Live: Two former C.I.A. officers, a Former Department of Homeland Security Officer & an Expert on Islamic Terrorism



Two former C.I.A. officers, a former department of Homeland Security officer and an expert on Islamic terrorism. Live streaming conference Friday night and Saturday, November 2 & 3, 2018. 
Full details at and watch both days live for just $9.99.

Topics covered include:


Are terrrostis embedded with the caravans moving towards the American border?

Are Russia and China preparing for war? Recently China and Russia carried out a military exercise known as Vostok-18 and has been described by experts as a rehearsal for World War III. Would you agree with this assessment and was this perhaps the largest military exercise in World history to date?

What are the details behind the Russian defense journals that have boasted of a Pearl Harbor 2.0 on America?

What roll is Venezuela playing in embedding terrorists per the statement in the Oval Office this week by VP Mike Pence?

What is the threat from Cuba, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah in Venezuela per the statement of Mike Pompeo as CIA Chief last year?

How serious is the threat of an EMP and from who?

How is Russia organizing the financial war against America and what role is the BRICS system playing in this financial war on the American dollar?

Why is Russia expanding their military base near Alaska? 

What are the details behind the serious and existential threat from Club-K Cargo containers and the lease of Port Canaveral and now Wilmington, Delaware to Gulftainer?

Is America already engaged in a financial war and with whom, and how should Americans respond to protect themselves?

Is MS-13 now in many states in America and what is their connection to ISIS?

Is ISIS is a drop in the bucket compared to the size of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Are there Islamic Revolutionary Guard terrorist cells already in the U.S. as reported by several mainstream sources?

What is the ideology of the Deep State? Who are they, and are they really neo-Marxists?

Is America heading for civil unrest?

Are we going to continue to see the rise of anti-semitism in America as well as hostility toward conservatives?

What is the potential threat to America from the 5,000 Russian made Man-Pads (Man-portable air-defense systems) floating around Venezuela?

Have Russia and China successfully hacked into our power grid?

What security concerns are there concerning Mexico? Does ISIS have a presence in Mexico? Does China or Russia or any other such American adversaries have a presence in Mexico?

Are there two ISIS training camps in Russia?

Have Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin been funding terrorism on a global scale for year, and if so, why and what proof is there that this is true?

Are drug tunnels into the U.S. being paid for by terrorists to smuggle both weapons and drugs into the U.S. and to potentially use to enter the U.S. for a terrorist attack or to kidnap Americans?

Has the threat from North Korea been diminished or has America been     duped? Who are the big players behind North Korea?

How serious is the threat of biological and/or chemical attacks on the U.S. and what role, if any, has North Korea played in this, per numerous reports, that they have advanced biological and chemical programs?

How did the American dollar become the world reserve currency during the Nixon Administration? Why is it important to the value of the U.S. currency that it remains the world reserve currency as a petro-dollar? 

Explain the growing threat of Sharia in America and what states are the biggest advancers of this attack on our Constitutional Republic?

Recently, the European Court of Human Rights set a dangerous precedent in its ruling that Austria can declare that free speech can be restricted if it causes "offense" to "at least one" religious adherent. Is this a warning to Americans for what could be coming here in the future? The United Nations has been working on international laws that would criminalize speech against Islam. How would such a law impact Americans and freedom of speech and freedom of religion?

How are Americans funding Jihad through Sharia Finance? 

Muslim rape gangs in Europe have become a huge security issue that women can be at risk by simply taking a cab ride. What Islamic texts are used by Islamists to justify these rape gangs and is this problem coming to America?

The news media and entertainment industry frequently report on the growing problem of sex trafficking in America. What role does ISIS and Islam play in sex trafficking?

One of the biggest threats to America is free speech that is being     aggressively attacked by big tech companies. What is the worldview of these big tech companies? Are they driven by political correctness and a commitment to cultural Marxism? Are some of the CEOs of these tech companies tied to the red-green axis as they silence those warning of the red-green axis and threat of the Islamists? 

Are Turkey's spy operations in America, and if so what is their intent?

What is the threat of North Korea's Space program to America?


4th Annual WVW Security Conference

Live-Streaming Event • November 2-3, 2018

Schedule of Events


Friday: 6pm-10:35pm CT

     email questions for Q&As to: [email protected]


6:00pm        Brannon welcome; Introduces panel

6:00-7:00pm    Dr. Peter Pry, Clare Lopez, Phil Haney & Dr. Bill Warner


7:00pm        15 minute break


7:15pm        Brannon introduces Dr. Bill Warner

7:15-8:00pm    Dr. Bill Warner

8:00-8:15pm    Q&A with Dr. Bill Warner


8:15pm        10 minute break


8:25pm        Brannon introduces Clare Lopez

8:25-9:10pm    Clare Lopez

9:10-9:25pm    Q&A with Clare Lopez


9:25pm        10 minute break


9:35pm        Brannon introduces Dr. Peter Pry

9:35-10:20pm    Dr. Peter Pry    

10:20-10:35pm    Q&A with Dr. Peter Pry


10:35pm        Brannon closes out evening



Saturday: 9:30am-6pm CT

     email questions for Q&As to: [email protected]


 9:30am CT         Brannon introduces Phil Haney

 9:30-10:15am    Phil Haney

10:15-10:30am   Q&A with Phil Haney


10:30am            10 minute break


10:40am              Brannon introduces Dr. Bill Warner

10:40-11:25am    Dr. Bill Warner        

11:25-11:40am    Q&A with Dr. Bill Warner


11:40-1:15pm    Lunch Break


1:15pm             Brannon Introduces Panel

1:15-2:15pm    Panel Discussion with all speakers


2:15pm        10 minute break


2:25pm             Brannon introduces Dr. Peter Pry

2:25-3:10pm    Dr. Peter Pry             

3:10-3:25pm    Q&A with Dr. Peter Pry


3:25pm        10 minute break


3:35pm             Brannon introduces Clare Lopez

3:35-4:20pm    Clare Lopez

4:20-4:35pm    Q&A with Clare Lopez


4:35pm        10 minute break


4:45pm            Brannon introduces Phil Haney

4:45-5:30pm    Phil Haney

5:30-5:45pm    Q&A with Phil Haney


Brannon closes out conference.

We are leaving 15 minutes of cushion time for any technical issues that might arise or if we get off schedule. We will conclude between 5:45pm  and 6pm CT.         

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