Growing Concern Food Crisis is About to Get Much Worse: Worldview Report Transcript For May 3, 2022

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.

There is growing concern tonight that the food crisis is about to get much worse.

Farmers worldwide are reducing their use of chemical fertilizers. In most cases this isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. They either can’t afford to buy fertilizer or they can’t get their hands on enough of it even if they could afford it.

Which means their crops may deliver significantly lower yields when harvest time arrives in the fall. The ramifications could be catastrophic. 

Zero Hedge is reporting there are already alarming signs that commercial farmers are decreasing their use of essential nutrients — nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 

SLC Agricola SA, one of Brazil's largest farming operations, revealed last week it is managing fields of soybeans, corn, and cotton in an area larger than the state of Delaware, by reducing the use of fertilizer by 20 to 25 percent. 

Coffee farmers in Brazil, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Costa Rica are expected to spread less fertilizer because of high costs and shortages. A coffee cooperative representing 1,200 farmers in Costa Rica predicts coffee output could drop by 15% next year because of skyrocketing fertilizer costs. 

The International Fertilizer Development Center has warned a reduction in the use of fertilizers would shrink yields of rice and corn come harvest time. Farmers in China, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Vietnam — the largest rice-producing countries — are spreading less fertilizer, and may result in a 10 percent reduction in harvests – that translates into about 36 million tons of rice, enough to feed a half billion people.

All this data leads Zero Hedge to conclude:

“More fertilizer equals more food production; Less fertilizer equals lower food production. It's a simple concept to understand and may suggest an even larger food crisis is on the horizon.”


Sam Faddis has a new article out on his Substack in which he asks the question: Where are the stingers and javelins that Joe Biden is sending to Ukraine coming from?

The Pentagon hasn’t placed an order for stinger shoulder-fired missiles in 18 years. These missiles are making life miserable for Russian pilots.

One might think they are rolling off an assembly line somewhere in the U.S. but that would be a mistaken assumption.

The truth is, as Faddis points out, these missiles are coming directly out of the stockpile of the U.S. military. But by sending them to Ukraine, Joe Biden is taking them away from U.S. service members and depleting their ability to defend the country against an attack by a foreign power.

Faddis writes:

“It seems not only have we not built any Stingers in a very long time, but since we are rapidly hollowing out our industrial base and shipping it to China, we actually don’t make many of the components that go into a Stinger missile anymore.

Asked about how long it might actually take to start producing Stingers and rebuilding our stockpiles of the missiles, Greg Hayes, Raytheon’s chief executive, said the company is working to find some of the materials for the missile but because some components are no longer commercially available, the company will have to redesign electronics in the missile’s seeker head.

Hayes said it’s going to be 2023-’24 before orders come in for the larger replenishments, both on Stinger as well as on Javelin, which has also been a very successful anti-tank missile that we are also handing out like hotcakes to the Ukrainians.


Bill Gates is excited about the prospect of another lockdown.

And the next time an “outbreak” of a virus occurs, he wants a specialized global police force empowered to be able to “stop outbreaks before they become pandemics.”

The first 100 days are key, he said, adding “If you get in there you can actually stop the spread.”

He noted Australia’s draconian quarantining polices as the model that every country should implement “next time.”

Take a listen.


These comments were made by Gates at a recent TED Talk.


Truth Social is in the sights of the Biden administration's new Disinformation Governance Board, according to the man running Donald Trump's fledgling social network.

The Washington Examiner reports that Devin Nunes, the congressman who left office to become the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group, said the government is the most significant threat to freedom of speech now that Twitter is being taken over by Elon Musk and Truth Social and other new platforms are providing open platforms free of censorship.

Nunes told Maria Bartiromo of Fox News:

"I think it’s so Orwellian, so dystopian, something you only see in dictatorships that now, they’re going to set up some type of disinformation board. I think that’s a direct attack on what we are doing at Truth Social, because we can no longer be canceled.”

Nina Jankowicz, selected to be the chief of the Disinformation Governance Board within Homeland Security, is a TikTok star and known Democratic Party operative who has been criticized for her promotion of Christopher Steele's discredited anti-Trump dossier while at the same time she dismissed concerns around Hunter Biden and his laptop. Republicans have criticized the board, comparing it to the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell's book 1984.

Nunes had this to say about Jankowicz:

"We’re going to protect our users from this new phony government disinformation service, and the fact that they would use some D-rated TikTok star that is the queen of disinformation herself on the Russia hoax and the laptop from hell to head it up is really the height of hypocrisy that’s so unbelievable.”

The White House has characterized the board as being a continuation of a Trump administration effort, and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended its operations, claiming the board won't monitor U.S. citizens, while touting Jankowicz as "eminently qualified," a "renowned expert," and "neutral."


A large chicken farm in Iowa killed more than five million birds after detecting a single case of bird flu, then summarily fired 200 workers who had been assigned the task of slaughtering the hens, according to a report from CBS News MoneyWatch.

Rembrandt Farms, where the mass slaughter took place in March, is owned by billionaire Glen Taylor, one of the wealthiest Iowans, and an owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves NBA franchise. Protesters from the animal rights group Direct Action Everywhere reportedly stormed the court at home games wearing T-shirts reading, "Glen Taylor Roasts Animals Alive." 

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship in March announced that it had confirmed a case of avian influenza in "a flock of commercial layer chickens" in Buena Vista County, where Rembrandt Farms is located.

The Storm Lake Times detailed the Ventilation Shutdown Plus method by which the birds were killed. The system shuts off barn ventilation, temperatures rise above 104 degrees and the birds slowly die of suffocation. 

Zoe Rosenberg, one of the protesters, described the method by which the hens were killed, stating:

"They were essentially roasted alive. They were cooked from the inside out. Glen Taylor is a billionaire, yet he chose the cheapest option to kill these birds in a very cruel way."

The culling at Rembrandt comes amid an outbreak of bird flu in the U.S.

More than 24 million birds have been killed in the past two months in an effort to contain the spread of bird flu in what is the biggest outbreak since 2015, when farmers killed more than 50 million chickens and turkeys.


According to a story in the New York Post, the job of Twitter’s chief censor, who gets paid $17 million a year to police speech on the platform, is in jeopardy.

If Elon Musk completes his takeover of the company, one of the first to go might be Vijaya Gadde, who earned $17 million last year as Twitter’s chief legal counsel.

After disclosing plans to acquire the company earlier this month, Musk expressed “no confidence” in Twitter’s current management — which doesn’t bode well for their future once he takes the helm later this year.

However, it’s not all bad news for Gadde, the 48-year-old lawyer who reportedly broke down in tears when breaking the news to Twitter employees about Musk’s buyout of the company.

She will get a severance package worth $12.5 million that includes the accelerated vesting of a trove of Twitter shares she has accrued, according to the Post report.


After just three months on the job, the Disney executive who reportedly led the company’s opposition to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act is looking for a new job, according to the Washington Examiner.

Geoff Morrell, Disney’s chief corporate affairs officer, reportedly announced his resignation to his colleagues on Friday, writing, “After three months in this new role, it has become clear to me that for a number of reasons it is not the right fit.”

Morrell allegedly said  his decision to “pursue other opportunities” was made following a discussion of the matter with Disney CEO Bob Chapek.

The Western Journal reports that some of Morrell’s duties will assumed by Kristina Schake, vice president of global communications, who was hired in April to help address the parental-rights backlash ignited by Disney’s propaganda war against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

According to RSBN, “Schake brings a distinctly liberal pedigree to the role, having previously served in the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, and Joe Biden’s administration.”

Schake, another Democratic operative working for an American corporate icon, will now seek to do damage control on what has been a disastrous few months for Disney, and its woke agenda to corrupt America’s youth. Not only did the company recently lose its self-governing privileges in Florida, but according to Breitbart, Disney now holds the distinction of being the worst-performing Dow Jones stock of this past year, having plummeted 31 percent over the last 12 months.


The UK’s Office for National Statistics has revealed without realizing it that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid vaccine, according to a report in the Daily Expose.

Back on the 20th of December, 2021, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a dataset containing details on ‘deaths by vaccination status in England’ between January 1st and October 31st, 2021.

What the dataset includes is ‘age-standardized mortality rates by age-group and vaccination status for all deaths.” However they have conveniently left out the data for children, and only included data on age groups over the age of 18, the Expose reports, adding that on table 9 of the ‘Deaths by Vaccination Status’ dataset, “the ONS has inadvertently provided enough details on deaths among children and teenagers by vaccination status for us to calculate the mortality rates ourselves, and to put it bluntly, they are horrifying, and make it obvious as to why the ONS chose to exclude children from the mortality rates dataset.”

The math shows vaccinated children are nearly 52 times more likely to die than non-vaccinated children.


Even if the vaccines worked and were safe, the predicate for giving them to people was that we were in an emergency health situation, hence the “emergency use authorization” for an experimental vaccine.

Dr. Peter McCullough, in a recent interview with Newsmax, said there is absolutely no justification based on public heath for giving these injections to anyone, let alone children. And yet, Big Pharma is targeting babies and toddlers next for this extremely dangerous shot.

Take a look at what the doctor had to say.



We have more election shenanigans to report in Georgia, only this story isn’t about the 2020 presidential election.

The state’s notorious secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, is making the highly unusual move of awarding a no-bid contract to a radical far-left firm that will be put in charge of managing voter registration for the 2022 midterm elections.

This is unbelievable.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:39)


An article by Mary Villareal at Natural News details how the cost of diesel fuel is rising much faster than unleaded gasoline, and why that’s a huge problem for the supply chain.

Data from the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that the price of diesel has jumped a jaw-dropping 43 percent since the beginning of the year, while the price of gasoline has increased 25 percent over that same four-month period.

Typically, the spread between the price of gasoline and the price of diesel has been about 40 cents on average. But right now, diesel is running over a dollar more than unleaded gasoline.

Since diesel is used to transport just about all goods throughout the U.S., this record price hike is potentially devastating if it continues much longer.

Energy industry analysts say the current spike in diesel prices is historic in the sense that it is pushing up costs of just about everything else in terms of goods.

Villareal points out that nearly everything people buy is at some point shipped in a vehicle powered by a diesel engine, including ships and barges, trains, trucks and even some airplanes.

Freight industry analysts also suspect that the very fragmented and volatile trucking industry will likely experience another severe recession, with others going as far as calling it a bloodbath.

Craig Fuller, founder and CEO of industry tracker Freightwaves, observed:

“We see when fuel surges as much as it has over the past couple of months, that’s usually when we see a lot of trucking bankruptcies follow.”

Keep in mind that the vast majority of trucking companies are small businesses running a dozen or fewer trucks.

Fuller added:

“These small operators that live essentially on the cash flow of their trucking operations are not prepared and don’t have the balance sheets or the cash position to absorb these instantaneous shocks to their cash flow.”

The trucking industry is already undermanned, dealing with a shortage of about 80,000 truckers nationwide. If trucking companies start to go belly up due to unaffordable diesel, now the problems with supply chain disruptions become more like a total supply-chain breakdown.

This is a story that’s getting very little media coverage. This is a crisis in the making that we will continue to keep our eyes on here at the Worldview Report.


World Economic Forum founder and master globalist Klaus Schwab’s daughter is calling for a flip of the script in the crisis du jour offered up by the globalist media cartel.

She wants them to pivot from Covid hysteria to climate change hysteria.

J.D. Rucker posted an article over the weekend taking a look at the views of Schwab’s daughter, Nicole. He writes:

“Not only is she deeply embedded in the WEF and quickly working her way up the food chain, but she also happens to possess her father’s penchant for taking full advantage of bad situations to advance her own goals. It’s important to realize this is not a recent video. This is from 2020 during the early stages of the Plandemic, which demonstrates their evil machinations are not reactionary but truly planned.”

According to The Counter Signal:

Nicole Schwab, the daughter of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and current WEF Co-Director of the Platform to Accelerate Nature-Based Solutions, wants governments to take advantage of COVID infrastructure and policies to fight climate change.

Take a listen to what this globalist has to say.


Nicole Schwab’s comments are the subject of tonight’s Worldview Report commentary.

She starts off by saying, “Clearly, the system…” meaning a world in which people are allowed to live free, is not sustainable, before adding, “So, I see it as a tremendous opportunity to really have this Great Reset and to use these huge flows of money, to use the increased levers that policymakers have today in a way that was not possible before to create a change that is not incremental, but that we can look back and we can say, ‘This is the moment where we really started to position nature at the core of the economy.’”

Let’s be clear. What Nicole Schwab is calling for is full on authoritarianism, implemented under the guise of a “crisis.” This is the World Economic Forum agenda and it’s very dangerous. More people must be made aware of the fact that we’re being played by these globalists. Covid policies had nothing to do with public health, and climate change policies have nothing to do with the climate. It’s all a big scam to bypass our U.S. Constitution, and the constitutions of every free country, in order to trigger global totalitarianism. And we must reject it wholesale.

That’s it for this edition of the Worldview Report. We hope to see you back here again tomorrow evening. Until then, take care and God bless you all.


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WVW Broadcast Network



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