Liberal Right Wing Watch is Reporting A Story That Should Reveal to All Southern Baptist Convention Members That Richard Land's Office Needs to Be Defunded So He Stops Embarrassing the SBC

Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 12:25pm

Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, yesterday took up a defiant tone against charges that he used racially-insensitive language during his radio show in his attack on President Obama and civil rights activists over the Trayvon Martin case, saying that he is being "mugged" by the media for simply "criticizing this rush to judgment." Land on his show had said that "it was Mr. Obama" who turned the Trayvon Martin shooting into a national issue" by pouring "gasoline on the racialist fires" in order to help "gin up the black vote" for his re-election with the aid of "race hustlers."
But black SBC pastors, including the incoming-president of the convention, criticized Land's comments and one threatened to introduce a resolution condemning Land at an upcoming meeting, and other Baptists commented that it was reminiscent of Southern Baptists' past work against the civil rights movement and helped feed "the deep-seated resentment toward people of color held by some white Southern Baptists."
Land's problems didn't end there.
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