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  • Another major U.S. bank collapses, leading many Americans to ask, how safe is my bank? 
  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced he is leading an investigation into alleged Covid vaccine fraud.
  • How prepared is Taiwan for an attack from mainland China? You might be surprised by the answer.
  • Germany is making plans for sweeping changes to its aging workforce. And if you are a human, you need not apply.
  • New York has become the first state to ban natural gas hookups and appliances.
  • And while everyone has heard about the transgender movement, there’s a new game in town. It’s called transableism. Who are they and what do they want?

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Starting off tonight: Is America’s banking system safe?

It was announced Monday that San Francisco-based First Republic Bank was seized by federal regulators and sold off to JP Morgan, making it the third major U.S. bank to collapse in the past two months after Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank crumbled in March.

The three banks that have failed so far this year are bigger, in terms of deposits, than the 25 banks that collapsed in 2008.

Experts are urging calm, but you really have to wonder if this isn’t all by design. The Fed is coming out with its new FedNow product, which will provide the infrastructure for a central bank digital currency, which nobody seems to want. 

How do you get Americans to want a CBDC? You collapse the existing fiat currency. 

Rebecca Walser of Walser Wealth Management is a certified financial planner and an attorney. Walser advised Americans to stop funneling their money into FDIC-insured banks, Treasury bonds and U.S. savings bonds, in an interview last week on my show Brannon Howse Live.

Walser said credit unions are owned by their members, “so it’s a cooperative not a bank,” and a credit union has its own separate insurance system. 

For that reason, Walser said she’s a big fan of credit unions, adding that “A credit union is, I think, a better strategic decision right now.”

WATCH VIDEO (her comments about credit unions was toward the end)

Walser said the FDIC is based on a lot of promises made by the federal government that are not backed up by any actual assets, just the perception of the “full faith and credit” of the federal government. At some point, people are going to be jolted by the realization of just how underfunded the FDIC system is.

“This is the economic crisis that we have been bracing for,” she said. “The de-dollarization, which the mainstream media has finally acknowledged is happening …these people have no understanding of what’s happening.

“We are at the end of a 100-year system…This change will come shockingly fast once it comes. Very fast, because of the nature of technology.”

In other words, one day the banks will simply shut down with little or no warning. And when they reopen, nothing will be the same, and you will be at the mercy of the system, to one extent or another, based on your situation. Before they reopen, the banks must reset everyone into the new digital money system.

Walser noted, “I’m not heavily weighted to anything that’s backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury. So bank CDs that are FDIC-insured and U.S. treasuries and U.S. bonds, all of those for me, right now, are suspect.”


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced he is leading an investigation into alleged Covid vaccine fraud. 

Trending Politics reports that Paxton will be investigating major pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson for potential violations of the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act.

In an interview with The New York Post, Paxton said he is looking into whether the pharmaceutical giants engaged in shoddy research and misled the public about their findings.

Paxton released a statement that read:

“The catastrophic effects of the pandemic and subsequent interventions forced on our country and citizens deserve intense scrutiny, and we are pursuing any hint of wrongdoing to the fullest.”

He added that:

“This pandemic was a deeply challenging time for Americans. If any company illegally took advantage of consumers during this period or compromised people’s safety to increase their profits, they will be held responsible. If public health policy was developed on the basis of flawed or misleading research, the public must know.”

Paxton also stated the obvious: that Big Pharma had a “vested interest” in the widespread distribution of its Covid-19 vaccines, which led to record profits.

“This vested interest … combined with reports about the alarming side effects of vaccines, demands aggressive investigation,” he continued.

The implementation of federal vaccine mandates “means this investigation into the scientific and ethical basis on which public health decisions were made is of major significance.”

Paxton is demanding that the three pharmaceutical companies hand over documents related to the “decision-making behind pandemic interventions forced on the public, especially when a profit motive or political pressure may have compromised Americans’ health and safety.”

This move by Texas could have major implications for the legal immunity granted to the Covid vaccine manufacturers, potentially opening the door to class-action lawsuits from those who suffered serious side effects from the jabs.


China is likely to swiftly gain air superiority in Taiwan if it goes to war, according to the recently leaked classified Pentagon documents.

Pentagon assessments seen by The Washington Post present a bleak outlook for Taiwan's air force.

The island's air defenses are uncoordinated and largely unprepared for combat, the intel says.

The leaked documents seen by The Washington Post say barely more than half of Taiwan's aircraft are prepared for combat missions, and that Taiwan's own officials doubt their air defenses can “accurately detect missile launches.”

It would take the self-governed island a whole week to move its fighter jets into shelters and protect them from enemy fire, the documents say, per The Post.

The intelligence also presents an uncoordinated Taiwanese air force, saying it doesn't have the ability to see where all of its air-defense units are, at any given time, The Post reported. Its units even lack compatible secure radios.

Pentagon analysts, according to the Post, also criticized Taiwan's war doctrine and training, saying that its plan to fire two air-defense missiles for every target would become “strained” under China's ballistic missile capacity.

The island's air force is reportedly trained to shoot at single, stationary targets, not fast-moving or maneuverable ones.

One U.S. assessment criticized Taiwan's missile warning drills, describing them as highly scripted and unlikely to prepare civilians for a real attack, according to the outlet.


Germany has plans to replace its rapidly aging and shrinking workforce with robots.

According to a report by CNBC, a record 45.9 million people were employed by Europe’s largest economy in the fourth quarter of 2022, the German Federal Statistical Office found. But, while more people than ever have jobs, over half of German companies reported that they were struggling to find skilled workers to fill vacancies, according to German Chambers of Commerce reports from January.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz highlighted digitization as a top German priority when he replaced Angela Merkel in November 2021, with a three-party coalition contract titled “Daring More Progress” pledging to implement digital technologies across the spectrum of German government agencies and business enterprises.

According to the CNBC report, aging populations tend to be faster at digitizing their workforces — with Germany having the largest aging population in Europe, it sits with Japan and South Korea as the three countries most eager to incorporate robots and other automated technology into the workplace.

But what does a “digitized” workforce actually look like?

That depends on the organization. It could be through plate-carrying robots, self-checkout machines at retail stores or using AI-powered platforms to talk to colleagues and customers. 

Steffen Kampeter, chief executive of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations told CNBC:

“We have to enhance productivity by technology. There is a correlation between the use of modern technologies and the growth of economic growth and the labor market participation in most societies.”

So, you can see, there is absolutely no fear among business leaders that AI and robots could possibly have a dark side. They’re going all in because they believe technology at any cost is the wave of the future and represents the only way forward in today’s world. Even a coalition of the brightest minds behind AI have recently called for a six-month moratorium on this technology out of a fear that it could eclipse humanity’s ability to control it, but that fear does not resonate with the industrialists, the bankers, the retailers or any other sector of the business community.


The sole manufacturer of gunpowder in the United States remains offline more than two years after the Louisiana-based facility exploded, putting U.S. national security at risk even as the world becomes a much more dangerous and volatile place.

The Wall Street Journal reported this week:

“Nearly two years ago, an errant spark inside a mill caused an explosion so big it destroyed all the building’s equipment and blew a corrugated fiberglass wall 100 feet” at the Minden, Louisiana, plant. “It also shut down the sole domestic source of an explosive the Department of Defense relies on to produce bullets, mortar shells, artillery rounds and Tomahawk missiles.”

The makeshift facility produces black powder, the original form of gunpowder, which is a highly combustible substance with numerous military applications. Black powder is an irreplaceable component used in small quantities to ignite more potent explosives in munitions, the report continued.

While no one was injured in the explosion, the factory is still not up and running.

At the end of the Cold War, military suppliers came under pressure to cut defense costs and streamline the nation’s industrial base, leading to consolidation. In the last three decades, the number of fixed-wing aircraft suppliers in the United States has decreased from eight to three. Similarly, major producers of surface ships have declined from eight to two, and now, only three American companies provide more than 90 percent of the Pentagon’s missile stockpile, the WSJ noted, adding:

“Lower-tier defense firms are often the sole maker of vital parts—such as black powder—and a single crisis can bring production to a standstill.”

According to defense experts, congressional staffers, and U.S. military officials, the dwindling number of military suppliers in the United States is becoming a concern now that war with Russia and China appears likely. The problem is exacerbated by the Biden regime’s continued shipment of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, knowing it will take months and even years to resupply U.S. arsenals. 


A 12-year-old student in Middleborough, Massachusetts, confronted school board members and educated them on the value of FREE SPEECH after his school sent him home because he refused to change his T-shirt.

What did his T-shirt say that was so offensive?

Five words.

“There are only two genders.”

Twitter account LibsofTikTok first picked up his comments during the Middleborough School Committee meeting, which was held on April 13.

Take a look at this brave student confronting the school board in this video.


Kudos to that young man. He exhibited more understanding and respect for the First Amendment than most adults in our country.


Natural News reports that the latest research shows vegetable oils bear “remarkable estrogenic properties,” meaning they feminize the bodies of people who consume them, including men.

Soybean oil, the most commonly consumed vegetable oil in the United States, is particularly noxious, triggering gene dysregulation and neurological problems. Past research has determined that soybean oil consumption impairs one’s ability to bond with others while also triggering unhealthy weight gain.

In this newer research, scientists looked both at GMO and non-GMO vegetable oils such as soy and canola that are prolific throughout the conventional food supply. They discovered that in every single test subject, consumption of these oils resulted in demonstrated ovarian toxicity.

Experts from the Tehran Medical Sciences University in Iran looked specifically at the reproductive toxicity of both GMO and non-GMO vegetable oils in female Wistar rats. The impetus behind this research was to build upon earlier research proving the endocrine-disrupting effects of vegetable oils.

For their research, the team fed the rats non-GMO sunflower oil, GMO maize or corn oil, and GMO canola oil, all of which were purchased from a local market. The rats were fed these oils for 28 days followed by a battery of tests that were performed at the end of the study.

Researchers measured the animals’ serum lipid levels and sex hormones as well as performed necropsies on those that died. In the end, the team determined that regardless of which oils the animals were fed, all of them showed serious reproductive abnormalities including atrophy, or shrinking, of the ovaries, congestion, and multiple follicular cysts.

They further determined that all of the oils showed “remarkable estrogenic properties” in the animals, raising their estrogen levels substantially.

The Natural News article concluded that, based on this research data, there’s never a good reason to consume vegetable oils.


New York has become the first state to ban natural gas hookups and appliances in newly constructed buildings, in a bid to reduce state emissions. The City had already enacted an identical policy in late-2021.

The new policy was announced during a fiscal budget deal for 2024 by Governor Kathy Hochul and other state officials.

Katy Zielinski, a spokeswoman for the governor’s office, told the press on Friday that this package will not have any workarounds and must be abided by, adding that: 

“The new law will not have any loopholes that will undermine the intent of this measure. There will not be any option for municipalities to opt out.”

Governor Hochul, as reported by Fox News, said:

“Everyone knows we’ve seen the effects of climate change — the storms, the hurricanes coming to New York, record snow amounts. We’re seeing the effects every single day. Not just here, but across the nation. Our budget prioritizes nation-leading climate action that meets this moment with ambition and the commitment it demands. We’re going to be the first state in the nation to advance zero-emission new homes and buildings beginning in 2025 for small buildings, 2028 for large buildings. And we have more to do.”

The actual ban will not take effect until 2025.

The move is part of a much broader $250 million Community Decarbonization Fund (CDF), under Hochul’s newly created NY Green Bank, a division of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the state’s clean energy and sustainable infrastructure financing entity.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

There’s a new victim-oriented movement of people who identify as “transabled.”

Transableism is a term that refers to people with a desire to acquire a disability, not naturally through a birth defect or accident but through choice. 

It sounds crazy, I know. But with the transgenderism movement taking the world by storm, more folks want to get into the act of carving out a special space for themselves in which they can claim to be among the oppressed.

Transableism is an updated term for BIID or “Body Integrity Identity Disorder” to align with today’s trans community.

According to Evolution News and Science Today, “The point of changing the identifier from a psychiatric condition (BIID) to an advocacy term (transableism) is to harness the stunning cultural power of gender ideology to the cause of allowing doctors to ‘treat’ BIID patients by amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords, or destroying eyesight.”

The website added that transableism is the “next abyss.”

According to the National Institutes of Health’s website, Body Integrity Identity Disorder is a “condition in which individuals desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis.”

Here’s an example of a mentally disturbed woman who fits into this category.


Here’s another woman who purposely destroyed her own vision so that she could claim to be disabled.


Obviously, as a doctor, there are ethical boundaries they are not supposed to cross. The first and most important oath of any doctor is to “do no harm.” These whackos are asking doctors to spit on their oath and would be ushered out the door by any ethical doctor. But then, how many ethical doctors do we have these days? If the Covid plandemic was any indication, there are fewer than we thought.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. May God save America. Take care.



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