Hyperinflation Special Report (2011)

Hyperinflation Special Report (2011)

March 15, 2011
United States Nears Hyperinflationary Great Depression
Federal Reserve and Government Have Exploded the U.S. Fiscal Crisis,Shattered Global Confidence in the U.S. Dollar but Not ResolvedOngoing Economic and Systemic-Solvency Crises
High Risk of Ultimate Dollar Disaster Beginning to Unfold in Months Ahead 2014 Remains the Outside Timing for Same
Contracting Money Supply Can Be InflationaryWhen Real Economy Contracts Even Faster
Major Economic Series Suggest Formal Depression in Place
Hyperinflation Special Report (2011) is the fourth in a series of related writings going back to 2006.  It updates and replaces the Hyperinflation Special Report (2010 Update) of December 2, 2009, which preceded: the Fed's formal monetization of U.S. Treasury debt aimed at debasing the U.S. dollar; the sharpest post-World War II annual decline in broad money growth; the pronouncement of an official end to the 2007 recession despite no meaningful recovery; passage of the Administration's health insurance legislation; and the mid-term election.  Nonetheless, the outlook has changed little.  With the passage of 15 months since the last report (updated circumstances have been covered regularly in weekly Commentaries), events just have moved this pending ultimate financial crisis into much closer time proximity.     
In turn, the 2010 report updated and replaced the Hyperinflation Special Report version of April 8, 2008, which was published post-Bear Stearns, but pre-Lehman, pre-TARP, pre-recession recognition and pre-2008 presidential election.  The April 2008 report updated and expanded upon the three-part Hyperinflation Series that began with the December 2006 SGS Newsletter, which predated public recognition of the 2007 economic and systemic-solvency crises.
This missive includes new material in addition to much of the same text that was in the 2010 edition, with revisions and updates reflecting the still-unfolding economic and systemic-solvency crises.  It expands upon some areas in previous reports; and answers to questions and issues raised by subscribers have been incorporated into the text.  Subscriber questions not directly answered here will be addressed in personal correspondence.
Click here for complete report:

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