Have We Lost Our Way?

Have We Lost Our Way? <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish." Ps 1:6
"So you shall say to them, 'This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction. Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth.'" Jer 7:28 (emphases mine)
On last Wednesday I spoke with one of the fathers of the conservative/Christian movement.  We were bemoaning the loss of a Special Election in a usually solid Republican House district in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Louisiana.  I commented to my esteemed friend, "We seem to have lost our way!"  From things he has said and written in the past, I believe he agreed, albeit wistfully. 
During a follow-up to my observation, I noted that we need a "spiritual" component to "our way".  I am convinced the 1980 – 2000 revival in conservative/Christian political fortunes was driven by interests /concerns /issues which are "spiritual" and Biblical in nature; and each one had an ardent advocacy group which worked feverishly for its cause.  Let's look at the ones which have been straws which have stirred the conservative/Christian pot in the past:
1.      Abortion /Homosexual Marriage – These two topics (and other "values" issues) rallied zealous troops from almost every religious entity; without their energy and devotion, conservative/Christian candidates could not have won enough races to achieve a majority in Congress or in the states!  (By the way, Larry Kudlow of CNBC just called Barack Obama "a baby killer".  He's right – Hillary is, too.)
2.      Communism /National Defense /Patriotism – During the Cold War, conservatives/Christians led the way in standing up to the communist threats and eventually defeating them; without President Reagan's efforts, the USSR could still be around today; despite the leftists' best endeavors, national defense and patriotic attitudes amongst the general population ruled during that era.
It is impossible to read Old Testament stories without seeing the importance God places on defending one's land, city or state from attack.  This is the primary God-given role of magistrates and those in positions of governmental authority (see Judges 2:16; 5:2; I Sam 13:19; 17:26f; 1 Kg 11:21; Neh 4:21; Ester 4:13-17; Ps 137:1; Is 21:6).
3.      Taxes and the Economy – Except for the Clinton years, the country prospered during this period, primarily due to lower taxes and somewhat less regulation of the economy, thereby releasing capitalism to be more effective; there have been (and still are) strong and effective advocacy groups for these policies; it appears the Lord wants us to be free to use the talents, energy and opportunities He gives us, so we can prosper, take care of our families and contribute to our neighborhoods and cultures (see, for example, 1 Sam 8:11f; 2 Chron 10:4; Neh 5:4; Ezek 45:0; 46:18; Micah 2:1-2; Mt 17:25-26; Lk 3:12-13).
So, how have we "lost our way"?  As a Church and a Nation, we no longer seem determined to pursue these crucial "spiritual" matters as before.  Take abortion, for example.  In the 1980's this issue was front and center publicly and in the Church.  This is no longer true.  Since the "shedding of innocent blood" is so significant to the Lord (1 Kg 2:31; Jer 7:6), how can we expect Him to bless our land if we ignore the bloodshed (see Num 35:33)?
With regard to National Defense and Patriotism, the threat of anti-Christian Islamic jihad is ominously at hand, yet our government refuses to even identify it as "Islamic" or "jihad", and the Church seems disinterested (see 1 Cor 10:14; 1 Jn 5:21).
Remember, this is supremely a "spiritual" or Judeo-Christian matter, since our enemies' purpose is to overthrow the Judeo-Christian basis of our culture and install Sharia laws in its place.  (Hello, Brethren, do you believe this?) (see Deut 28:14f)
We are looking away from this matter of National Defense and Patriotism, which will not invoke God's blessings (see Deut 28:7).
Also, regarding the Economy, I believe a thorough reading of Scripture shows how strongly the Lord disapproves of tyrannical governments which issue oppressive decrees and steal our wealth (see Ezek 45:8-9; 46:18).  Taxation and just governments ARE "spiritual" and Biblical matters and, again, we cannot expect to prosper regionally or nationally if we violate God's Principles (see Deut 28:19-20).
In summary, until the conservative/Christian movement regains its moorings and walks in God's Ways, and pursues His principles, our nation and our movement cannot expect to prosper as before.  The Church MUST return to its First Love – Jesus Christ and His Word and principles for living – or we will continue to follow false prophets and foolish ways and receive His curses rather than blessings (see Deut 28:15f). 
We have "lost our way" because:
1.      The Church itself has lost its way and no longer injects itself (with Biblical Wisdom) into the public discourse; it is no longer SALT (Eph 1:18-19).  ["His intent was that through the Church the manifold WISDOM of God should be made known…" Eph 3:10, emphasis mine]
2.      The West no longer seeks TRUTH, which can only be found through Jesus (Jn 14:6); in place of Truth, we pursue multiculturalism, diversity, "tolerance" and relativism;
3.      We lack TRUE political leaders, prophets and watchmen; instead we run after false prophets, false messiahs and wicked principles and philosophies (Micah 3; Col 2:8).
The Answer:
The Church!  Preaching the Gospel and Teaching the Truth.  Then we will begin to "find our way back".  Meanwhile, the nation and the conservative/Christian movement can expect a very unpleasant "wilderness" experience.  (see Josh 5:6 – "For the children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, till all the people…were consumed, because they did not obey the voice of the LORD…")
How to Pray:

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