Jason Lewis on State's Rights, Illegal Immigration, Free Societies Don't Mandate Military Drafts and Blue States Collapsing

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In a recent interview between TV host Brannon Howse and former U.S. Congressman Jason Lewis, the two delved into several critical issues affecting the nation. Jason Lewis, who had his own nationally syndicated program, served in Congress and was a frequent guest host for Rush Limbaugh, shared his insights on topics ranging from the mass exodus from Minnesota to immigration, censorship, and America's foreign interventions. This article explores the key points of their conversation, shedding light on the challenges facing the country and the urgent need for informed, pragmatic solutions.

A Record Exodus from Minnesota:

The conversation began with a discussion about the mass exodus from Minnesota, an issue that Jason Lewis considered the greatest untold story of the state's recent history. Lewis reported that people are leaving Minnesota in droves, leading to both a decrease in the state's population and a significant loss of income. Jason attributed this trend to the policies of the state's radical governor, uncontrolled immigration and the lack of adequate media coverage on the issues. He pointed out that states like Tennessee, with no state income tax, were becoming attractive alternatives to states with burdensome tax policies.

The Impact of Uncontrolled Immigration:

Another pressing topic discussed during the interview was immigration, particularly illegal immigration and its impact on communities across the nation. Jason Lewis highlighted the need for immigrants to assimilate into their new communities. He cited instances of illegal immigrants transforming towns and cities, leading to increased crime rates and drastic changes in demographics. Jason emphasized that the issue was not against legal immigration but rather against uncontrolled immigration that did not promote assimilation and adherence to American values. Howse pointed to the flood of Muslims that have poured into Minnesota with no interest in American values but instead of commitment to Sharia. Howse spoke of how the city of Minneapolis is encouraging their lack of assimilation by recently allowing and agreeing with blasting the call to Islamic prayer five times a day. 

The Battle for Free Speech and Censorship:

The conversation then veered towards the issue of censorship and the erosion of free speech rights in America. Both Brannon and Jason agreed that freedom of speech was under attack, and any form of censorship, especially by big tech companies, was a dangerous precedent that could lead to further erosion of fundamental rights. Jason spoke about the need to protect the First Amendment and the right to free speech, which is essential to preserve the democratic principles on which America was founded.

The 10th Amendment and the Role of Federalism:

The conversation turned to the importance of the 10th Amendment and the role of federalism in governing a divided country. Jason Lewis highlighted that the power of the federal government was limited to the enumerated powers listed in the Constitution, and all other powers were reserved for the states and the people. He argued that federalism was crucial in maintaining the diverse character of the United States, allowing states to have their own laws and policies that reflected the will of their citizens.

The Danger of Neoconservative War Hawks:

Brannon Howse expressed concern about the increasing possibility of the United States engaging in wars with countries like Iran and China. Jason Lewis emphasized the need for a balanced approach, ensuring counterbalances in respective regions rather than direct military intervention. He warned against the dangers of foreign entanglements, citing the unstable situations in Iraq and Sweden as examples of such complexities.

A Startling Revelation:

During the interview Howse presented a document released in March of 2020. Howse and  Captain Udell Myers, a retired United States Marine Corps veteran and a close friend of Howse had been tracking this commission since 2018. This commission was established during the end of the Obama administration with the involvement of President Barack Obama and Senator John McCain.

The commission was advocating for the drafting of America's daughters into military service, as well as mandatory community service for all students. Furthermore, the commission aimed to implement national testing through the Nation's report card (NAEP), potentially paving the way for a national curriculum.

Examining the Proposed Initiatives:

Both Howse and Lewis expressed their apprehensions regarding the recommendations made by the commission. They were particularly troubled by the prospect of drafting America's daughters, considering the potential implications for individual liberty and the military's efficiency. Additionally, they questioned the idea of mandatory community service, arguing that it should be a matter of personal choice rather than government imposition.

Lewis, echoed the sentiment that a draft would undermine the values of a free country and emphasized the need for a professional army rather than conscripted forces. He raised concerns about the growing government programs within the Department of Defense, pointing to the massive civilian workforce and the associated costs.

The discussion also delved into the idea of nationalism and patriotism. Lewis asserted that true patriotism lies in devotion to the ideals and principles enshrined in the Constitution, rather than unquestioning loyalty to the nation-state. Both Lewis and Howse agreed that the proposed initiatives, which seemingly emphasized self-sacrifice and government service over individual pursuits, were reminiscent of failed experiments of the 20th century.

The Push for War:

The interview further explored concerns about the U.S. military's actions in the Middle East and the deployment of troops. Howse drew attention to the possibility of a war with Iran, pointing to a group within the Republican Party that appears to advocate such actions.


The conversation between Brannon Howse and former Congressman Jason Lewis touched on crucial issues affecting America's present and future. From the mass exodus in Minnesota to the challenges of uncontrolled immigration, the erosion of free speech rights, and the pitfalls of foreign intervention, they highlighted the urgency of addressing these issues with a commitment to preserving the values that define a Constitutional republic As America faces a deeply divided landscape, it is vital to uphold the principles of federalism and protect individual liberties, ensuring the nation remains a beacon of freedom and opportunity for all its citizens.


Click here to watch this program now:

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For a free, no obligation packet of information on precious metals or putting gold into your IRA please text your name and address to Wes Peters of Swiss America or call him at 602-558-8585. 

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