Good News for Women? Adam was Really A Women at One Time?

Good News for Women?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Here is a quote from Rebecca Merrill Groothuis who is on the Board of Reference for Christians for Biblical Equality, the evangelical feminist group I discussed last week on the air on Crosstalk with <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Jill Martin Rische and Ingrid Schlueter. See what I have bolded for emphasis. Rebecca Groothuis, wife of Dr. Douglas Groothuis, writes in her book Good News for Women, page 125 (quoted verbatim):Some have suggested that before the woman was created Adam was not a specifically male human but was a sexually undifferentiated human. This idea seems to have some plausibility given that the biblical text does not refer to Adam as male until after the woman is taken out of him. In Genesis 1:26-27 and 5:1-2 we are told that God created Adam, that Adam was created in God's image, and that Adam was created male and female. These summary statements telescope humanity's two-stage creation so that, whether existing in the form of a single being or as male and female separate beings, humanity is referred to simply as "Adam." Adam had in himself somehow a capacity for both maleness and femaleness.---–On the back of the book, Good News for Women, we read about the supporters of this infestation of androgynous beliefs with names of seminaries supporting the book: Fuller Theological Seminary, Denver Seminary, Gordon-Conwell, Eastern Baptist Seminary, and Carey/Regent College.Rebecca Groothuis wrote us after the interview stating we had taken her out of context. I have been in prayer about it, because I am more than willing to apologize when I am wrong, but we looked up the source page, and her own words are used against her. We did not quote her out of context at all on the radio program. To listen to the radio program go to Crosstalk Radio, March 8, 2007.
Dwayna Litz 
Lighting The Way Worldwide
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