I Don't Want Change

I Don't Want Change
You can tell something troubling is afoot in the political landscape when all someone has to do is say they stand for "change," and they have the devotions of swooning throngs. I can't think of a past election when candidates for the opposition haven't promised change as a populist mantra. That is probably why we seldom accomplish much of anything politically, put move from pillar to post, then digress back to pillar again. For my part, I really don't care much for change, I want better execution of the fundamentals instead. Suppose you are the coach of a football team. Your players aren't blocking and tackling, they fumble the ball and drop passes, and call plays that are too predictable to the defenses they face. Should you bring the players off the field and into the arena, suggesting that they might perform better playing basketball? Or do you hone the skills that are creating the inept performances? I think that epitomizes the differences between the conservative and liberal philosophies and platforms in the upcoming elections. Any analysis of the worthiness of a particular candidate or political party, must first endure the gauntlet principle, "what ought the government do?"The general population has totally disregarded that question to their own detriment, and instead keeps asking what can the government do for them. It is an exercise of giveaway programs for votes to insure electability or perpetual incumbency. Using my football illustration, let's look at the present administration. Am I upset that Bush went into Iraq or that he was tough on terrorism? No, but he should have done been better in managing a strategy for less long term entanglement. Was I against Bush's plans to personalize Social Security? No, but I can admit he did a poor job of selling the concept.I favor tax reduction for all who pay taxes, not just those who need it. Need fulfillment is a job for church organizations and charities. My complaint is that we didn't tighten the belt of spending at the same time, and that the tax reduction is too small and not permanent. These issues are not problems with direction, but with weakness of execution in promoting, establishing and articulating the these various policies. The pro-life arguments on issues such as abortions, stem-cell applications, euthanasia and others are "slam dunks" if we have leadership capable of articulating them, so it isn't direction that is the general problem. I haven't made any voting commitment beyond my state's primary on Tuesday, but I can guarantee that I won't vote for a democrat, be it Hillary or Barack Obama. As I've stated before, it's a simple issue of platform. I don't want the changes they are promising, even if they could bring about the changes they want to make. Their proposals are changes for the worse if we use our original grid that we must first determine what government ought to do. I am not inspired by socialism-light, regardless of the pretty box it is packaged with. What is so troubling is that some articulate guy like Obama, can attract so much fawning and enthusiasm just by continuing to repeat the magic C-word. What are the three most important traits in winning elections to the U.S. presidency: say we need change, say we need change, say we need change. It makes a thinking person sick to his or her stomach to see the legions of populist rats follow in unison to the three-chord diddy. Can anybody tell me what qualifies Hillary Clinton to be president? Maybe she will get all the votes of disgruntled women with chips on their shoulders, who think her election will usher in a new Karma? Another great reason to vote for someone in as president. In either case, the democratic nominee breaks a cultural barrier here in America. Either the first black person or the first woman to be nominated by a major political party. Perhaps that is a laudable milestone, but neither will be the first quasi-socialist, just the leader who takes us further left then this country has ever been. Even France recognized "change" has its useful and progressive limitations. Nope, I don't want change.Robert E. Meyer


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