An Important Message From Usama Dakdok

The Straight Way of Grace Ministry has been involved with Brannon Howse and the Worldview Weekend for several years. We have enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people at the WorldView Weekend conferences, and we look forward to being involved in future conferences. Also, being a broadcast partner on WorldView Weekend radio and television gives our ministry a large audience in which we can reach people who may not be able to attend our speaking events or conferences. 

Our ministry receives emails or phone calls every week from people who express their thanks and appreciation about what they have learned through our programs on Worldview Weekend. Some are from first time viewers or listeners who were stunned at what the Qur’an teaches. We expose lies that Muslims use to convince the West that Islam is a wonderful, peaceful religion. By using our accurate English translation of the Qur’an, The Generous Qur’an, we quote the actual words of the Qur’an to expose its true teaching. There are even Muslims who contact us who now have either begun to question the teachings of the Qur’an or have turned their hearts and lives toward our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We know that more people are tuning in to WorldView Weekend and to our programs by the more recent calls from overseas. Several have been from non-Muslim women who were thinking about marrying a Muslim. After sharing with them what the Qur’an teaches about the treatment of women, many have decided not to marry the Muslim.

At the Worldview Weekend conferences, people have come up to me with their hearts breaking as they explain that their son or daughter had become involved with Islam. I am often asked to call that son or daughter or even meet with them face-to-face to expose what Islam truly is. I share verses of the Qur’an with them to show that the Qur’an teaches over 300 verses about engaging in war, killing, terrorism, and violence. Verses such as Qur’an 8:39- “And engage in war with them until there will not be sedition and the religion (Islam) will be completely to Allah…” 

Our desire is not only to educate people about Islam and expose the teachings of the Qur’an but also to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that through our ministry on WorldView Weekend many will discover that Islam is not “the way” but that “the Way” is Jesus Christ. Remember, Hosea 4:6 tells us: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” We must know what the Qur’an teaches to be able to expose its deception. We also need to know what God’s Word teaches to be able to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We are blessed in that WorldView Weekend does not charge our ministry any money to air our programs on their radio and TV networks. That is why I encourage you to support them financially and to let others know about these ministries. Your gift to WVW is tax deductible. Go to or you can send a check to P.O. Box 1690 Collierville, TN 38027. You can also give over the phone by calling 901-853-8792. 

To learn more about our ministry, watch or listen to our programs on WorldView Weekend, attend the WorldView Weekend conferences, and also check out our website at


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