is hard to believe that this horrific movement called "Christians for Biblical Equality" exists and has not been totally ostracized and shut down by Christians. Why? There is a spirit at work, and this spirit hates the Bible, hates God, and hates His people. The spirit glories in the intellect and carnal reasoning of the sinful mind. It is a strong spirit that exudes haughtiness and power, but the humble, true, and mighty power of the Holy Spirit is its opposition, as well as the power of the blood of Jesus (the Jesus, that is, who is the "Son of Man" and who was not supposed to come as a FEMALE)!!!It is a spirit to deceive, and it teaches the "Divine Feminine". The SAME SPIRIT of Gnosticism is at work these days in and out of the church through what can be described as the "Christian Feminist movement." This spirit hates the Bible and hates humility, and this spirit hates a "Father" God.Here is an excerpt from a pagan book on Gnosticism. It is from a woman named Sue Monk Kidd, who used to be a Baptist, and now she has come to embrace the "divine feminine". As I quote from her on Gnosticism, please keep in mind that the feminist movement within the church entitled "Christians for Biblical Equality" is teaching this same exact thing!"...the main thing distinguishing the Gnostic gospels from the orthodox gospels is their abundance of powerful feminine imagery of the Divine. They reveal that many early Christians described and worshipped God as dyad, a being consisting of both masculine and feminine elements. They prayed to both the divine Father and the divine Mother--to Mother-Father. One of their prayers, still intact, begins, 'From thee, Father, and through thee, Mother...' The Gnostic gospels also referred to the Holy Spirit as female."--The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, p. 151, Sue Monk KiddFor more of this same Gnostic teaching, please go to: and study their articles and order a few of their tapes and books! Before long, you, too, may become a Gnostic! And this spirit just might deceive you as it has seduced even seminary professors and pastors away from the honor and unmerited privilege of living to call God "Father" and witnessing to offer others such a gift.Please stay FAR AWAY from this Satanic spirit, and how I pray that God will get this paganism out of His Church."Even in My house I have found their wickedness...They are leading you into futility; they speak a vision of their own imagination, not from the mouth of the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:11,16)"A people who continually provoke Me to My face." (Isaiah 65:3)


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