Hawking Breaks Atheist Rules

Hawking Breaks Atheist Rules

 – Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

According to professor Stephen Hawking, God didn't create the universe. Instead, nothing created everything. However, Hawking has violated the basic laws of science. In an extract of his latest book, The Grand Design, was published in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Eureka magazine in The Times, the professor said: "Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist."It is embarrassingly unscientific to speak of anything creating itself from nothing. Common sense says that if something possessed the ability to create itself from nothing, then that something wasn't nothing, it was something--a very intelligent creative power of some sort. Hawking has violated the unspoken rules of atheism. He isn't supposed to use words like "create" or even "made." They necessitate a Creator and a Maker. Neither are you supposed to let out that the essence of atheism is to believe that nothing created everything, because it's unthinking. It confirms the title, You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, but You Can't Make Him Think. Nor should an atheist speak of gravity as being a "law," because that also denotes the axiom of a Law-giver. Laws don't happen by themselves. But look at how careless the professor was, with his, "The Big Bang was the result of the inevitable laws of physics and did not need God to spark the creation of the Universe."It seems that Professor Hawking has changed his mind about the need for God. Back in 1988, in his book A Brief History of Time, he said, "If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we should know the mind of God." Einstein said that he wanted to know the mind of God. Both men could have easily found the mind of God and through it have seen how we were created--"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," something of which we were reminded when the first manned mission to moon read from Genesis chapter one. We need to read it again.

The Problem of Divine Law

A private Christian school in Dallas, Texas, refused to enroll a child into the school because the child's parents were lesbians. In a statement, authorities at the school said, "We regret the disappointment the mother feels, but also do not understand why she would want to enroll her child in a school that would undercut her own personal values at home." Surprisingly, the mother of the child agreed with the school. She said, "I absolutely would not want her to partake in a school where they did not believe or condone the relationship that we have together." The school had previously rejected an applicant who came from a homosexual household, fired an unmarried teacher who became pregnant and removed a man "from leadership roles in the school" after he left his wife for another woman. The lesbian mother said that said she was raised in a Baptist home, and she had thought that the school could give her child a good education and impart "the basic Bible teachings ... follow the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments, be kind to your neighbor." But she added, "The God that I know and the God that I love will love me and love my children no matter what." If you don't like God's standards, make up your own god. Homosexuality and every other sin that plagues this nation, is only a symptom of idolatry. This was always Israel's problem right down through history. They strayed from God's Law into idolatry, then into sexual sin, then into judgment. How foolish is it to believe that God changes and His Law disappears, simply because we imagine Him to be something more congenial. And how much more foolish is it--to pretend that He doesn't exist, and that the entire universe magically appeared billions of years ago, with no Maker.


Criminal Law

There is something in criminal law called mens rea. This is "An element of criminal responsibility, mens rea is Latin for 'guilty mind.' Must be established to prove criminal liability."[1] In other words, if a man committed rape or murder, did he know at that time that what he did was wrong? If so, that establishes a case for his guilt.Who of us doesn't have a "guilty mind" when it comes to lying, stealing, adultery, and murder? This was because "the work of the Law" is written upon our heart and mind. The effect of the presence of the knowledge of right and wrong, is that the conscience will accuse us of guilt. Speaking of the ungodly, the Amplified Bible puts it this way:"They show that the essential requirements of the Law are written in their hearts and are operating there, with which their consciences (sense of right and wrong) also bear witness; and their [moral] decisions (their arguments of reason, their condemning or approving thoughts) will accuse or perhaps defend and excuse [them]" (Romans 2:15).For many, the feeling of guilt is nothing more than an annoyance to be shaken off like some sort of bug that is sitting on the flesh of your arm. Bug us though it may, the function of the conscience is similar to that of a smoke detector, and guilt is its alarm. The sound of a smoke detector's alarm is annoying, but we appreciate it because of its function. Its purpose is to be annoying, because it wants to alarm me to imminent danger. That's the function of the alarm of the conscience. Each time you hear it, it's saying there is imminent danger, and that danger is the Day of Judgment when the fire of God's indignation will rage against all wickedness. If you remove the batteries from a smoke detector because you don't like the annoying alarm, and the consequence is that you lose your life in a fire, people will say that you were a fool. The tragedy is that often entire families perish because of an irresponsible father. The same case applies to the salvation of God.Notes: [1}.public.findlaw.com/library/pa-criminal-law.html

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