Guidepost Magazine No Longer Christian?

Guidepost Magazine No Longer <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Christian?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 
A friend of mine sent me a recent Guidepost magazine, outraged by an endorsement they were making in the November, 2006 issue. I looked over it, and I was also taken aback by their promotion of theological feminism and decided to give them a call.
I picked up the phone and called Guidepost magazine. I kept my voice calm and low and spoke to someone to make a comment. I said:"I was under the impression that Guidepost is a Christian magazine. Is that true?"She said, "No, it is not true. It is a spiritual magazine to reach out to people in all faiths."I said, "Oh, ok, so that would explain why you are promoting someone who walks with the turtles to get the spirit of the turtle and who makes a shrine to the Mother-god and who is offended by patriarchal language of the Bible."She didn't say anything.I continued, "I am talking about your endorsement of Sue Monk Kidd and promotion of her books. That is atrocious from a Christian standpoint."She calmly answered, "Ok," to acquiesce cordially to me as a "customer."I said, "I have a Christian ministry, and I will be letting people know about this."She said, "Ok," and we hung up.The conversation lasted for about two minutes. I just wanted to let everyone know that the November 2006 issue of Guidepost is now promoting Sue Monk Kidd, and, by their own admission, the magazine is not Christian but "spiritual" to "reach people of all faiths."
Dwayna Litz


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