HRES 590: Government as head of household

HRES 590: Government as head of household<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Donald Hank
The radical feminist movement tanked in the early 90s after domineering women's belief system for 30 odd years.  People finally saw the hypocrisy.  When the N.O.W took no position on the Lewinsky case, it was obvious they only stood for leftist man haters, not traditional women struggling to keep their families together.
But the elitists in government (both parties), whose single-minded purpose is re-election at all costs, didn't seem to notice.  They kept propping up the failed radfem ideology, which, as I showed in an earlier column, is one of the pillars of Maoism.
Here's what all the fuss is about:
The radical feminists hate the "patriarchy," which is their code word for marriage.  But since most American women are for marriage, they have been scheming to show that marriage is poison to women.  To do this, they stoutly maintain, at variance with serious studies on the subject, that men are typically violent and women are their perennial victims
There's a lot at stake, namely, child custody, which translates into child support for the winner of custody cases-almost invariably mothers.
Important scientific studies, like Dr. Warren Farrell's book Father and Child Reunion, which I mentioned in an earlier column, show that children fare best in intact marriages, followed by father custody, followed lastly by mother custody.
To keep these devastating findings from affecting legislative and jurisprudential reality, the radical feminists can always count on their numerous henchpersons in the legislature to introduce legislation based on grotesquely distorted study results fed to them by feminists.
House resolution 590 starts out: "whereas one in four women will experience domestic violence some time in their life...," suggesting that men do not experience domestic violence.  Yet the most complete-ever review on the subject shows women are as physically aggressive or more aggressive than men in their male-female relationships.
But more devastating than these figures is an analysis of PA child abuse statistics I conducted for Lancaster-New York Non-Custodial Parents in 2000 showing that mothers plus the men they brought into their children's lives after their relationship with the fathers are terminated perpetrated 4,021 child abuses in 1999 versus 2,263 perpetrated by fathers plus the women they brought into their children's lives. 
In other words, as many as 1,758 excess child abuses may have been added to the system in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Pennsylvania as a result of the tenacious policy of awarding child custody automatically to mothers.
This isn't to say that fathers are necessarily better parents in a hypothetical state devoid of government interference.  But in a system where welfare and monetary "child" support incentives encourage women to have children, even those women who do not like-or even hate-children, our entire child support/custody system needs to be scrapped and replaced with one that truly takes the child's best interests into account.
HRES 590 is a step backward in this regard because it provides a specious prop for an agenda-driven custody system that harms children and decent fathers.
The prospect of driving a stake through the heart of the ill-begotten HRES 590 (not to be confused with HR 590, BTW, which is something else) makes a phone call to your congressman worth the effort. 
Donald Hank is a technical translator, staff writer for Laigle's Forum and founder of Lancaster-York Non-Custodial Parents.
Contact the author: [email protected]


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