I Want to Encourage You With Testimonies of How The Gospel and Biblical Teaching Impacts Individuals, Families, and Churches

Worldview Weekend Foundation1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228Collierville, TN 38017<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Dear Friends,
Since many of you have supported Worldview Weekend Foundation, we have been able to broadcast our daily radio program and our weekly, national television program to millions of potential listeners. We have also been able to sponsor the free, Biblical Worldview Weekend Rallies in dozens of states in the past few months with thousands of people of all ages attending and hearing solid, Biblical teaching.
Each year we receive thousands of e-mails from all over the world. We are humbled by the moms, dads, students, military members, missionaries, pastors, elders, deacons, Sunday School teachers, new Christians,  and Bible study leaders that reach out to us by e-mail. Many write to thank us and thousands write requesting a Biblical answer to a question or for us to provide Biblical resources for them to use in their own life or in ministry to others.
Of course the Biblical Worldview Weekend Rallies are free as is the weekly, national television program, The Worldview Weekend Hour, and the live, daily radio program, Worldview Weekend Radio.  
If you agree with the work we are doing, would you please consider a tax deductible contribution today? You can make a one-time contribution or set up an automatic, monthly contribution by going to http://www.worldviewweekendfoundation.com/
I want to encourage you with just a few testimonies we have received via e-mail in hopes you will be encouraged as are we that the Lord is allowing us to be used to His honor and glory. Thank you to those of you that have chosen to partner with us because without your help, many of these individuals would never have had the opportunity to attend a free Biblical Worldview Weekend Rally or to hear our daily radio program or to view our weekly national television broadcast.
Larry wrote: "Your ministry has been a great source of encouragement, insight, and education. I listen to your radio program every day and have gleaned much from your hours of research and study. I learned about your ministry from my now sixteen your old daughter who had been invited to go to your Branson conference two years ago…You have been a help to me as a parent by reinforcing her Biblical values and the need to 'study to show ourselves approved unto God.'"
Dave wrote: "You are doing a huge service in your teaching and warning the sheep of the ever increasing false teachers in our world today…I attended a Worldview Weekend seminar in Rogers, AR with you…and Dr. Ron Carlson…It was the facts discussed, the new information that I had never heard, and the passion I saw from both of you that inspired me and quite frankly changed my life! From then on out I've re-evaluated my prior beliefs, testing everything against the Word of God. "
Taylor wrote: "I attended your conference yesterday in Snellville and really enjoyed it and got a lot out of Brannon Howse, and Chris Pinto's talks. Thank you for what you do and not being willing to sell out for a broader audience or bigger sphere of influence. It takes a lot of courage and faith to stand for Biblical truth, and I really respect that…I really just want to seek the truth and know God, and I'm looking for solid, Biblical guidance on this, so I'm turning to you at Worldview Weekend for help. Thank you so much."
Eric wrote: "My wife has bought into the Word of Faith movement, however, we went to your Arlington, Texas conference and she is beginning to see the light…I cannot tell you how much I love you and your ministry…it has changed my live. Please don't give up. Continue to speak Biblical truth."
Andrea wrote: My husband and I are Baptist missionaries in Spain and we listen everyday by way of the internet to the different programs you put up including, Noise of Thunder, Crosstalk, your daily program etc. We like them all and have learned so much."
Lisa wrote: "You have opened by eyes to so many things…Before your show, my mentality was if they quote the Bible or speak of God or Jesus its ok. God lead me to your show and I'm forever thankful! Keep up the good work…I'm proof your show is impacting people. Thank you."
Kenneth wrote: "Thank you for your programs that you have because they are very informative. I am a pastor that was not aware of all the junk that is going on in the name of Jesus and distorting the Word of God, thus hurting the saints. I agree with your stand on the Word of God and keep up the good work."
Brent wrote: "I've just recently discovered you guys and your program and it's exactly what I need to help me further along in what the Lord Jesus has been showing me in His Word. Recently my eyes have been opened to a lot of the deception going on in the world and in much of the church in these last days."
Linda wrote: "I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am that God reached out and put your Worldview Weekend radio and television show in my path a couple years ago…I have learned so much about false prophets from you and your guests…I can't thank you and your guests enough for information no one else has out there."
Lori Wrote: "I just wanted to say thank you so much for your teaching. I had believed a lot of the lies that you are willing to refute. You do such great research and put it together in a way that is understandable. This information keeps me aware and alert. I also appreciate that you preach the gospel in all your work."
Stacey wrote: "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ministry and the strong, solid foundation of Biblical teaching upon which all of your ministry is based. I have been deceived by the doctrines of men in my Christian walk but Christ has been so gracious and faithful to gently lead me aout each time and lead me into all truth."
Tony wrote: "Your show helps me lead my family to see things in a Biblical way." These testimonies represent only a small fraction of similar e-mails we receive each year. Thank you again for making it possible for us to broadcast our radio and television program and to host our free Biblical Worldview Weekend Rallies. We are now working on our fall 2012 schedule for the free Biblical Worldview Weekend Rallies  as well as filming new television programs for the new fall broadcast schedule. By making a tax deductible, financial contribution to the Worldview Weekend Foundation today, you will help us ensure that we can successfully host the free, Biblical Worldview Weekend rallies we have planned for this fall. We will also be able to continue to broadcast our daily radio program on numerous stations live each day, as well as broadcast our weekly, national television program. Thank you in advance for partnering with us and in the near future I will be sharing with you more testimonies of what the Lord is allowing us to do together through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. If you prefer to send a check by mail, please use the address at the top of this letter and make your check payable to Worldview Weekend Foundation.
Sincerely, Brannon HowseWorldview Weekend Foundationhttp://www.worldviewweekendfoundation.com/
Be diligent to present yourself approved of God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the world of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)


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    Worldview Weekend Foundation
    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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