Islamic Movement and Left Join Forces in anti-American Revolution (Part 1)

As Americans celebrated their 244th Independence Day, the pervasive lawlessness and pro- Marxist demonstrations observed for weeks in cities across the country underscore the methodical planning of domestic insurgents engaged in subversive and seditious activities to disrupt a pivotal presidential election year. The evidence for an increasing strategic alliance and coordination of efforts among the Islamic Movement, United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), and the Left necessitates action by the United States Government (USG) to protect the American people from these threats and preserve law and order. The ongoing record of failures by the USG in numerous cases to act upon credible intelligence occurs at a time when U.S. national security is compromised and government agencies have been infiltrated for decades by the Islamic Movement and communist/Marxist elements of the Left.

A forewarning of the escalatory nature of the event horizon in this country preceded by myriad indicators of both a Marxist insurrection and Islamic Movement civilization jihad is complicated by the willful blindness of U.S. leaders and officials. For example, Chicago has a history characterized by leftist activism and violent demonstrations in addition to being a gathering place and home for prominent Islamic Movement organizations. In August 1968, the leftist revolutionary Black Panther Party and Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) were among the groups protesting during the Democratic National Convention held at the International Amphitheater in Chicago.

Understood collectively as the New Left, the SDS was a counter-cultural movement that participated in mass line attacks against America’s democratic institutions with the goal of remaking government with a Marxist foundation. First generation Islamic Movement leaders in the U.S. and Chicago at this time were beginning to build calculated relationships with the Left in order to co-opt them for the advancement of their civilization jihad. Half a century later, and even after the tragic events of 11 September 2001, the USG struggles to comprehend the nexuses between the Islamic Movement and the Left. For more than a decade prior to the election of Donald J. Trump as U.S. President in November 2016, multiple warnings about the Islamic Movement threat doctrine went unheeded by elected representatives in Congress and the USG.     

Principal Islamic Movement jihadist operatives representing the Muslim Brotherhood were not reticent regarding their future plans at the 14th annual Muslim American Society (founding member of the USCMO) – Islamic Circle of North America (founding member of the USCMO) convention held on 26-28 December 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. The USCMO, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s political umbrella group and the leading edge of the jihadist movement in North America, addressed Muslims from around the globe gathered in Chicago. A call to action then for the Islamic Movement to work with its leftist allies served as an impetus leading up to the current events.

Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR, a USCMO founding member and unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development Relief and Development HAMAS terror funding case), stated to the audience at the McCormick Place: “Black Lives Matter is our matter. Black Lives Matter is our campaign.” This pronouncement by Awad was not coincidental, as the Black Lives Matter platform condemns both the foreign aid allocated by the U.S. for its ally Israel and operations of the U.S. Military targeting the global Islamic Movement jihadist networks. USCMO leadership also likely knew that, earlier that year, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors went to Israel in January 2015 with an objective to falsely conflate the alleged oppression of Muslims by the Israeli government with law enforcement violence targeting Black Americans.  

Of significance, the Marxist and Black Liberation framework of the Black Lives Matter movement was acknowledged by co-founder Patrisse Cullors in 2015. She described the ideology she shares with co-founder Alicia Garza: “We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular, we’re trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories.” Cullors also revealed that Eric Mann, a domestic terrorist, communist revolutionary and member of the Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground in the 1960s and 1970s, was her mentor. As a protégé of Mann, Cullors was trained by him in Marxist-Leninist ideology and the tactics of political organizing.

Islamic Movement leader Khalilah Sabra declared at this Muslim Brotherhood convention in December 2015: “We need to make a conscious admission to ourselves that Black Lives Matter . . . We are the community that staged a revolution across the world. If we can do that, why can’t we have a revolution in America? . . . You know what you should do. And if we do it, Allah has promised us the same victories that he granted to those who came before us.” As observed by Unconstrained Analytics in its May 2020 warning “Requiem for Minnesota – When Does a State Become a Counterstate?”, Khalilah Sabra’s speech at the 2015 MAS-ICNA Convention “merged the Left’s racism meme with the Muslim Brotherhood’s revolutionary jihad rhetoric.”

Matthew Edwards is a national security analyst with an emphasis on counter intelligence and threat assessment.

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