JINSA Accuses Iran of Facilitating Rocket Attacks

Press release - JINSA Accuses Iran of Facilitating Rocket Attacks

Washington, DC – The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs today accused Iran of facilitating Hamas rocket attacks on Israel.
"The role of Iran in the training and buildup of the Hamas arsenal has been regrettably overlooked by the world's media and many of its political leaders," said Tom Neumann, executive director of the Institute.
"Hamas's rocket attacks have become longer range and more lethal as a result of Iranian assistance and training," he said.
No country can remain on the sidelines while its towns and villages are subject to daily barrages of rockets, Neumann said. "Israel's military response to the attacks came only after it had exhausted all other means."
Neumann noted that Iran, a non-Arab country, has already established a Mediterranean foothold in Lebanon and Syria and aims to do the same in Gaza. "This should be intolerable to the Arab states as well as to Russia, the European leadership and all who genuinely seek peace in the region."
He said that JINSA, a non-profit, non-partisan American organization dedicated to U.S. national security, regretted all civilian casualties, but strongly supports Israel's efforts to end Hamas's "reign of terror" against the civilians of southern Israel.
"We hope the end result will be recognition by the Palestinians that Israel is not going away and that a peaceful resolution of the conflict is the only hope for a peaceful future for themselves and their children."
For further information or to arrange an interview with Tom Neumann, please contact Jim Colbert at 202-667-3900.
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian educational organization established in 1976 to educate the public on national and international security issues, including the importance of an effective U.S. defense capability and the key role of strategic allies, including Israel, to promote democratic values in the Middle East.


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