Howse to House TV Hosted Inside the Home of Laura Ingalls Wilder

On Friday, with host Melissa Kay Howse was honored to be given filming access inside the historic home of Laura Ingalls Wilder, in which she wrote her world famous books upon which the television series Little House on the Prairie is based. We filmed in front of Laura's fireplace in the home & then inside the museum. The first segment airs this week on Howse to House with Melissa Kay. You will see her father's fiddle, some of her dresses, a hat worn by Michael Landon in the television series and best of all, you will get a tour inside her home where she lived with her husband and daughter. The historian and guide that has been on staff for the past 11 years told us that she cannot remember ever seeing a film crew in the home filming as we had the privilege of accomplishing.


When Laura passed away in 1957, the home was immediately preserved and opened as a museum a few weeks later. We will show you her furniture, home library, desk, organ, bedroom, and the famous clock that she wrote about in her books. The historian told us that First Lady Laura Bush toured the home in October of 2008. Mrs. Bush had read the books to her students when she was a teacher and had wanted to visit the home for many years.


Melissa Kay commented that the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder was very beautiful and the decor of the home was very stylish for the time period. Melissa said the home was very warm, inviting, and extremely cute. We were even given a tour of the second floor that is not part of normal group tours.


In our TV show, you will see some furniture and lamps that were handmade by Laura's husband, Almanzo. The ceiling in the living room had huge timbers that came from their gorgeous property. You will also might be shocked by the beautiful "every day" dishes of the family.


We filmed a great interview and tour in the home and in the museum. The first segment will air this week on the next episode of Howse to House. Laura's home is in Mansfield, Missouri, which is only a few hours from Kansas City, as well as St. Louis. The home is an easy drive from Branson. We highly recommend a visit to the home and museum. Many of you should add this to your schedule when you attend our 2020 Ozarks Worldview Weekend at Lake of the Ozarks, as Laura's home and museum is only 90 miles from there.


Do you have family or friends who love the Little House series? Make sure to tell them about our upcoming show on Howse to House TV.

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