Good News for Pedophiles--Shame on Delta Airlines

Good News for Pedophiles -- Ray Comfort
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Thanks to Delta airlines, you can now sit back and enjoy pedophilia while you fly in comfort across <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America. While there are certain passengers who may appreciate it, I don't think I am alone in my convictions when it comes to the sexual exploitation of our children. I don't like it.
I have been living in the United States for over 18 years. I became a citizen ten years ago and I'm extremely proud to be an American. I am proud because Americans are a compassionate people. They love and care for their children, and this is never more evident as when they see them harmed by some sexually twisted pervert.
Recently Kirk Cameron, I, and my son-in-law Emeal Zwayne, were flying from Atlanta to Los Angeles. Halfway into the flight, Kirk suddenly looked up and said, "What's going on!" We looked up at the more than twenty screens to see what looked like a nine-year-old child sexually gyrating and stripping in front of an adult audience. As we watched in horror, a few of the adults in her audience stood to their feet and began to clap to the music, obviously encouraging her to strip further, which she gladly did.
The airline kindly warned that the movie contained "adult situations, strong language and violence," and reviews said that it was "hilariously funny." No doubt the film's makers had a reason for their juvenile stripping scene, but what we were looking at wasn't a normal adult situation, nor was it funny. This was the promotion of pedophilia in the public arena.
We looked at each other and asked "How could this be happening?" This wasn't some in-house meeting of NAMBLA where perverts were getting off on seeing a young child take her clothes off in the privacy of their own clubhouse. This wasn't in some dirty little back room in Downtown Los Angeles. This was in front of mothers and fathers and their children on a domestic flight on Delta airlines.
What sort of twisted Hollywood scumbag is allowed to get this trash on a public airline?
The three of us immediately protested to a flight attendant. She smiled and gave her standard response, "You don't have to watch it. Just get on line on the Delta website and register a complaint." She was too busy caring for the needs of the passengers to see the movie.
One of the other passengers heard our protests and began to say that he actually enjoyed the film. Personally, I would like to know the names and addresses of anyone who enjoys watching little kids take their clothes off in public. I would like to warn the families in their area.
If someone is caught with this trash on his personal computer, he will find himself with a stiff prison term, but if he enjoys it on Delta, then that's his right.
I feel angry when our flag is burned, but if it's part of America's freedom, I can live with it. But if our freedom has its bounds, let it be at the harm of our children. Let's not let those who are our enemies see how we treat our children. If we can't agree on gay rights, prayer in schools, the war in Iraq, let's at least agree on this issue.
I have been on more than 1900 flights and I have looked away from adult entertainment many of times, but I will not close my eyes with this issue. I will open my mouth and do all I can to shame Delta for what they have done. What do I want from them? I want a very public apology. I want them and all the airlines to clean up their dirty little acts. The airlines outlawed smoking on their planes because enough passengers complained that they didn't want other people's poison in their faces. Liberty has its bounds. So if enough people protest about pedophilia flights maybe the airlines will ban their poison, and even create a NAMBLA room in the terminal so that they won't lose their business.
I like Delta's flight attendants. They are friendly. I like their pilots. They are good at what they do. I even like their food, and after the horror of 911, I want them to get on their feet financially, so I have a suggestion. I would like for Delta to know that screening a film that sexualizes a child is not good for public relations.

Ray Comfort is a best-selling author and co-host of an award-winning television show, with actor Kirk Cameron.

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